 'xOOOOOkc.        ckc                                                        ,kOooOK0OdodkkxkKKOOkdoooodOOxdk0K0kxxdddodddddddddooooooooodxkkkOOOOOOOOkc.          
.OMXdcod,         lNx.                                                        'xOol0KOOddkOdd0K0OkdlclookOxdk0K0kkxxxkOOOkkxxxddddoooooooodkOxdxOOOOOOOOOOo.        
.kMO.     .:c:c:;.lNx. .::c::;.                                                lOol0KOOddOo;l0KOOxl:coodOxox0K0OOO0KK00OkxddoooooooooollloxOkxdoxkxkOOOOOOOOd.        
.kMO.     .:c:c:;.lNx. .::c::;.                                               .ddckKOOxlxxclkKOkdc:loloxod0K000KKKK0kxddoooooooooollllloxOOkdoodOOddOOOOOOOOOl.      
.OMO'.,;;':XKdo0XldWx. :XNkll:.                                               ,dclO0Okclklo00Oxoc:llcloldKK0KXKKOkxdoooooooollcccllloodkOkdoollxKOook0OkdxOOOk;      
.OMO,'oKWklKk. oXloWx. ,KNo'.                                                 ,o:l0OOd;od:d0kdoc;ll;cdldKXXXKOkddooodoolcccccclooooodkkkdooolcd0KxlokK0kooOOOOd.      
 .kMO. .kMkoXk. oXclNx. ,KWOo:.                                               'l:lOOOl:ol:okdolcclclolxXNX0kxdoooolc::ccclooddollodkkxdooollld0KkoldkKKkldOOOOk;      
.lXKc':0Mx;O0;.xXclNk,.;KX:                                                   .c;;xOxl:ol;ldooolclodoxKX0kdooolc::::coooddol::coxOOxdooolclodOKOolodkKKdlxOOOOOc      
  'dOkxdkl.;O0OK0::K0o.;KX;                                                   ,;'okdl:ll,cdoddloxdll0KOddol:;::coodoollc;'':dO0kxdooocccoox0KklloodOX0loOOOOOOl.    
   .       .....  ..  :XX;                                                    ...;ooocccccclxkxOkl:d0kdlc:;:lodolllodol::lkOkxdoool::coodkK0xlloooxKXxlkOOOOOOl.    
                     'dk,                                                       .:loo::dOkocok0kookxolcclollloooodoodddxkxdoooc:,;coddk00xlllloodOXklxOOOOOOOc      
,xOOOOOOk;                                                                       .;ccckd''ldlkx;;odoodkO00Okxxddddoolodddddl:codxkkxoc,,cc:coodkKkldOOxkOOOOk,      
,0M0lckWN:                                                                       ;doccddd0k,cXO;'lkOKKK0Okdoddddddddl:ldddoloxkxxdolcccc;:lodx0OolxOOxdkOOOOx.      
'0Mx..dW0'  ,:cc::,';;.   .:,.                                                  'loollOKKNO''d;..;xXNXXXKK00000000Oxl:clloodddxxxddllc;;codkOkdclkOOkxxkOOO0o.      
,KMx,oNX:  .dNOldXOoK0,   oWk.                                                 .coldllKXd:l,.col:;xXNNNNNNNNXXK0Okdlllooddxkkkkxdlclc:coxkkxlccdkOOOxddxOOO0c      
;KMk;dXKo' .oNl '0Ol00,   oWx.                                                ;lloo:lXN0xdollodockNNNNNNNNNNXX0kxdddoddxxkOkxdoloooddxddolclodk00OxxxdkOO0O,      
;KMk;dXKo' .oNl '0Ol00,   oWx.                                              .llldl;oXNNNNNNX0kodKNNNNNNNNNNNNXKko;'',;:c;'';:cloddxd:,:looodk00OxdkxdOOO0k.      
'0Mx. 'kWK:.dNl '0Ol00,   dWx.                                              ;lcooc,dNNNNNNX0xdkKNNNNNNNNNNNNNX0x:;xKXXXk:...  .;xOOl,cooodxO00kxdxOddOOOKx.      
'0Mk..lOk:. :Xx.;0O:kNd;;l0Wx.                                             .llcdl:;dNNNNNKOkOXNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNd;dOOx;. ,c,.,..xXx:cdoodkOK0xdoxOkdxOOOKx.      
;xo;;::'    .o0OOKx.'dkkxokWx.                                             ;ocoocc;dNNNNNXKXNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKOo'.,ll;';oo,:x:cKOodkxdkO0K0xoodkOkoxOO0Kd.      
              .....       lNx.                                            .odcolcl,cXNNNNNXXNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNX0xolccokxloKN0K0xkOkxOO0K0xododkOxoxOO0Kd.      
                        .;OXl                                             ,klco:cd:;kNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNX0xoc:l0NNNKkOOxkO0KKOdlddodkOdoxOO00o.      
.oOOOOOOo. :kl.  .                                                          oO:cc:oooo:c0NNNNNN0kKXXNNNNNNNNNNX000OK0k0KO0XNXXN0O0OxkOKK0xocdxlodx0xloxOOKkl:.      
.dWNxcld:  :Nk. ,d,                                                       .kk:c:cdoooc,:oONNNNNXKKK00KXNNNNNX0KXK00OXX000KOk0OO0kxk0KKOdlcddclddx0xloxO0Kxlc'      
 oWK;      :Xk. ,d:..:ccc::. .:;. .;:. .::::::'                          'Ok:::ldolll::;:xXNNNK0XXXKKXXNNNK0XNKK0OXNK0K0kOOxkOxxOKK0koclddl:oxdk0xooxO0Kxllc.    
.dWK;      cNk. :Xk,dW0dkNNc ;XK, ;X0, cNKol0Nc                         ,Kx:;:odollc:ldl:dXNNX00XNNNNNNNK0XNKKKOKNX0XKoxKOOOxx0K0kxlcodolclxdok0xloxO0Kxlloc.    
