====================================================================================== Full name: Danil Evgeneevich Batanov Date of birth: 02/20/2006 Phone: +79024343243 [ T2 Mobile LLC ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Country: Russia | City: Yoshkar-Ola | Dude Coordinates: 47.8866729736328 | 56.637264251709 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Telegram 1: @Nihillinulus [ id: 1712791622 | 2022-07-19 ] | Leaked Telegram 2: @NiktoIzNiotkudova [ id: 6647350533 | 2024-03-11 ] Some history: This dude used his girlfriend and eventually dumped her, almost leading to suicide. Selfish and toxic trash ====================================================================================== Father: Evgeniy Sergeevich Batanov Date of birth: 06/24/1989 Phone: +79024322401 [ T2 Mobile LLC ] Mail: botar666@rambler.ru Passwords: botar666@rambler.ru:062489 botar666@rambler.ru:2wsxzaq1 botar666@citromail.hu:abcdefg1 botar666@citromail.hu:g44LSshE botar666@gmail.com:g44lsshe botar666@rambler.ru:Kamasutra666 botar666@rambler.ru:kamasutra666 botar666@rambler.ru:lanyjehy botar666@rambler.ru:062489 botar666@rambler.ru:2wsxzaq1 botar666@bk.ru:lanyjehy botar666@charter.net:kamasutra666 botar666@charter.net:lanyjehy botar666@citromail.hu:abcdefg1 botar666@citromail.hu:g44LSshE botar666@cox.net:kamasutra666 botar666@cox.net:lanyjehy botar666@gmail.com:abcdefg1 botar666@gmail.com:g44lsshe botar666@lycos.com:kamasutra666 | Education: School: №28, Yoshkar-Ola, 1995-2006 (b), Physical education | Father | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Country: Russia City: Yoshkar-Ola Address: Yoshkar-ola, Lebedeva str., 59, block 137 IP: Photo of the area: https://pp.userapi.com/c629413/v629413951/35d1b/2awHPOVxtIs.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ICQ: 251540391 VK: https://vk.com/id1786951 [ 1786951 | September 12, 2007 at 13:54:36] Linking a phone Linking mail No 2FA 3 Sticker Sets Last online: June 4, 2018 via vk.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SNILS: 15493713890 Passport: 8810016324 [Ru] ====================================================================================== Mother: Batanova Tatyana Vladimirovna Date of birth: 03/08/1979 Number: +79023291716 Mail 1: n.br.90@bk.ru [ Password: JlRb4ZLY54529f478b6e8acc3c75439f00fa84cd ] Mail 2: 991716@mail.ru [ Password: =9KyHq|99dd7f7b3d01c98e6b0e1ad90bed93756 ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Country: Russia City: Yoshkar-Ola Address: 643, 424008, 12, YOSHKAR-OLA G, PETROVA STR., 22A, 117 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Passport: 8814173348 [Ru] | Mother | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Own car: VIN: Z8NBAABD0M0123697 Number: c562um12 Type: Datsun Car brand: Datsun on-DO