✞ The fall of SheepKiller69 A.K.A. Higgins ✞

								      ║→ 0x01 | Introduction...........................║ 					                       
								      ║→ 0x02 | Personal Information...................║ 					                       
								      ║→ 0x03 | Social Media...........................║ 					                       
								      ║→ 0x04 | Family Information.....................║
                                                                      ║→ 0x05 | Credits................................║  					                       
                                                                                  ✪ Smoked by com#0666 ✪

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                                                                 |   |            !! Nigger detected !!            |    |                                      
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                                                                 |   |          Target: SheepKiller69 ...          |    |
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                                                                              【 ... 0x01 Introduction ... 】
                                                               SheepKiller69 is one of many owners on the CavePvP Network.
                                                         The kid got a ego ever since he got decent media personnel on his network.
                                                          Higgins is also known for being a DDoS'ing scumbag in the HCF community. 
                                                             ✦ Make sure to play SagePvP SOTW this Saturday @ 2 pm EST !! ✦ 

                                                                              【 0x02 Personal Information 】
                                                                     Aliases...............................: SheepKiller69, Higgins, Higgins447
                                                                     First name............................: CHRISTIAN J. HIGGINS
                                                                     Age...................................: 20s
                                                                     Email(s)..............................: higgins4777@gmail.com
                                                                     ......................................: walkthoughwalls@gmail.com
                                                                     ......................................: Higgins422@icloud.com
                                                                     Common................................: Higgins777
                                                                     Current Home Address..................: 1761 Delafield Dr Winter Garden, FL 34787
                                                                     Personal Business.....................: Zora Gaming, LLC https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_fl/L20000102291

                                                                              ___ _.' .-----.    _____________|======+----------------+
                                                                             /_._/   (      |   /_____________|      |  Join 4 SOTW   |
                                                                               /      `  _ ____/                     |  sagepvp.org   |
                                                                              |_      .\( \\                         |________________|
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                                                                       /        |                 ⛧ sc0ttay on top ⛧                   
                                                                       |        '
                                                                       |         \

                                                                              【 ... 0x03 Social Media ... 】
                                                                    Twitter................................: https://twitter.com/SheepKiller69
                                                                    Youtube................................: https://www.youtube.com/c/HigginsGaming/featured
                                                                    Discord................................: Higgins#6210
                                                                    Telegram...............................: @SheepKiller

                                                                              【  0x04 Family Information  】                                                                               get rolled nigga
                                                                    Mother.................................: Kristin Lynn Higgins                                                  \☻/\☻/ ╯
                                                                    Age....................................: 49                                                    ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░  ▌  ▌  ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
                                                                    D.O.B..................................: Feb. 28th, 1971                                      ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░  / \/ \ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
                                                                    Phone Number...........................: (717) 487-1027                                       ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄-----------●
                                                                    Current Home Address...................: 1761 Delafield Dr Winter Garden, FL 34787            ░░░░░░░░░░░░▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂
                                                                    Father.................................: Adrian Paul Higgins
                                                                    Age....................................: 51
                                                                    D.O.B..................................: Sept. 28th, 1969
                                                                    Phone Number...........................: (614) 307-5403 , (216) 538-9814
                                                                    Current Home Address...................: 1761 Delafield Dr Winter Garden, FL 34787

                                                                    Brother................................: Gabriel P Higgins
                                                                    Age....................................: 24
                                                                    D.O.B..................................: Feb. 24th, 1997
                                                                    Phone Number...........................: (614) 307-2807
                                                                    Current Home Address...................: 1761 Delafield Dr Winter Garden, FL 34787

                                                                    Grandmother............................: Mary P Higgins
                                                                    Age....................................: 84
                                                                    D.O.B..................................: July 30th, 1936
                                                                    Phone Number...........................: (614) 876-4432
                                                                    Current Home Address...................: 2227 Addison Ave Clermont, FL 34711

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                                                                                   |              CHRISTIAN J. HIGGINS              <
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