.xWK;      cNk. :Xk,dNc '0Nc.:XK, ;Xk. lNk..xX:                         ;Kx;,coooloc;lddl;lKNNNNNNNNNNN00XNK0KOONNK0NO,l0OkdO00OxoloxocllcokdoO0xlodk0Kxclodc    
 oWX;      ;Xk. cNk,dNc '0Nl.cXK, ;Xk. oWk,:dl.                       :Kx,,ldollo::odo:::lKNNNNNNXXX0OKNXdc:oKNXO0NkokOxx00kxdlldxlcllccdOddO0xlodk0Kxcloox:  
 :KNOll:'  ;X0;.:XO,:0OldXX: ,0NxlkNk. :NO'...                        :Kx',ooolloccolc;coclxdoool;,'lKNNk,.,kNX00KOOOxxkOkddlloxdccllcclxOddO0dloox0Kxlldoxx,.
  .lOx:.   ;0Kd',l,  .;lkNX: .xkocoOl. .oOkdo,                         :Kx,:doocllcll::cooooll:coc. .xNNXkoxKNX000OOkdxkxdoollddl:cclllllkOddO0dcoodOKklloddOd;.
            ..          .OX:       .     ...                            :Kk:cdolcolclc:cooooooccodlccxKNN0xOXNN0OO0kdodddolclodocc::llooclOOookKxcoodkKklcoddkOoc
                         cOo.                                           :KOccdolloccccoooooool:loocokXNNNOOXNNKOOOdooooolcclooc:clccloooloOOookKkcodox0OlcldddO0o
                ........            ..',;;;;;,..       .,'...                    ..',;;,'..         ..'...                               .'.                  .....         .',;;;'..                  
            .cdk0KXXXXXKOl'       'd0XNWWWWWWWNOl.    .kNNXK0Okxdolc;,'...   .,okKXNWWWWNX0kl,.    'd0NNXK0Okxolc:;,'..   'c'           .dNOc.   ...',:clodxkOKXXX0:    .cdOXNWWWWNNKOd:.              
           cNMMW0dllloxKWMMNc    ;XMMWO:''',:dXMMMO.  :XMMM0c:cldxO0XNWMMO;oNMMMXx:,'',:oONMMMWx.  oNWMMWk::codkOKXNWMWx..dWMXc         ;KMMWo'kMMMMMMMMMMMXOxolc:;' ,0MMMW0l;'',;cxKWMMWK:            
          .xMMMK;      ,0MMMk.  .dWMMNl      .dWMMX:  oWMMWo       ..',:c;cKMMMWd.        'dkd;.  .xMMMMX:       ..';:c' .kMMMNo.       cNMMNc.lxdolll0MMMWd.       .dWMMMK,        .ckxc.              
          ,KMMM0'      ,0MMMO'  '0MMMX:      .kWMMN: .xMMMX;              ;XMMMW0:''...           '0MMMM0'               ,KMMMMWx.     .dWMMK,       .dWMMNc        .xMMMMXd,'....                      
          oWMMMO.    .:OWMMMx.  lNMMMK:  ..,l0WMMM0, .OMMMNd,......       .xWMMMMWNNXXK0kdc'.     ;XMMMMKl'......        :XMMMMMWO,    .OMMMO.       .kMMMX;         :XMMMMMWNNXK0Oxl;.                
         cNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNx'   ;XMMMMMMMMMMMMMWKd'   lNMMMMMMMMMMMMx.        .';codxk0KXWMMMMWO' .dMMMMMMMMMMMMMWl      .xMMMNKNMMMXl. cNMMWo        ,KMMMO.            .,cldxkO0XNWMMMMXl.            
        .xMMMMN00KXXXK0xl,    .dWMMMMMMMWX0Oxo;.    .dWMMXxllllllll'                  ..;dKMMMWk..OMMMMKdlllllllc.      .OMMMO,cXMMMNd,dWMMX:        cNMMMx.                    ..'cOWMMMX:            
        ;KMMMWd. .....        '0MMMMMMMMNOc'        .OMMMk.                               cNMMM0,;KMMMWd                ;KMMWd. :KMMMWXNMMMK,        oWMMWo                         .OMMMWo            
        oWMMMK;               lNMMMNxxKWMMWKxc'     ,KMMMx.         ....   .;odc.         lNMMMO'cNMMMWl          ....  cNMMNc   ;KMMMMMMMMO.       .xMMMN:           .cdo'         '0MMMNl            
       'OMMMMk.              .kMMMMO. .cONMMMMNOo;. :XMMM0ollodxxkOO0KKk' .oNMMW0o,.....'oXMMMNc.oWMMMWOlllodxkkO00KKd. oWMMK;    ,0WMMMMMWd.       .kMMMK,          ,0MMMXx:'.....:OWMMWk.            
       ,xKNWK,               .ckKN0;       .cONNx,  .:xXWMWWWNNXXK0Okkx:.   'lkKNWWMMMMWWX0d:.   .cOKNMMWWWNNXKK0Okkd;  'd0Xd.      'kWNKxc.        .c0NWk.           .:x0XNWMMMMWWNKkl'                
         .';,                   ...          .,'       .;::;,'.....            ..,;:cc:;,..         .':c:;,'.....         ...        .;,.             .,:'               ..,;:cc::,'.

