>Dox By VirusTeam.exe<

Full name: Jordan Watson
Age: 22
DOB 11-6-98
SSN 143-06-9395
Reason: Think hes So cool cause he can Use Mods on Roblox and Flex his BTC Wallet also have a girlfriend name Maya But i wont Dox her Only her Bf Got Doxed....
My Reason:
But Listen I Gathered all his Information and Ban his Discord Account and Got his Emails and ip Address and Address
Address 535 Chestnut st 08618
Trenton Nj, USA
ip Leaked (Static ip)

Xbox GT: Kh6h
Psn: PraiseMyHFW
Phone Number: 609-286-7356

if anyone want to prank call him use a fake or invalid Number if he dont answer just keep spam text him or flood his call.

He's on xbox Right now cause i invited him to party and he won't join lol 
Social Media
Instagram @kh2h_
Pastebin @2j
OgUsers @C6 (Banned cause he used to Scam kids out of $350)(Multi)
Snapchat @MintyAxes
Emails Jordanwatson3593@gmail.com(Decrypted)
Want to Troll Him Go to Forgot password on Instagram and put his username in (kh2h_) Click Forgot Keep spamming i heard the new Method about
they can get locked out of instagram lol and they have to wait 2 hours to log back in