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Created:Oct 22st, 2023

Created by:Wannawater



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Name: Chloe Smithfield
Sex: Female
address: 510 Clinton St, Marion OH 43302
Her snap: chloe_s0438
City: Marion
Region: Ohio
Country: US
Location details: n/a

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Chloe Smithfield is a crazy obsessive girl I talked to for a couple days,  she keeps sending me elicit photos of herself and keeps threatening to kill herself if I stop
talking to her, I have realized that she is crazy and I want nothing to do with her but I don't want her to hurt herself all because I don't wanna talk to her.  She 
has threatened to tell my school all the stuff I have done, she is crazy.

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Father: Justin
Her Fathers email: jyosmithfield@gmail.com