Name: Shanessa tabibzahda (What a  gay ass fucking name)

Crime (not my info right here)
tortured then killed a cat she found on the street. Broke the cats bones, crushed it, mangled it, whipped it around, then dropped it out of her window. She laughed while doing it. THERE IS VIDEO PROOF.

Address: 499 Sophia Crescent, Unit 24.

Phone Number: 226-977-4425 (Full inbox and Automatic voicemail) (my bad)

Number info:

Provider: Fido Solutions Inc.
Usage: Cell Number
Country: Canada
Area code: 226
Prefix: 977|

I've contacted The Ontario pronvincial police, London Police.

Help me getting her arrewsted please.

Fill out this (if anybody has the video that would be great proof)

Call this number and report it:  519-661-5670 (unserious/unactive crime report)

order pizza to her apartment, unit 24.

call 911 if you'd like, or the number listed above.

Second she steps out of her house, I will not say that i won't stab her.
But I will say, I won't **TRY** to kill her. hopefully it doesnt end like that Haha.