He and his father attacked 2 minors sending them to the hospital and a girl that is pregnant

Name: Simone Cario
Age: 18
location: Via Cantina 26 Falerna Marina 88042 Italy (38,9716446, 16,1496955)
Phone number: +393457795919
Email: Simonecario06verde@gmail.com
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonecario44?igsh=ejlyY2xsc2xtcTFk

Father: Alberto Cario
Age: 50
Location: same as Simone Cario

Mother: Daniela Campisano
Age: 50
Location: same as Simone Cario
Phone Number:+393474523154

Sister: Alessia Cario
Age: 15
Location: same as Simone Cario
Phone number:+393494237422
Instagram: https://www.intagram.com/_alessia_cario__