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Reason:        Welcome. We all known Silly and Silly Our amazing Friend and Drug Smuggler Well... Silly is well knowned in The Da Hood Communities. Silly is also knowned for having a Big Ego
                   after gaining the Fame and the Clout that he has gotten... They love to show off there cars and money that they have made in the past months off of trapping in the cartel smuggling cocaine.
           Sillys Ego Takes over him and makes him look like a loser and a egotislal Larp... Fame over takes peoples Ego and makes them Unstopable and this is the time to stop the Larps 
                          As Told Before i was going to come and destroy ever single on of them and i will keep doing this untill i get what i want...

                                                                                   [ SKID REKTER 1337 LEL]

                                                                            Death of Silly, Birth of Silly:
                                                                    "nobody could defeat Silly, only Silly himself,
                                                                       nobody ever became strong enough to take him out,
                                                                             which really makes me sad because,
                                                                       i wanted him to die at someone else's hands,
                                                                        there was nothing but air and opportunity."
 [ SKID REKTER 1337H4X0RZ] █░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓█████▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓░█[ ALIAS / PSUEDONYMS ]█░░▓

Pseudonyms:							Aliases:
 ➪  sillysku                                                ➪  Enrique Guandalupe
 ➪  GlizzyGobblerSilly		                             ➪  Enrique the Geek
 ➪  TrapHouseGod                                            ➪  Larp101 
 ➪  c4caine
 ➪  tiffluvr

 [ SKID REKTER 1337H4X0RZ] █░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓█████▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓░█[ BASIC INFORMATION ]█░░▓

 [A] Personal Info 
     ➪  Full Name: Enrique Guandalupe
     ➪  Age:       16
     ➪  Height:    5'2
     ➪  Last Name: Guandalupe
     ➪  SSN:       XXXX-XX-1951

 [ SKID REKTER 1337H4X0RZ] █░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓█████▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓░█[ KNOWN FAMILY MEMBERS ]█░░▓

 [A] Father: El Chapo 
          ➪   Phone #: 514 - 683 - 1636
          ➪   City:	La Esmerelda
          ➪   State:	Venezuela
          ➪   County:	Que Pasa
          ➪   Timezone:	Central / Mountain
          ➪   Current time:	8:15pm / 7:15pm
          ➪   Carrier:	Southwestern Toyota
          ➪   Type:	Government-Issued

 [A] Mother: Paulita
          ➪   Phone #: 514 - 551 - 8729
          ➪   City:	La Esmerelda
          ➪   State:	Venezuela
          ➪   County:	Que Pasa
          ➪   Timezone:	Central / Mountain
          ➪   Current time:	8:15pm / 7:15pm
          ➪   Carrier:	Southwestern Toyota
          ➪   Type:	Government-Issued
 [ SKID REKTER 1337H4X0RZ] █░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓█████▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓░█[ FACE PICTURES ]█░░▓

                ++ : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/929161399438024704/977036561403224114/unknown.png
                ++ : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/929161399438024704/977038402891419668/unknown.png
                ++ : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/929161399438024704/977038541999706142/unknown.png
                ++ : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/929161399438024704/977038793372758027/unknown.png

            [ENRIQUE'S FATHER'S FACE]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/929161399438024704/977036890647724062/unknown.png

            [ENRIQUE'S MOTHER'S FACE]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/929161399438024704/977037347545808946/unknown.png

            [RANDOM PICTURE WE FOUND OF ENRIQUE'S COCAINE]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/929161399438024704/977037608079224852/unknown.png

            [ANOTHER RANDOM PICTURE WE FOUND OF ENRIQUE'S COCAINE]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/929161399438024704/977037818457128990/unknown.png

            [.. and another one]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/972397381779865641/977037998849933332/unknown.png

            [.. BRO WHAT THE FUCK....]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/929161399438024704/977038105771147264/unknown.png

 [ SKID REKTER 1337H4X0RZ] █░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓█████▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓░█[ CONCLUSION ]█░░▓