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Doxed By: JaXu1n
Reason for Dox: Sebs world of fun is a youtuber with 1K subscribers. he did some terrible & disgusting stuff
on discord. he post cp, p*rn and others. sebs said some racist stuff on his discord server. 
that's all xd

║                     Basic Information                    ║
Full Name: Sebastian Fry / Everett
Gender: Male
Race: White
Address: 61 Whitney Street, New Windsor, Auckland, New Zealand
ZIP Code: 0600
Phone Number: +640212613221
City of Residence: Auckland, New Zealand
New Email: sebsworldoffun546337383363737@gmail.com
Old Email: sebsh35@gmail.com
║                     Social Information                   ║
YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCfdWF8KqakMVOMaMmBNIdoQ (His Old Channel Got Terminated LOL)        
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sebsworldoffun?t=ZWZiYMtDlw840zaohw05Gg&s=09
Discord: Sebs world of fun#5373 (Disabled)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Sebsworldoffun (DELETED)
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/Sebsworldoffun (DELETED)
║                       IP Information                     ║
IP Address:
Address Type: Unicast
Category: IAB19
Weather Station: NZXX0054
Subnet Mask:
Wildcard Mask:
ASN: 9876
║                   Family Photos & Others                 ║
Face: https://anonfiles.com/7bD3y0J5ye/4FA07BEF-3AC3-44F4-9FA3-E9B1AAF8F010_png
House: https://anonfiles.com/y1D9y1J4y7/97DC8696-5C09-429C-8B30-397F1E11A773_jpeg
║                          Credits                         ║
IP INFOS: Tonicash
His Profile: https://doxbin.com/user/tonicash
║                            END                           ║

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