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╚═════╝  ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═════╝     ╚═════╝    ╚═╝       ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═════╝  ╚═════╝╚═╝                                                                                                   
			         Reason: Clown, retard, scams, begs for free shit
Him crying for vc and trolling to del the doxx for a key he promised but scammed on -> https://mega.nz/file/B3lVRQ7T#PMNtLA6laCkDw6nqW3iCK-do25B-tRf2jjkq0D8fCao
					            ╔─Main info─╗
➣ Name -> Tymon
➣ Surname -> Sztafij
➣ Adress -> Ustka 
➣ Phone number -> +48530200575
➣ Main email? -> tymon11sz@gmail.com
➣ Country -> Poland
➣ School -> 
        - Adress -> Jagiellońska 1, Ustka, Poland
        - Website -> https://sp2ustka.edupage.org/
        - Phone -> numver: 59 814 50 81
        - Facebook -> https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063805980177
➣ Mom -> Agnieszka Sztafij
	- Email -> agnieszka.sztafij@fiskars.com
        - Facebook -> https://www.facebook.com/agnieszka.sztafij
➣ Some friend -> Oliwier kaczor ->
        - Photo -> https://scontent-waw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/84710847_179421586662119_839025490520965120_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=174925&_nc_ohc=mFpCxwD0e5cAX9u3P8G&_nc_ht=scontent-waw1-1.xx&oh=00_AfBUMoI4YHLugtTB9_P79h1LCjZti8lSd5qxl-HBY2ltLQ&oe=65466FE6
        - Photo -> https://scontent-waw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/83420507_178797346724543_5592752837705596928_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=174925&_nc_ohc=9BtqxeQdQv8AX9VtkXl&_nc_ht=scontent-waw1-1.xx&oh=00_AfDIRbhm-Z0EafFEGofCoqvjqIBayvdFajlzvbmYy1IUzw&oe=65466E20
        - Photo -> https://scontent-waw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/83944480_178479313423013_153268098391080960_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=174925&_nc_ohc=l0KZn8m99V8AX8hFqxy&_nc_ht=scontent-waw1-1.xx&oh=00_AfDrajzqvYO7rgQpHSbjtrOIyRl5ariC2qcwRszWHbrj3g&oe=654651C8
➣ Friend/classmate -> 
        - Photo -> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1147581993400410245/1148018803968585768/classmateMB.png
➣ Friend/classmate -> 
        - Photo -> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1147581993400410245/1148018919081259108/Classmate2MB.png
➣ Friend/classmate -> 
        - Photo -> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1147581993400410245/1148020450291622008/classmate.jpg
➣ Friends room? -> 
        - Photo -> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1147581993400410245/1148019254369722368/Classmates_room.jpg
➣ Nezu (irl most likely) ->
	- House -> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1147581993400410245/1148019576064462968/house.png
	- Adress -> rachanie 15 ualica partyzantó 
					       ╔─Goofy shool photos─╗
➣ https://www.facebook.com/197473927410072/photos/a.198350570655741/1174047606419361/?__cft__[0]=AZWmvsyQmQKXGc3X5AHKnsyHt3mU8LuMxfa-XhuaMu2JOFRWQEIpXAB97I7T8NABg-AkIXJKfrbRhIeYFXgV3UAgUL51megSkNTuVaVjC9MtDaaq3VNmOnDPOWf0Y8uPqT0hqza-iMviqgh3nazizl4X4ZIZpBhMX0oHYjrr1QLBhQuUs7OLwfvbMFouWVGEG-M3asx_7tdd0hU_bXGjN8NO&__tn__=EH-y-R
						   ╔─Discord info─╗
➣ Discord displayname -> Ghost
➣ Discord username -> sima12#0
➣ User ID -> 984399403748040704
➣ MFA enabled -> No
➣ Email -> tymon11sz@gmail.com