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                                            ███    ███   ███    ███ ███   ▀███ ███    ███        ███    ███ ███    ███ ███    ███ ▀█████████▄ ▀█████████▄                 
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                                            ███    ███  ▄███▄▄▄     ███    ███ ███    ███        ███        ███        ███    ███     ███   ▀     ███   ▀                 
                                          ▀█████████▀  ▀▀███▀▀▀     ███    ███ ███    ███      ▀███████████ ███        ███    ███     ███         ███                     
                                            ███          ███    █▄  ███    ███ ███    ███               ███ ███    █▄  ███    ███     ███         ███                     
                                            ███          ███    ███ ███   ▄███ ███    ███         ▄█    ███ ███    ███ ███    ███     ███         ███                     
                                           ▄████▀        ██████████ ████████▀   ▀██████▀        ▄████████▀  ████████▀   ▀██████▀     ▄████▀      ▄████▀                   
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|                         [==================================================================================================]                         |
|  *                      |                                                                                                  |                         |
|               *         |                                      - Table of Contents -                                       |        *                |
|    .                    |                                                                                                  |                         |
|                         |                                                                                                  |                         |
|            .            |                                    *0x00 - Introduction                                          |                         |
|                         |                                      *0x01 - Beginning Notes                                     |             *           |
|                         |                                      *0x02 - Offenses                                            |                         |
|       *                 |                                      *0x03 - Confirmation                                        |                         |
|                         |                                                                                                  |                         |
|                         |                                    *0x10 - Shyyan Scott Brooks (Target)                          |       .          .      |
|              *          |                                      *0x11 - Personal Info                                       |                         |
|                         |                                      *0x12 - Phone Info                                          |                         |
|     *                   |                                        *0x13 - Call Records                                      |                 .       |
|                         |                                      *0x14 - Home Info                                           |                         |
|                         |                                      *0x15 - School Info                                         |                         |
|    *                    |                                      *0x16 - Online Info                                         |       .                 |
|                         |                                      *0x17 - Voter Info                                          |                         |
|                         |                                                                                                  |       .      *          |
|                         |                                    *0x20 - Fun Documents                                         |                         |
|                   .     |                                      *0x21 - FEC FORM 1                                          |                         |
|                         |                                      *0x22 - Grandma's Obituary                                  |                         |
|                         |                                      *0x23 - Track and Field                                     |            |            |
|           *             |                                                                                                  |           -O-           |
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|                         |                                                                                                  |                         |
|                         |                                                                                                  |                         |
|       .                 |                                                                                                  |                         |
|                         |                                                                                                  |         *               |
|                         |                                                                                                  |                         |
|                         |                                    Fucked by GolfBoyClique (GBC)                                 |                  *      |
|                  .      |                                                                                                  |          .---.          |
|                         |                                                                                                  |    =   _/__~0_\_        |
|                         |                                                                                                  |   = = (_________)       |
|   .                     |                                                                                                  |                         |
|                         |                                                                                                  |                 *       |
|                         [==================================================================================================]                         |
|                                                        .                                   *         *                                               |
|          *                             .                                  .         *                                           .                    |
|                           .                                                                 .                                           .            |
+---------- Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x00 ----------+
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|                                       ▄█    ▄     ▄▄▄▄▀ █▄▄▄▄ ████▄ ██▄     ▄   ▄█▄      ▄▄▄▄▀ ▄█ ████▄    ▄                                         |
|                                       ██     █ ▀▀▀ █    █  ▄▀ █   █ █  █     █  █▀ ▀▄ ▀▀▀ █    ██ █   █     █                                        |
|                                       ██ ██   █    █    █▀▀▌  █   █ █   █ █   █ █   ▀     █    ██ █   █ ██   █                                       |
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|                                        ▐ █  █ █  ▀        █         ███▀  █▄ ▄█ ▀███▀   ▀       ▐       █  █ █                                       |
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|                                                                                                                                                      |
+---------- Beginning Notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x01 ----------+
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| 		Hello fans! GBC Anti here. Currently, I am at the bank, waiting on myu daily racks while I'm typing this. This weird freak "Scott" was |
| messaging a girl (15) sexual things and asking for pictures, while Scott (Shyyan) is 20 years old! This is the biggest loser on earth and sucks at   |
| everything he does. Most impoverished person I have doxed to date!                                                                                   |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                              - Mr. 250 / hour (GBC Anti)             |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
+---------- Offenses ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x02 ----------+
| Offenses           | Date of Occurance | Evidence                                                                                                    |
| Pedophilia         | 10/21/19          | https://dbree.org/v/33e457      https://uplovd.com/72n6g6Dao5/                                              |
|                    | 10/27/19          | https://dbree.org/v/15ef8c      https://uplovd.com/Xan8gcDboa/                                              |
|                    | 11/5/19           | https://dbree.org/v/05ef8c      https://uplovd.com/r4ocg3D9o8/                                              |
|                    | 11/22/19          | https://dbree.org/v/85ef8c      https://uplovd.com/Jao3gcDeob/                                              |
|                    |                   | https://dbree.org/v/8cd111      https://uplovd.com/l8p0g7D7o8/                                              |
|                    | 11/25-27/19       | https://dbree.org/v/d40e29      https://uplovd.com/12p2gfD4oa/                                              |
|                    | 2/1/20            | https://dbree.org/v/f8cd65      https://uplovd.com/P0pfg3Dfo6/                                              |
|                    | 2/19/20           | https://dbree.org/v/5ef8cd      https://uplovd.com/r5q3g0D9o9/                                              |
|                    | 6/25/20           | https://dbree.org/v/cf11d8      https://uplovd.com/90t2g2D8oc/                                              |
|                    |                   | https://dbree.org/v/8cf763      https://uplovd.com/r6u5g5Dco0/                                              |
|                    |                   | https://dbree.org/v/934a48      https://uplovd.com/3eu8g0D9o5/                                              |
+---------- Confirmation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x03 ----------+
