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Shannon E Faulkner
Shannon E Brady
Shannon Brady

800 Morris Rd, Unit 28
Columbus GA 31906
Muscogee County
Since December 2000

306 43rd St
Columbus GA 31904
Muscogee County
Recorded February 1998
1321 35th St, Unit B
Columbus GA 31904
Muscogee County
Recorded July 2012
8966 Us Highway 231
Wetumpka AL 36092
Elmore County
Recorded May 2008
4315 3rd Ave
Columbus GA 31904
Muscogee County
Recorded May 1999
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(706) 359-2574 (Primary Phone)
Wilkes Telephone & Electric Company Inc
First reported April 2006
(706) 505-1065
Charter Fiberlink - Georgia LLC - GA
First reported April 2006
(706) 571-0430
Bellsouth Telecommunications Inc dba Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph
First reported July 1998
Belinda Faulkner
Brittany Perry
Donnie Perry
Angela Dasher
Angela Howard
Britney Howard
Britney Howard
Britney Howard
Christopher Elkins
Deborah Cannella
Denise Turner
Glenna Howard
Gloria Manuel
Jonathan Linkenheimer
June Howard
Karl Schenk
Martin Howard
Perry Robbins
Suzan Elkins
Travesha Howard
Alfonso Miller
Anita Elkins
Berlitza Restrepo
Deanna Rettschlag
Dorothy Reed
Eugene Miller
Gail Fulcher
Herbert Young
Jerry Thompson
Joyce Miller
Lois Schenk
Lydia Schenk
Montoya Howard
Richard Elkins
Richard Miller
Rodney Miller
Terri Miller
Todd Miller
Tramaine Fluellen
William Leisure
Anthony Coleman
Carla Thomas
Christy Dowling
Christy King
David Brickhouse
Ernest Singleton
Heather Parrish
Jerry Ivey
Levi Bedell
Amelia Martinez
Barbara Weaver
Leon Key
Peter Mcbroom
800 Morris Rd, Unit 26
Columbus GA 31906
Maria Rosilles
800 Morris Rd, Unit 30
Columbus GA 31906
James Coker
(706) 366-5032
800 Morris Rd, Unit 24
Columbus GA 31906
Beunclika Nelson
(762) 207-2697
800 Morris Rd, Unit 22
Columbus GA 31906
Robert Mahan
(706) 984-0593
800 Morris Rd, Unit 21
Columbus GA 31906
Sakari Burden
800 Morris Rd, Unit 35
Columbus GA 31906
Deborah Callen
800 Morris Rd, Unit 20
Columbus GA 31906
Shannon Faulkner is 45 years old. Currently Shannon lives at the address 800 Morris Rd, Unit 28, Columbus GA 31906. Shannon has lived at this Columbus, GA address for about 21 years, 
after moving in around December of 2000. Shannon previously lived at 306 43rd St, Columbus GA 31904 for 9 years, starting in February of 1998. Going further back, starting in July of 2012, 
Shannon lived at 1321 35th St, Unit B, Columbus GA 31904.
Public records do not indicate that Shannon Faulkner is currently married. 
The following people are relatives or close associates of Shannon: 
Belinda Faulkner, Brittany Perry, Donnie Perry, Angela Dasher, Angela Howard, Britney Howard, Britney Howard, Britney Howard, Christopher Elkins, Deborah Cannella and Denise Turner.
Shannon's current phone number is (706) 359-2574. 
This Landline number was issued by 'Wilkes Telephone & Electric Company Inc', 
first reported in public records on April of 2006. Past phone numbers for Shannon include (706) 505-1065 and (706) 571-0430.

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How old is Shannon Faulkner?
Shannon Faulkner is 45 years old.

Where does Shannon Faulkner live currently?
Shannon Faulkner's current address is 800 Morris Rd, Unit 28, Columbus GA 31906. Shannon has lived there for about 21 years, since December of 2000.

Who is related to Shannon Faulkner?
Shannon Faulkner is likely related to the following people: Belinda Faulkner, Brittany Perry, Donnie Perry, Angela Dasher, Angela Howard, Britney Howard, Britney Howard, Britney Howard, Christopher Elkins, Deborah Cannella, Denise Turner

What is the best phone number for Shannon Faulkner?
Shannon Faulkner's latest phone number is a landline at (706) 359-2574.

Is Shannon Faulkner alive today?
Yes! Shannon Faulkner is living today.

Does Shannon Faulkner go by any other names or aliases?
Shannon Faulkner may also go by the following names or aliases: Shannon E Faulkner, Shannon E Brady, Shannon Brady

Who does Shannon Faulkner associate with?
The following people are friends, co-workers, partners, roomates, or otherwise associated with Shannon Faulkner: Anthony Coleman, Carla Thomas, Christy Dowling, Christy King, David Brickhouse, Ernest Singleton, Heather Parrish, Jerry Ivey, Levi Bedell, Amelia Martinez, Barbara Weaver

Where did Shannon Faulkner live previously?
Shannon Faulkner was registered, and likely lived at the following addresses in the past: | 306 43rd St, Columbus GA 31904 | 1321 35th St, Unit B, Columbus GA 31904 | 8966 Us Highway 231, Wetumpka AL 36092 | 4315 3rd Ave, Columbus GA 31904

What phone numbers have been used by Shannon Faulkner?
Shannon Faulkner has been registered with the following phone numbers: (706) 359-2574, (706) 505-1065, (706) 571-0430