  ×××××××××××    DOX    ××××××××××××××××
    ××××××××××   BY~      ××××××××××××
      ××××××××× Shadow     ××××××××             

Why i Dox him =? http://prntscr.com/o9qhuf (German) 
He have to threaten blackmail because of his debt + lies he serves up so he makes his illigales money... Skid he say´s iým "Hacker"
Residence: Switzerland, Tann
**********  NAME  **********
Name: Kevin Mattiazzo / or / Kevin Climber
Instagram: https://instagram.com/darkcoder_yt?igshid=1thwxn99afuke
Discord user name: ⛧ † D4RKCØD3R † ⛧ # 0666

YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Y0EttLErJLaaq2I8Wjx5Q

His Face http://prntscr.com/o9qlu5

Lmao http://prntscr.com/o9qqx1 ahaha

Tel.: +41 78 644 77 53
E-MAIL: kevinmattiazzo@gmail.com
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  ×××××××××××    DOX    ××××××××××××××××
    ××××××××××   BY~      ××××××××××××
      ××××××××× Shadow      ××××××××