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| 		This retard does not understand even the most basics of being private. It was beyond easy to find his information.                     |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| His NameMC on old Minecraft account, showing previous usernames: https://dbree.org/v/3085f4      https://uplovd.com/hey3g7D9o6/                      |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| His old Instagram, made under his old Minecraft username: https://dbree.org/v/f8d17e      https://uplovd.com/X1y8gaD1oe/                             |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| Confirmed photo of "Scott" matches the Instagram profile picture: https://dbree.org/v/8d1dcb      https://uplovd.com/R7z3gdD4o3/                     |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| Facebook under Instagram name "Shyyan Brooks" matches photos of "Scott": https://dbree.org/v/ef8d24       https://uplovd.com/5202g3Deo2/             |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| Confirmed phone number links to the State of Ohio: https://dbree.org/v/4005ef      https://uplovd.com/Jc13g9D8o6/                                    |
| "Scott" isn't Clay, Clay is the previous owner of the phone number. Just showing it is in Ohio.                                                      |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| Only one person named Shyyan Brooks in Ohio, their middle name just so happens to be Scott: https://dbree.org/v/5ef8d3                               |
|                                                                                             https://uplovd.com/X42fgbD6o4/                           |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
+---------- Shyyan Scott Brooks (Target) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x10 ----------+
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|             ▄▄▄▄▄    ▄  █ ▀▄    ▄ ▀▄    ▄ ██      ▄          ▄▄▄▄▄   ▄█▄    ████▄    ▄▄▄▄▀ ▄▄▄▄▀     ███   █▄▄▄▄ ████▄ ████▄ █  █▀  ▄▄▄▄▄            |
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|          ▄  ▀▀▀▀▄   ██▀▀█    ▀█      ▀█   █▄▄█ ██   █     ▄  ▀▀▀▀▄   █   ▀  █   █     █     █        █ ▀ ▄ █▀▀▌  █   █ █   █ █▀▄ ▄  ▀▀▀▀▄            |
|           ▀▄▄▄▄▀    █   █    █       █    █  █ █ █  █      ▀▄▄▄▄▀    █▄  ▄▀ ▀████    █     █         █  ▄▀ █  █  ▀████ ▀████ █  █ ▀▄▄▄▄▀             |
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+---------- Personal Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *0x11 ----------+
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| Full Name:                                                                                                                                           |
| 		Shyyan Scott Brooks                                                                                                                    |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| DOB:                                                                                                              |                                  |
| 		June 13th, 2000                                                                               --====|====--                            |
|                                                                                                                   |                                  |
| Ethnicity:                                                                                                                                           |
| 		White                                                                                           .-"""""-.                              |
|                                                                                                             .'_________'.                            |
| Phone:                                                                                                     /_/_|__|__|_\_\                           |
| 		+1 (740) 704-8048                                                                           ;'-._       _.-';                          |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| Address:                                                                              ``""--..__    ___   ;       '       ;   ___    __..--""``      |
| 		8785 Radcliffe Rd ADAMSVILLE, Oh 43802                                            `"-// \\.._\             /_..// \\-"`                |
|                                                                                                    \\_//    '._       _.'    \\_//                   |
| SSN:                                                                                                `"`        ``---``        `"`                    |
| 		080-45-3427                                                                                                                            |
|                                                                                            Representation of me flying to Adamsville, Ohio           |
| Photos:                                                                                       to commit home invasion on Brooks' shack               |
| 		https://dbree.org/v/f8d17e      https://uplovd.com/X1y8gaD1oe/                                                                         |
| 		https://dbree.org/v/8d1dcb      https://uplovd.com/R7z3gdD4o3/                                                                         |
|       https://dbree.org/v/ef8d24      https://uplovd.com/Jc13g9D8o6/                                                                                 |
|       https://dbree.org/v/8dc293      https://uplovd.com/B4f2hdD5od/                                                                                 |
|       https://dbree.org/v/f8dca3      https://uplovd.com/Zdg2h6D7o2/                                                                                 |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| Former School:                                                                                                                                       |
| 		Tri-Valley HS                                                                                                                          |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
+---------- Phone Info --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x12 ----------+
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| Phone Number:                                                                                             _________________                          |
| 		+1 (740) 704-8048                                                                          /            __   \                         |
|                                                                               I encourage people         |           (__)  |                         |
| Carrier:                                                                      to call this pedo          |                 |                         |
| 		Sprint                                                          and kindly inform          | .-----.   .--.  |                         |
|                                                                               him why asking 15          | |     |  /    \ |                         |
| Account Number:                                                               year olds for thigh        | '-----'  \    / |                         |
| 		#001348762                                                      pics is not ok             |           |  |  |                         |
|                                                                                                          | LI LI LI  |  |  |                         |
| CNAM:                                                                                                    | LI LI LI  |  |  |Oo                       |
| 		Caller_Name:                                                                               | LI LI LI  |  |  |`Oo                      |
| 		 	BROOKS, SHYYAN                                                                     | LI LI LI  |  |  |  Oo                     |
| 		Carrier:                                                                                   |           |  |  |   Oo                    |
| 		 	Sprint                                                                             | .------. /    \ |   oO                    |
|       Last_Port_Date:                                                                                    | |      | \    / |   Oo                    |
| 		 	2020-5-6 1:32:12                                                                   | '------'  '-oO  |   oO                    |
|       type:                                                                                              |          .---Oo |   Oo                    |
| 		 	mobile                                                                             |          ||  ||`Oo  oO                    |
|                                                                                                          |          |'--'| | OoO                     |
| Phone Model:                                                                                             |          '----' |                         |
| 		iPhone 8 Space Gray 64GB Storage                                                           \_________________/                         |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
+ - - - - - Call Records - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *0x13 - - - - - +
| 																																					   |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|                      Date      Time        Number       Origination      Destination    Min.   Charges   Other   Chgs   Total                        |
|                     --------- --------- -------------- ---------------- --------------- ------ --------- ------- ------ -------                      |
|                      June-1    6:54PM    937-927-5261   Adamsville,-OH   Incoming,-CL       6   --        --      -                                  |
|                      June-4    5:40AM    937-927-5261   Adamsville,-OH   Incoming,-CL       3   --        --      -                                  |
|                      June-4    1:54PM    937-927-5261   Adamsville,-OH   Incoming,-CL       5   --        --      -                                  |
|                      June-6    11:26AM   937-927-5261   Adamsville,-OH   Incoming,-CL       4   --        --      -                                  |
|                      June-9    7:00PM    937-927-5261   Adamsville,-OH   Incoming,-CL       2   --        --      -                                  |
|                      June-12   10:55PM   937-927-5261   Adamsville,-OH   Incoming,-CL       4   --        --      -                                  |
|                      June-12   11:11PM   937-927-5261   Adamsville,-OH   Incoming,-CL       9   --        --      -                                  |
|                      June-13   10:00AM   937-927-5261   Adamsville,-OH   Incoming,-CL       6   --        --      -                                  |
|                      June-14   11:18AM   937-927-5261   Adamsville,-OH   Incoming,-CL       8   --        --      -                                  |