➣ Phone -> +48530200575
➣ Verified -> Yes


➣ Youtube -> https://www.youtube.com/@hacker_cmd8388/videos
    - Changed to GhostKys
➣ Facebook -> https://www.facebook.com/tymon.sztafij

Very unlike to be real

[+] 9GAG -> https://www.9gag.com/u/sima12
[+] Academia.edu -> https://independent.academia.edu/sima12
[+] Alik.cz -> https://www.alik.cz/u/sima12
[+] Amino -> https://aminoapps.com/u/sima12
[+] Apple Discussions -> https://discussions.apple.com/profile/sima12
[+] Archive.org -> https://archive.org/details/@sima12
[+] AskFM -> https://ask.fm/sima12
[+] Audiojungle -> https://audiojungle.net/user/sima12
[+] Behance -> https://www.behance.net/sima12
[+] BodyBuilding -> https://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/sima12
[+] ChaturBate -> https://chaturbate.com/sima12
[+] Chess -> https://www.chess.com/member/sima12
[+] Clubhouse -> https://www.clubhouse.com/@sima12
[+] Codecademy -> https://www.codecademy.com/profiles/sima12
[+] Codechef -> https://www.codechef.com/users/sima12
[+] Disqus -> https://disqus.com/sima12
[+] Dribbble -> https://dribbble.com/sima12
[+] Duolingo -> https://www.duolingo.com/profile/sima12
[+] F3.cool -> https://f3.cool/sima12/
[+] Finanzfrage -> https://www.finanzfrage.net/nutzer/sima12
[+] Fiverr -> https://www.fiverr.com/sima12
[+] Flipboard -> https://flipboard.com/@sima12
[+] Freelancer -> https://www.freelancer.com/u/sima12
[+] G2G -> https://www.g2g.com/sima12
[+] GitHub -> https://www.github.com/sima12
[+] GitLab -> https://gitlab.com/sima12
[+] Gravatar -> http://en.gravatar.com/sima12
[+] HackerEarth -> https://hackerearth.com/@sima12
[+] HackerRank -> https://hackerrank.com/sima12
[+] Houzz -> https://houzz.com/user/sima12
[+] Issuu -> https://issuu.com/sima12
[+] Kik -> https://kik.me/sima12
[+] Lichess -> https://lichess.org/@/sima12
[+] LiveJournal -> https://sima12.livejournal.com
[+] Myspace -> https://myspace.com/sima12
[+] Periscope -> https://www.periscope.tv/sima12/
[+] Pornhub -> https://pornhub.com/users/sima12
[+] Redbubble -> https://www.redbubble.com/people/sima12
[+] Reddit -> https://www.reddit.com/user/sima12
[+] Replit.com -> https://replit.com/@sima12
[+] ReverbNation -> https://www.reverbnation.com/sima12
[+] Rumble -> https://rumble.com/user/sima12
[+] Sbazar.cz -> https://www.sbazar.cz/sima12
[+] Scratch -> https://scratch.mit.edu/users/sima12
[+] Slashdot -> https://slashdot.org/~sima12
[+] Smule -> https://www.smule.com/sima12
[+] Snapchat -> https://www.snapchat.com/add/sima12
[+] SoundCloud -> https://soundcloud.com/sima12
[+] Telegram -> https://t.me/sima12
[+] ThemeForest -> https://themeforest.net/user/sima12
[+] TikTok -> https://tiktok.com/@sima12
[+] TnAFlix -> https://www.tnaflix.com/profile/sima12
[+] TradingView -> https://www.tradingview.com/u/sima12/
[+] Twitter -> https://twitter.com/sima12
[+] Ultimate-Guitar -> https://ultimate-guitar.com/u/sima12
[+] VSCO -> https://vsco.co/sima12
[+] Wattpad -> https://www.wattpad.com/user/sima12
[+] Wikipedia -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/sima12?uselang=qqx
[+] Xvideos -> https://xvideos.com/profiles/sima12
[+] YouNow -> https://www.younow.com/sima12/
[+] couchsurfing -> https://www.couchsurfing.com/people/sima12
[+] drive2 -> https://www.drive2.ru/users/sima12
[+] fl -> https://www.fl.ru/users/sima12
[+] geocaching -> https://www.geocaching.com/p/default.aspx?u=sima12
