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223 Stonewall St, Unit 2
Cartersville GA 30120
Bartow County
Since April 2010

1426 Woodland Ter SW
Atlanta GA 30311
Fulton County
Recorded February 2008
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Brian Lamar Kates
Brain Kates
Brian Lamar Kates
David Kates
Mikeya Gover
Taree Mikeya
Sparkle Kellogg
(404) 287-1864
223 Stonewall St, Unit 1
Cartersville GA 30120
Shirley Mcfall
223 Stonewall St, Unit 4
Cartersville GA 30120
Lesheena Davenport
223 Stonewall St, Unit 5
Cartersville GA 30120
Teresa Adams
(770) 607-2128
223 Stonewall St, Unit 6
Cartersville GA 30120
Lynn Carson
225 Stonewall St, Unit 4
Cartersville GA 30120
Clifford Steinmetz
225 Stonewall St, Unit 6
Cartersville GA 30120
Brian Kates is 33 years old. 
Currently Brian lives at the address 223 Stonewall St, Unit 2, Cartersville GA 30120. Brian has lived at this 
Cartersville, GA address for about 12 years, after moving in around April of 2010. Brian previously lived at 1426 Woodland Ter SW, Atlanta GA 30311 for 2 years, starting in February of 2008.
Public records do not indicate that Brian Kates is currently married. The following people are relatives or close associates of Brian: David Kates.
Brian's current phone number is (706) 528-8803. This Wireless number was issued by 'Metro PCS Inc', first reported in public records on February of 2018. Past phone numbers for Brian include (408) 667-3590.

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How old is Brian Kates?
Brian Kates is 33 years old.

Where does Brian Kates live currently?
Brian Kates's current address is 223 Stonewall St, Unit 2, Cartersville GA 30120. Brian has lived there for about 12 years, since April of 2010.

Who is related to Brian Kates?
Brian Kates is likely related to the following people: David Kates

What is the best phone number for Brian Kates?
Brian Kates's latest phone number is a wireless number at (706) 528-8803.

Is Brian Kates alive today?
Yes! Brian Kates is living today.

Does Brian Kates go by any other names or aliases?
Brian Kates may also go by the following names or aliases: Brian Lamar Kates, Brain Kates, Brian Lamar Kates

Who does Brian Kates associate with?
The following people are friends, co-workers, partners, roomates, or otherwise associated with Brian Kates: Mikeya Gover, Taree Mikeya

Where did Brian Kates live previously?
Brian Kates was registered, and likely lived at the following addresses in the past: | 1426 Woodland Ter SW, Atlanta GA 30311

What phone numbers have been used by Brian Kates?
Brian Kates has been registered with the following phone numbers: (706) 528-8803, (408) 667-3590