|                      June-20   12:02PM   937-927-5261   Adamsville,-OH   Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -                                  |
|                      June-22   5:26PM    937-927-5261   Adamsville,-OH   Incoming,-CL       2   --        --      -                                  |
|                      June-23   9:24AM    937-927-5261   Adamsville,-OH   Incoming,-CL       1   --        --      -                                  |
|                      June-26   8:13PM    937-927-5261   Adamsville,-OH   Incoming,-CL       6   --        --      -                                  |
|                      June-28   9:01PM    937-927-5261   Adamsville,-OH   Incoming,-CL       4   --        --      -                                  |
|       																	       |																	   |
|                      He literally only calls his fucking mom.                                                                                        |                                     
|                                                                                                                                                      |
+---------- Home Info ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x14 ----------+
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| Address:                                                                                _.----------------------------._                             |
| 		8785 Radcliffe Rd ADAMSVILLE, Oh 43802                                _.-'          '-        .           '-._                         |
|                                                                                   .'      _|   .    . - .        ._         '.                       |
| Area Codes:                                              Confess your          _.'    '           .'     '.               _| |                       |
| 		740                                         sins to the         /  _|        _|    ''       ''  |_     '    .  '.                      |
|                                                         Lord, Shyyan.        |      . -- .      ''         ''      . -- .     |                      |
| City:                                                                       .'    .'      '.   -||         ||    .'      '.   '.                     |
| 		Adamsville                                                    | '  ''        ''   ||   .-.   ||_  ''        ''   |                     |
|                                                                             '.  ''          ''  ||   | |   ||  ''          ''  |                     |
| State:                                                                       | -||          ||- '____|!|____' -||          ||- |                     |
| 		Ohio                                                           |  ||          ||  |____-+-____|  ||          ||  '.                    |
|                                                                             .' -||          ||_ ||   |!|   ||  ||          ||  _|                    |
| Country:                                                                    |_.-||          ||  ||   | |   || _||          ||-._|                    |
| 		United States                                              _.-' |_||          ||  ||   | |   ||  ||          ||_| '-._                 |
|                                                                          _| |_  |:;;.,::;,.';|--|:;;.| |,.';|--|:;;.,::;,.';|     |_                 |
| Home Value:                                                                       :;;.,::;,.';   :;;.| |,.';    :;;.,::;,.';  _|   -'                |
| 		$32k                                                          |_                       | |                         |_.                 |
|                                                                           _      _|                __|_|__              |_     _                     |
| Living Area:                                                             |________________________/_______\___________________|______                |
| 		528 Sqft.                                                  ,:.,:.,:.,:.,:.,:.,:.,:.,:.,:.,:.,:.,:.,:.,:.,:.,:.,:.,:.,:.                |
|                                                                          ------------------------------------------------------------                |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
+---------- School Info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x15 ----------+
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| School Name:                                                                                               .------------------------.                |
| 		Tri-valley HS                                                                               | Mind telling me what you |      	       |
|                                                                                 __________________________| two are whispering about?|     	       |
| School Address:                                                                |  _________________________'-------------,----------'                |
| 		46 E Muskingum Ave, Dresden, OH 43821                            | |                         ____         /  | |                       |
|                                                                                | |  Get the fuck out of my(___  \ng face   | |            	       |
| School Phone:                                                                  | |  RVR3 in this bitch   ( (..) )          | |            	       |
| 		+1 (740) 754-2921                                                | |  I ain't playing \\\' |( < ,) ), you ca | |            	       |
|                                                                                | |  Always talking th`|_\_\)--(  ) you ain | |           	       |
| Number of Students:                                                            | |  Shut the fuck up, \  ,"""(___)inna buc | |            	       |
| 		861                                                              | |  I don't know man, t`'\_  __  \tonight  | |            	       |
|                                                                                | |  RVR3 in this bitch    |    ,  )        | |             	       |
| Principal:                                                                     | |_______________________ /  _/  /_________| |            	       |
| 		John Harias                                                      |________________________ I ///\./I___________|           	       |
|                                                                                                          |       |                        	       |
|                                                                                                          |       |                        	       |
|                                                                                                          '-.._..-'   .---------------------------.   |
|                                                                                                            | |  )   (  He asked to see my thighs  )  |
|                                                                                                           _| | /     '--------,------------------'   |
|                  Sorry for the blank I                                                                  .'_.´_/7            _/                       |
|                  wanted to finish the                                                                                                                |
|                  ASCII art                                                                                           .((()                           |
|                                                                                           _..._                     /_ (())                          |
|                                                                                          /     \                   <   ?)))                          |
|                                                                                          |     |                    \_.((((                          |
|                                                                                          \  __ /                    __()))))                         |
|                                                                                           \(__)                    /        \                        |
|                                                                                         __//  \                   /   ,..--'^|                       |
|                                                                                       /`  (____)-.               /  ( |      |                       |
|                                                                                      /            \                 / |..--/^                        |
|            																																		   |
|    																																				   |
+---------- Online Info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x16 ----------+
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| Aliases:                                                                                                                .-'(/ '-.                    |
| 		Scott                                                                                                    /    `    \                   |
| 		eboyscott                                                                                               /  -     -  \                  |
| 		ignScott                                                                                               (`  a     a  `)                 |
| 		6st                                                                                                     \     ^     /                  |
| 		Boeing747s                                                                                               '. '---' .'                   |
|		xeriangames                                                                                              .-`'---'`-.                   |
| 		Shyyan911                                                                                               /           \                  |
|                                                                                                                      /  / '   ' \  \                 |
| Emails:                                                                                                            _/  /|       |\  \_               |
| 		sbrooks12345@hotmail.com                                                                            `/|\` |+++++++|`/|\`               |
| 		shyyanb15017@gmail.com                                                                                   /\       /\                   |
|                                                                                                                        | `-._.-` |                   |
| Passwords:                                                                                                             \   / \   /                   |