[+] interpals -> https://www.interpals.net/sima12
[+] irecommend -> https://irecommend.ru/users/sima12
[+] metacritic -> https://www.metacritic.com/user/sima12
[+] minds -> https://www.minds.com/sima12/
[+] xHamster -> https://xhamster.com/users/sima12

					          ╔─Connection info─╗
➣ IP -> (most likely changed)
➣ Region -> Pomerania
➣ Country -> Poland
➣ Time Zone -> (UTC+01:00) Sarajewo, Skopie, Warszawa, Zagrzeb
➣ Cellular Network -> ❎
➣ Proxy/VPN -> ❎
➣ Reverse DNS -> ip-
➣ --------------Mac adresses--------------
➣ C0-E4-34-A8-6B-01   Media disconnected  
➣ 00-D0-59-C4-21-E7   N/A  
➣ C0-E4-34-A8-6B-00   Media disconnected
 					            ╔─PC specs─╗
➣ Total Memory -> 16 GB
➣ UUID -> 0DFF4C4A-4379-11EE-831D-7BC5B9A9A600
➣ CPU -> AMD64 Family 23 Model 24 Stepping 1, AuthenticAMD
➣ GPU -> NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
➣ Product Key -> YTMG3-N6DKC-DKB77-7M9GH-8HVX7
						     ╔─PC info─╗
➣ Host Name -> DESKTOP-1251V6G
➣ OS Name -> Microsoft Windows 10 Home
➣ OS Version -> 10.0.19045 N/A Build 19045
➣ OS Manufacturer -> Microsoft Corporation
➣ OS Configuration -> Standalone Workstation
➣ OS Build Type -> Multiprocessor Free
➣ Registered Owner -> tymon10sz@gmail.com
➣ Product ID -> 00326-10000-00000-AA358
➣ Original Install Date -> 25.08.2023, 20:11:38
➣ System Boot Time -> 25.08.2023, 20:50:42
➣ System Manufacturer -> HOPESA-RSPPOF
➣ System Model -> TUF Gaming FX505DT_FX505DT
➣ System Type -> x64-based PC
➣ Processor(s) -> 1 Processor(s) Installed.
➣ BIOS Version -> American Megatrends Inc. FX505DT.316, 08.08.2014
➣ Windows Directory -> C:\WINDOWS
➣ System Directory -> C:\WINDOWS\system32
➣ Boot Device -> \Device\HarddiskVolume1
➣ System Locale -> pl;Polski
➣ Input Locale -> pl;Polski
➣ Page File Location(s) -> C:\pagefile.sys
➣ Domain -> WORKGROUP
➣ Logon Server -> \\DESKTOP-1251V6G
➣ Hotfix(s) -> 6 Hotfix(s) Installed.
            [01] -> KB5022502
            [02] -> KB5015684
            [03] -> KB5020683
            [04] -> KB5014032
            [05] -> KB5025315
            [06] -> KB5028380
➣ Network Card(s) -> 3 NIC(s) Installed.
                   [01] -> Realtek 8821CE Wireless LAN 802.11ac PCI-E NIC
                         Connection Name -> Wi-Fi
                         Status -> Media disconnected
                   [02] -> Realtek PCIe GbE Family Controller
                         Connection Name -> Ethernet
                         DHCP Enabled ->    Yes
                         DHCP Server ->
                         IP address(es)
                         [01] ->
                         [02] -> fe80::ea36:bdab:8c5a:71a6
                   [03] -> Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)
                         Connection Name -> Poczenie sieciowe Bluetooth
                         Status ->          Media disconnected
➣ Hyper-V Requirements -> VM Monitor Mode Extensions -> Yes
                         Virtualization Enabled In Firmware -> No
                         Second Level Address Translation -> Yes
                         Data Execution Prevention Available -> Yes
 					       ╔─Bloody spammer leaks─╗
➣ His key -> KEYAUTH-H6NDu5-yzHDCr-iW9r1o-nCCzSl-hEV7z3-bei2iv
➣ User and pass? -> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1151194457346158636/1152324350435938444/image.png
➣ Bloody spammer files -> https://mega.nz/folder/Qr832SjZ#tieyjdgJT1IpGS0BJAIXIg