■ VOLOSHIN DENIS (Known as a fraudster and as a person whose projects live no more than a week) ________________ ________________ Social Networks / Accounts / Profiles: VK Profile (1): https://vk.com/id572627497 VK Profile (2): https://vk.com/id502320842 VK Profile (3): https://vk.com/id347702301 VK Profile (4): https://vk.com/id485681377 [ DELETED ] VK Profile (5): https://vk.com/id579062926 [ DELETED ] VK Profile (6): https://vk.com/id390394776 VK Profile (7): https://vk.com/id416179800 GitHub Account: https://github.com/ShaidyPE YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCGCCRE8em1kRa91hD1D9z8Q ________________ ________________ **** SCHOOL **** Stecivskya secondary school 78333, Stetseva village, 4 Mira street Web: https://steceva.e-schools.info/ Facebook: https://facebook.com/pages/Стецівська-середня-школа/126550237364997 ________________ ________________ Associated Phones: +380 (93) 326-08-99 [ Lifecell ] ________________ ________________ E-Mails: — denisoff20777@gmail.com [ Password: 3746237462 ] ________________ ________________ — D.O.B. 17/05/2005 ________________ ________________ IP Addresses: [ PE Yuriychuk Vitaly Ivanovich ] ________________ ________________ **** RELATIVES **** --- VOLOSHIN MARINA D.O.B. 07/10/1982 E-Mails: marina-vjloshninn@mail.ru VK Profile: https://vk.com/id159329610 Graduated from school №218, Kyiv. ________________ --- VOLOSHIN MARINA D.O.B. 11/05/1982 VK Profile: https://vk.com/id378707262 ________________ ________________ IGNs: Shaidy Ewently ShaidyPE ShaidyDev ShaidyPE2332 ________________ ________________ **** HIS PROJECTS **** — FlameLens / SpacePvP / Hillate Network VK Group: https://vk.com/public190609982 [ http://archive.md/s5I1D ] [ http://archive.md/qkIPD ] — OnePvP Network VK Groups: https://vk.com/club193392439 and https://vk.com/club187630412 ________________ ________________ Denis's Photos: https://imgur.com/a/un1JAem by LorveoxDoxxing x MCPE VEGETABLES