| 		guitar                                                                                                   |_ |   | _|                   |
|		guitar1                                                                                                  | _|   |_ |                   |
|                                                                                                                        (ooO   Ooo)                   |
| Internet Information:                                                                                                                                |
| 		Current ISP:                                                                                         A representation of               |
|			CenturyLink Communications, LLC                                                              Shyyan Scott Brooks'              |
|		IP:                                                                                                  ideal sexual partner              |
|                                                                                                                 |
|       Modem:                                                                                                                                         |
| 			Zyxel C1100Z                                                                                                                   |
|		Router:                                                                                                                                |
|			NETGEAR - AC1750 Dual-Band Wi-Fi 5 Router - Black                                                                              |
|       Previous IPs:                                                                                                                                  |
|                                                                                                                     |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| Social Media / Online Accounts:                                                                                       __,                            |
|       Instagram:                                                                                                  .-"`{*}                            |
|           https://www.instagram.com/xeriangames/                                                                ."  ::{*}                            |
|           https://www.instagram.com/Scottyb_526/                                                               / .:.  {*}                            |
|       Facebook:                                                                                               |:: ' ::{*}                            |
|           https://www.facebook.com/scott.brooks.332345                                                       {^"*"^"*"^"*"^"*"^"*"^"*"^}             |
|           https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002897920031                                            |^=.=^=.=^=.=^=.=^=.=^=.=^|             |
|           https://www.facebook.com/shyyan.brooks.9                                                         ()-():.  .:.  .:.  .:.  .:. |             |
|       Pinterest:                                                                                           /o o\' :: ' :: ' :: ' :: '  |             |
|           https://ar.pinterest.com/shyyanb/                                                               _\ Y /_.  .:.  .:.  .:.  .:. |             |
|       LinkedIn:                                                                                          O__`&`__O : ' :: '   .--.  '  |_            |
|			https://www.linkedin.com/in/shyyan-brooks-663045176                                  /   \^"*"^[A]^"*"^/____\"^,_(')<          |
|       NameMC:                                                                                             ()/^\()=^=[B][C].=^\~~~~/.=\___)           |
|           https://namemc.com/profile/Boeing747s.2                                                                             '--'                   |
|           https://namemc.com/profile/Scott.5                                                                                                         |
|       Enjin:                                                                                                                                         |
|           https://www.enjin.com/profile/4033222                                                                                                      |
|       Roblox:                                                                                                                                        |
|           https://www.roblox.com/users/72269878/profile                                                                                              |
|       Planet Minecraft:                                                                                                                              |
|           https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/xeriangames/                                                                                        |
|       Bukkit:                                                                                                                                        |
|           https://bukkit.org/members/xeriangames.90851273/                                                                                           |
|       Minecraft Statistic:                                                                                                                           |
|           https://minecraft-statistic.net/en/player/xeriangames.html                                                                                 |
|           https://minecraft-statistic.net/en/player/XxMarshGamingxX.html                                                                             |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| Extra:                                                                                                                                               |
|       Owned 2 really bad Minecraft servers, xeriancraft.tk and There's some very bad videos on both of these, just thought it was    |
|       funny. Here's the videos:                                                                                                                      |
|           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_mmD3uRvVs&app=desktop                                                                                    |
|           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2ddYrju7cQ                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
+---------- Voter Info --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x17 ----------+
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| Registered to Vote in:                                                                                                   /\  /\                      |
|       Muskingum County, Ohio                                                                                            /  ''  \                     |
|                                                                                                                        / .o\  ..\                    |
| Registration Date:                                                                                                    /.'  |\ | '.                   |
|       07/12/2018                                                                __                                    '    |_\|                      |
|                                                                                 \ \___     .__                             |_|<o>                    |
| Voter Status:                                                                 .--""___\..--"/                              |_| |                     |
|       Active                                                              .__.|-"""..... ' /                          _____|_|_|\__                  |
|                                                                   ________\_______________/______________________..-'::::::::::::::::-..___          |
| Precinct:                                                                                                          '''""""""""""""""'''              |
|       Precinct Salem                                                                                                                                 |
|                                                                            Shyyan Scott Brooks', cruisin' to Epstein's island.                       |
| Congressional District:                                                                                                                              |
|       06                                                                                                                                             |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| House District:                                                                                                                                      |
|       97                                                                                                                                             |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| Senate District:                                                                                                                                     |
|       20                                                                                                                                             |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| County District:                                                                                                                                     |
|       9754284                                                                                                                                        |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
+---------- Fun Documents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *0x20 ----------+
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|                           ▄████ ▄      ▄       ██▄   ████▄ ▄█▄      ▄   █▀▄▀█ ▄███▄      ▄     ▄▄▄▄▀ ▄▄▄▄▄                                           |
|                           █▀   ▀ █      █      █  █  █   █ █▀ ▀▄     █  █ █ █ █▀   ▀      █ ▀▀▀ █   █     ▀▄                                         |
|                           █▀▀ █   █ ██   █     █   █ █   █ █   ▀  █   █ █ ▄ █ ██▄▄    ██   █    █ ▄  ▀▀▀▀▄                                           |
|                           █   █   █ █ █  █     █  █  ▀████ █▄  ▄▀ █   █ █   █ █▄   ▄▀ █ █  █   █   ▀▄▄▄▄▀                                            |
|                            █  █▄ ▄█ █  █ █     ███▀        ▀███▀  █▄ ▄█    █  ▀███▀   █  █ █  ▀                                                      |
|                             ▀  ▀▀▀  █   ██                         ▀▀▀    ▀           █   ██                                                         |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
