Reason threating people and also calling other
Girls Names

[Parents information]
Shelby D Gentry
Current Address
2404 Black Duck Ave
Johnstown, CO 80534
Name at Address	Shelby Gentry     Name Appended (DA10)
Suggest an Edit	2404 Black Duck Ave
Johnstown CO 80534-4609    Address Appended (DA00)
Property Information	Owner: Show Details (12/12/2019 )
MAK (Melissa Address Key)	4807339177      Personator Search by MAK
Lat. & Long.	40.299767 -104.907755 Geocoded to Rooftop Level (GS05)
Address Type	Residential
Postal Carrier Route	R004      (DPC: 04-7 )      Map
U.S. Representative	Ken Buck (R) (04)      Map
Census Entities	County 08123 Weld      Map
County Subdivision 91881 Johnstown-Milliken CCD     Map
Tract 0021.02      Map
Block 2044      Map      Block Parcels
City, Place or Town 0839855 Johnstown         Map
Unified School District 04830 Johnstown-Milliken School District RE-5J      Map
State Upper District	023      Map
State Lower District	048      Map
Delivery Post Office	Johnstown
121 Castle Pines Ave
Johnstown CO 80534      Map
Last Name Ethnicity
2010 Census	White: 82.09%, Black: 12.15%, Hispanic: 2.52%, Asia
MAK	4807339177      Personator Search by MAK
Suggest an Edit	2404 Black Duck Ave
Johnstown CO 80534-4609
Address Type	Residential
Date Added	1/15/2015
Lat. & Long.	40.299767    -104.907755
Postal Carrier Route	R004      Map
Census Block	081230021022044      Map
Census Entities	County 08123 Weld      Map
Tract 0021.02      Map
Block 2044      Map      Block Parcels
Town 0839855 Johnstown        Map
Property Address	2404 Black Duck Ave
Johnstown CO 80534-4609
MAK (Melissa Address Key)	4807339177
County (FIPS Code)	Weld (08123)
Census FIPS+Tract+Block	08123+002102+2044     Block Parcels
Owner's Name	ADAM HAY   
2nd Owner's Name	SHELBY GENTRY
Owner's Address	2404 Black Duck Ave
Johnstown CO 80534-4609
Owner's Address MAK	4807339177
Type of Owner	INDIVIDUAL
Estimated Market Value	$469,500
Year Assessed	2020
Assessed Value Total	$26,770
Assessed Value Land	$5,580
Assessed Value Improvements	$21,190
Tax Bill Amount	$2,924
Year Built	2005
Building Area (sf)	2,275
Area 1st Floor	0
Area 2nd Floor	0
Area Lot (acres)	0.1650
Area Lot (sf)	7,187
Area Parking Garage (sf)	690
Bed Rooms	3
Bath Rooms	3
[Instagram Infomation]
[+] user info
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