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╚╗╔╗║║╔═╗║╚╗╚╝╔╝║╔══╝╚╗╔╗║        ╔═══════════════════════════╗
─║║║║║║─║║─╚╗╔╝─║╚══╗─║║║║        ║     Reason                ║
─║║║║║║─║║─╔╝╚╗─║╔══╝─║║║║        ║   Wont Shut up            ║
─║║║║║║─║║─╔╝╚╗─║╔══╝─║║║║        ║                           ║
╔╝╚╝║║╚═╝║╔╝╔╗╚╗║╚══╗╔╝╚╝║        ╚═══════════════════════════╝
 _____ ______           ________          ___          ________              ___          ________           ________      ________     
|\   _ \  _   \        |\   __  \        |\  \        |\   ___  \           |\  \        |\   ___  \        |\  _____\    |\   __  \    
\ \  \\\__\ \  \       \ \  \|\  \       \ \  \       \ \  \\ \  \          \ \  \       \ \  \\ \  \       \ \  \__/     \ \  \|\  \   
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  \ \  \    \ \  \       \ \  \ \  \       \ \  \       \ \  \\ \  \          \ \  \       \ \  \\ \  \       \ \  \_|      \ \  \\\  \ 
   \ \__\    \ \__\       \ \__\ \__\       \ \__\       \ \__\\ \__\          \ \__\       \ \__\\ \__\       \ \__\        \ \_______\
    \|__|     \|__|        \|__|\|__|        \|__|        \|__| \|__|           \|__|        \|__| \|__|        \|__|         \|_______|
Name / Discord: Shine Andrew E Abel
Age:39                      ╔════════════╗
Phone Number:307 287 7891   ║  Done by   ║
Gender:Male                 ║  Lurking   ║
IP Address:unknown          ╚════════════╝
Email: unknown 
 ___          ________           ________      ________     
|\  \        |\   ___  \        |\  _____\    |\   __  \    
\ \  \       \ \  \\ \  \       \ \  \__/     \ \  \|\  \   
 \ \  \       \ \  \\ \  \       \ \   __\     \ \  \\\  \  
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   \ \__\       \ \__\\ \__\       \ \__\        \ \_______\
    \|__|        \|__| \|__|        \|__|         \|_______|
Home address, vacation, business, rental and apartment property addresses for Andrew
2384 Sonnington Dr, Dublin, OH 43016 -Current
7400 Chaparral Rd, Columbus, OH 43235
507 S Homestead Ln, Lancaster, KY 40444
872 Sugarbush Trl, Lexington, KY 40509
507 S Bond St, Baltimore, MD 21231
Home telephone number and mobile/wireless/cell phone numbers for Andrew
(307) 287-7891 -Current
(307) 761-3299
(307) 634-2744
(262) 392-4260
(262) 574-0458


╚╗╔╗║║╔═╗║╚╗╚╝╔╝║╔══╝╚╗╔╗║        ╔═══════════════════════════════════╗
─║║║║║║─║║─╚╗╔╝─║╚══╗─║║║║        ║     Reason                        ║
─║║║║║║─║║─╔╝╚╗─║╔══╝─║║║║        ║   Manipulator and plays mind games║
─║║║║║║─║║─╔╝╚╗─║╔══╝─║║║║        ║                                   ║
╔╝╚╝║║╚═╝║╔╝╔╗╚╗║╚══╗╔╝╚╝║        ╚═══════════════════════════════════╝
_____ ______           ________          ________          _______           ___          ________           ________      ________     
|\   _ \  _   \        |\   __  \        |\   __  \        |\  ___ \         |\  \        |\   ___  \        |\  _____\    |\   __  \    
\ \  \\\__\ \  \       \ \  \|\  \       \ \  \|\  \       \ \   __/|        \ \  \       \ \  \\ \  \       \ \  \__/     \ \  \|\  \   
 \ \  \\|__| \  \       \ \  \\\  \       \ \   _  _\       \ \  \_|/__       \ \  \       \ \  \\ \  \       \ \   __\     \ \  \\\  \  
  \ \  \    \ \  \       \ \  \\\  \       \ \  \\  \|       \ \  \_|\ \       \ \  \       \ \  \\ \  \       \ \  \_|      \ \  \\\  \ 
   \ \__\    \ \__\       \ \_______\       \ \__\\ _\        \ \_______\       \ \__\       \ \__\\ \__\       \ \__\        \ \_______\
    \|__|     \|__|        \|_______|        \|__|\|__|        \|_______|        \|__|        \|__| \|__|        \|__|         \|_______|
Spouse, partner, mother, father, sister, brother and ex-spouse/partner for Andrew
Stephanie M Abel
Stephanie M Abel
Steven Lynn Parker
Jennifer L Parker
Roland L Parker
Friends, family, business associates and current/previous roommates for Andrew
James E Adams
Dale Marvin Berge
Steven Lynn Parker
Audrey R Della
Kenneth J Della
╚╗╔╗║║╔═╗║╚╗╚╝╔╝║╔══╝╚╗╔╗║        ╔═══════════════════════════════════╗
─║║║║║║─║║─╚╗╔╝─║╚══╗─║║║║        ║     Reason                        ║
─║║║║║║─║║─╔╝╚╗─║╔══╝─║║║║        ║   Manipulator and plays mind games║
─║║║║║║─║║─╔╝╚╗─║╔══╝─║║║║        ║                                   ║
╔╝╚╝║║╚═╝║╔╝╔╗╚╗║╚══╗╔╝╚╝║        ╚═══════════════════════════════════╝
         ______   ____   ____  ____  _____   ______        ______          ____          ______               ____           _____                  ____    ____         ____    ____   ____  _____   ______         _____           ____        
     ___|\     \ |    | |    ||    ||\    \ |\     \   ___|\     \        |    |     ___|\     \         ____|\   \         |\    \   _____    ____|\   \  |    |       |    |  |    | |    ||\    \ |\     \    ___|\    \         |    |       
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