+---------- FEC FORM 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x21 ----------+ 
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|         STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION                                                                                                                    |
|          FILING FEC-1075757                                                                                                                          |
|		                                                                                                                                       |
|          1. Shyyan Scott Brooks                                                                                                                      |
|             8785 Radcliffe Rd                                                                                                                        |
|             Adamsville, OH 43802                                                                                                                     |
|             Email: shyyanb15017@gmail.com                                                                                                            |
|			                                                                                                                               |
|          2. Date: 06/02/2016                                                                                                                         |
|		                                                                                                                                       |
|          3. FEC Committee ID #: C00618926                                                                                                            |
|		                                                                                                                                       |
|          This committee is a Principal Campaign Committee. Candidate: Shyyanb Scott Brooks                                                           |
|          Party: Independent                                                                                                                          |
|          Office Sought: President                                                                                                                    |
|          State is in District:                                                                                                                       |
|          Affiliated Committees/Organizations                                                                                                         |
|          NONE                                                                                                                                        |
|          , ____                                                                                                                                      |
|		                                                                                                                                       |
|          Custodian of Records:                                                                                                                       |
|          Shyyan Scott Brooks                                                                                                                         |
|          8785 Radcliffe Rd                                                                                                                           |
|          Adamsville, OH 43802                                                                                                                        |
|		                                                                                                                                       |
|          Treasurer:                                                                                                                                  |
|          Shyyan Scott Brooks                                                                                                                         |
|          8785 Radcliffe Rd                                                                                                                           |
|          Adamsville, Ohio 43802                                                                                                                      |
|		                                                                                                                                       |
|          Designated Agent(s):                                                                                                                        |
|          Mary Brooks                                                                                                                                 |
|          8785 Radcliffe Rd                                                                                                                           |
|          Adamsville, Ohio 43802                                                                                                                      |
|		                                                                                                                                       |
|          Banks or Depositories                                                                                                                       |
|          Brooks Bank                                                                                                                                 |
|          8785 Radcliffe Rd                                                                                                                           |
|          Adamsville, Ohio 43802                                                                                                                      |
|		                                                                                                                                       |
|          Signed: Shyyan Scott Brooks                                                                                                                 |
|          Date Signed: 06/02/2016                                                                                                                     |
|          (End FEC FORM 1)                                                                                                                            |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
+---------- Grandma's Obituary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x22 ----------+
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
| ZANESVILLE - Laura Eileen Starkey, 77, passed away 7:55 a.m. at Genesis Hospice and Palliative Morrison House following a brief illness.             |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|  Eileen was born Feb. 25, 1929, in Paducah, Ky., to her late parents, John and Alka Ward Boals.                                                      |
|  Eileen was a retired relief foreman and inspector for Owens Brockway. She was a member of the VFW, American Legion, The Moose, and The Eagles where |
|  she did full-time volunteer work and was the Trustee for the Women's Auxiliary.                                                                     |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|  She is survived by two sons, Michael (Debra) Duvall of Zanesville and Patrick (Carol) Starkey of New Concord; a daughter, Karen (Albert) Rieder of  |
|  Zanesville; two sisters, Marty (Forest) Warden and Dora (Jack) Hignite of Mansfield; six grandchildren, Michael E. Duvall Jr. of Nashport, Jason M. |
|  (Mary Heather) Duvall of Zanesville, Kathleen Starkey of New Concord, Shane (Brenda) Rieder, Shala and Shannon Rieder, all of Zanesville; nine      |
|  great-grandchildren, Phillip and Colton Duvall, Shyyan and Ciera Brooks, Joey, Miranda, and Christian Rieder, Megan and Morgan Brink; two special   |
|  friends, Bobbi Charles and Dorothy Rucker; and several nieces and nephews.                                                                          |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|  Eileen was preceded in death by her loving husband Donald R. Starkey; her parents, a son, Larry Duvall; two brothers, John and Leroy Boals;         |
|  two sisters, Geneva Havens and Shirley Anders; and a niece, Brenda Warden.                                                                          |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|  Calling hours will be held from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, April 24, 2006, at The Snouffer Funeral Home, 1150 W. Military Road.                 |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
|  A funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, April 25, 2006, in The Snouffer Chapel with the Rev. Roy Keyser officiating.                     |
|  Burial will follow in Rose Hill Cemetery, Roseville.                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                                                                      |
+---------- Track and Field ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *0x23 ----------+

   Not formatting all of this, will take hours, but this kid really fucking sucks at Track, which is all he did in high-school besides play Tuba LOL.

                                                                       Shyyan Brooks
                                                                     Cross Country Bio
                                                                       High School

                                                                      Rankings 2017
                                                                5,000 Meters - 21:23.30
                                                 Team: 17th Section 3: Central: Division I: OH: National: 
                                                                     Season Records
                                                                      5,000 Meters
                                                               2017    10th Grade    21:23.3PR

                                                            2017 Season  Tri-Valley HS10th Grade
                                                                       5,000 Meters
                                     74     21:23.3PR    Sep 23    Tiger Invitational - Pickerington Central

  Fellow top scorers for the Scotties boys team individually included:  senior Graham Cameron, runnerup in the 400 meter finals with a time of 51.85;
  Jakob Frueh – a solid 5th in both the 110m and 300m hurdles; Blake Sands – a fast third place in the 100m dash finals, and equally speedy third place
  in the 200m finals; the boys 4×200 meter relay second place team of Carson Simpkins, Drew Johnson, Graham Cameron, and Cai Reynolds, and the boys 4×400
  meter relay team of Carson Simpkins, Graham Cameron, Shyyan Brooks, and Cai Reynolds, who finished third.

