Does anyone else agree that this site should be moderated more so that rules and stuff are actually followed?

Like Jesus Christ, you get "Doxes" that contain literally no real info, hardly any info or just none at all
Like holy fuck the moderation team on this site is soo fucking incompetent, and there's no pride in the "act" these days.

When I say pride in the act, I am talking about the same stuff above, if this is going to be a doxing site, then there should be
some sense of quality that should be adhered to on this site.

you get people doxing fucking kids and for what reason? They annoyed you? or for shits and giggles, stupid petty reasons, that just drag the 
overall quality of the entire site down. if we are doxing fucks then do it to pedo's zoophiles, stalkers, corrupt politicians, dirty cops etc
Not some 15 year old kid on roblox just cause he was trolling.

What's more? there should be a specific level of info required for posting. like Jesus Christ, I see soo many doxes on here that are barely 2 lines of info, maybe a name and age? 
yeah, like that's helpful to fucking anyone. lets look for a Harry mulligan that lives somewhere in England and who is 25. (just as a point 18,607 results)

And just so this stays up, I'm gonna put a dox here.

Name: Sharlene McLaren.
Age: 43
Reason: Junkie looser who has raised a slut of a daughter and a podophile son.
Address: 26 Mosside Rd, Ayr, Scotland.
home phone: 01292 375 616
Mobile: (+44) 07 614 828 379
home location:,-4.6090558,3a,75y,296h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1szuY4TNFH9QPyrbc8fwHdFQ!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192