SEAOTTER GT!                                                           
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Seaotter Gt: A Gorilla Tag Youtuber who thinks he is the shit. He interviewed pursuit vr around a week ago. and as you know everyone affiliated with pursuit goes on the bin!
Youtube Channel:
Name: Crosby Watson
Phone Number: 336-984-2070
Address: 106 Bon Aire Rd,Elkin, NC 28621
Dads Name: Charles B Watson
Born on January 1st, 1979 (45 years old) 
Phone Numbers: 336-984-2070, (336) 658-9410
Address: 106 Bon Aire Rd,Elkin, NC 28621 : 36.252900°, -80.837300°
Moms Name: Maria T Watson
Born on January 1st, 1983 (41 years old)
Phone Numbers: 336-984-2070, (402) 464-8008
Address: 106 Bon Aire Rd,Elkin, NC 28621 : 36.252900°, -80.837300°