┼                                         Introduction                                          ┼
Thought it would be funny to jump my a guy

┼                                       Victim Information                                      ┼
Name: Simon Upton
Address:27 Eley CLose Shipley View Ilkerston
Phone Number:07784129439

┼                                         Social Accounts                                       ┼
Instagram:s_upo19 and s_upo27

┼                                         Mother                                                ┼
Mums Name:
┼                                             Father                                            ┼
Dad Name: Simon Upton
Phone Number: 07734366012 , 07562 984694
LandLine: 01159327872
FaceBook: https://m.facebook.com/simonuptonplumbing/
Work Email: admin@suplumbingandheating.co.uk
┼                                      Possible Relatives                                       ┼

┼                                      School Information                                       ┼
School: Kirk Hallam Community Academy