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                        (Personal Informations)
Full Name: Andreas Milcu
Face: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1007466317407862945/1007769385760469114/unknown.png
Age: 16 = 26.01.2006
Adress: Andreas-Sengl-Weg 22, 81241 München, Germany
Phone number: Soon
E-Mail Adress: rehcrafter0708@gmail.com
IP-Address: Soon

» Mother
Full Name: Diana Milcu
Face: https://scontent-ber1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-1/49822923_10211629406324509_2941573008826826752_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p200x200&_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7206a8&_nc_ohc=O9Gbjqou464AX8E4NFl&_nc_ht=scontent-ber1-1.xx&oh=00_AT_kiZXeLQ_yKS3GlKEYnHqYR1QOH0_f-WU4MqnZP6AQ7w&oe=631CA7EB

Reason: Cheeky, flexing with things he doesn't own.

WARNING: All other Doxbin Pastes about him are fake. Trust only this on here!!! This here will get Further Update's
and many more

» Doxed by тεαм ĦǺχÒЯ | discord.gg/mori0
» Credits to dawey9999

» Changelog: ~ 13/08/2022 | Added dox
               13/08/2022 | Added email