SETH ENNS full name: Seth Galen Enns DOB: february 17, 2001 Address: 137 Tuscarora PL NW Calgary, Alberta, Canada SIN NUMBER: 661-761-965 or 611-761-965 Snapchat : sethe1012 instagram: seth10126 email: yubo: theoldgeezer Work Place: Treeline Well Services LP phone number: 4032262868 address #3000 350 7th ave SW, Calgary, Alberta, canada email: Parents: Galen Enns(dad) Address: 137 Tuscarora PL NW Calgary, Alberta, Canada Marion Enns (mom) Address: 137 Tuscarora PL NW Calgary, Alberta, Canada reasons for doxing: Seth likes to abuse woman and try and rip them out of vehicles. seth sits there and plays victim when in reality hes not. Seth also has Child Pornography oh his phone.