                                       Event 14  Boys 400 Meter Dash
                                       8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
                                        Meet Record: % 49.98  2007        Kelly McDonald, West Muskingum              
                                           Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
                                         1 Ratliff, C.J.                New Lexingto           50.00      50.00Q  3 
                                         2 Wilson, Trey                 Philo                  52.60      51.56Q  1 
                                         3 Rogers, Evan                 Philo                  51.70      52.70Q  4 
                                         4 Vance, Jacob                 New Lexingto           53.00      54.18Q  2 
                                         5 Cameron, Graham              Tri-Valley             52.95      53.05Q  1 
                                         6 Barbee, Julian               Morgan                 55.32      54.05Q  4 
                                         7 Hamilton, Will               Sheridan               54.90      54.90Q  3 
                                         8 Jacomet, Caleb               Morgan                 55.08      56.21Q  2 
                                         9 Masterson, Levi              Sheridan               55.00      54.12   4 
                                        10 Murrey, Drew                 West Musking           56.66      57.00   4 
                                        11 Miller, Clay                 Crooksville            57.00      57.17   4 
                                        12 Brooks, Shyyan               Tri-Valley             56.90      57.62   4 
                                        13 King, Blake                  John Glenn             58.00      59.22   3  est.
                                        14 Lowery, Matt                 John Glenn             59.10      61.00   2 
                                        15 Evans, Nick                  Maysville              64.00      64.71   1 
                                        16 Rollins, Fletcher            West Musking           65.90      68.66   2 
                                        17 Gainer, Nathan               Maysville              66.00      69.15   3  est.
                                        18 Diangina, Brian              Crooksville            65.00      73.51   1 
                                        Event 14  Boys 400 Meter Dash
                                        Meet Record: % 49.98  2007        Kelly McDonald, West Muskingum              
                                           Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
                                         1 Wilson, Trey                 Philo                  51.56      51.48   10   
                                         2 Cameron, Graham              Tri-Valley             53.05      51.85    8   
                                         3 Rogers, Evan                 Philo                  52.70      53.68    6   
                                         4 Hamilton, Will               Sheridan               54.90      54.57    5   
                                         5 Vance, Jacob                 New Lexingto           54.18      54.69    4   
                                         6 Jacomet, Caleb               Morgan                 56.21      63.21    3   
                                        -- Ratliff, C.J.                New Lexingto           50.00         DQ  
                                         6 Barbee, Julian               Morgan                 54.05             
                                         9 Masterson, Levi              Sheridan               54.12             
                                        10 Murrey, Drew                 West Musking           57.00             
                                        11 Miller, Clay                 Crooksville            57.17             
                                        12 Brooks, Shyyan               Tri-Valley             57.62             
                                        13 King, Blake                  John Glenn             59.22             
                                        14 Lowery, Matt                 John Glenn             61.00             
                                        15 Evans, Nick                  Maysville              64.71             
                                        16 Rollins, Fletcher            West Musking           68.66             
                                        17 Gainer, Nathan               Maysville              69.15             
                                        18 Diangina, Brian              Crooksville            73.51       
                                        Event 24  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
                                        Meet Record: % 3:28.20  2003        Tri Valley, Tri Valley                    
                                           School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
                                         1 New Lexington                                     3:32.00    3:34.11   2  10   
                                            1) Vance, Jacob                    2) Tharp, Austin                  
                                            3) Stenson, Will                   4) Ratliff, C.J.                  
                                         2 Sheridan                                          3:40.00    3:36.34   2   8   
                                            1) Masterson, Levi                 2) Hamilton, Will                 
                                            3) Moran, Christian                4) Coconis, Costa                 
                                         3 Tri-Valley                                        3:40.44    3:36.92   2   6   
                                            1) Simpkins, Carson                2) Cameron, Graham                
                                            3) Brooks, Shyyan                  4) Reynolds, Cai                  
                                         4 Philo                                             3:41.00    3:42.91   2   5   
                                            1) Wilson, Trey                    2) Ford, Eli                      
                                            3) Scott, Cameron                  4) Rogers, Evan                   
                                         5 John Glenn                                        3:45.00    3:49.42   2   4   
                                            1) Lawrence, Blake                 2) King, Blake                    
                                            3) Hanes, Jonah                    4) Meinert, Jack                  
                                         6 West Muskingum                                    3:59.00    3:57.95   1   3   
                                            1) McCullough, Jacques             2) Joseph-Bates, Dakota           
                                            3) Sweat, Justin                   4) Murrey, Drew                   
                                         7 Maysville                                         3:55.00    4:00.92   1   2   
                                            1) Hiles, Noah                     2) Jordan, Hunter                 
                                            3) Stephenson, Jared               4) Milatovich, Elijah             
                                         8 Crooksville                                                  4:16.96   1   1   
                                            1) Diangina, Brian                 2) Miller, Clay                   
                                            3) Skeenes, Carson                 4) Alberty, Gavin                 
                                        -- Morgan                                            3:50.10         DQ   2 
                                            1) Barbee, Julian                  2) Mayle, Tyrese                  
                                            3) Sukchittham, Nithimet           4) Jacomet, Caleb                 
                                       Event 35  Boys 400 Meter Dash run-off
                                           Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
                                         1 Rogers, Evan                 Philo                  51.70      52.70  
                                         2 Barbee, Julian               Morgan                 55.32      54.05  
                                         3 Masterson, Levi              Sheridan               55.00      54.12  
                                         4 Murrey, Drew                 West Musking           56.66      57.00  
                                         5 Miller, Clay                 Crooksville            57.00      57.17  
                                         6 Brooks, Shyyan               Tri-Valley             56.90      57.62  
                                        Boys 200 Meter Dash
                                           Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
                                         1 Randolph, Ross               Maysville              24.00      23.50   3   5   
                                         2 Wilson, Trey                 Philo                  23.90      24.10   3   2.50
                                         2 Cameron, Graham              Tri-Valley             25.30      24.10   3   2.50
                                         4 Bradshaw, Gyle               Tri-Valley             25.00      24.70   3   1   
                                         5 Brooks, Shyyan               Tri-Valley             25.00      25.10   3 
                                         6 Carpenter, Aydenn            Philo                  25.00      25.20   3 
                                         7 Blackstone, Gabriel          Tri-Valley             26.30      25.30   2 
                                         7 Baughman, Tyler              Maysville              25.97      25.30   3 
                                         9 Slaboden, Sam                Tri-Valley             27.60      26.70   2 
                                         9 Lapp, Garrett                Tri-Valley             27.00      26.70   2 
                                        11 Spiker, Anthony              Tri-Valley             27.00      27.40   2 
                                        12 Baker, Jaxon                 Tri-Valley             28.80      27.90   2 
                                        13 Reiss, Ben                   Tri-Valley             27.00      28.00   2 
                                        14 Lemley, Cade                 Tri-Valley             29.70      28.80   1 
                                        15 Luburgh, Brock               Philo                             29.20   1 
                                        16 Kline, William               Tri-Valley             30.20      29.40   1 
                                        17 Williams, Noah               Tri-Valley                        30.60   1 
                                        18 Barnett, Cade                Philo                  33.00      31.70   1 
                                        Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
                                           School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
                                         1 Tri-Valley  'A'                                     45.50      45.60    5   
                                            1) Repuyan, Devin                  2) Cameron, Dow                   
                                            3) Bryan, Tanner                   4) Slaboden, Colin                
                                         2 Maysville  'A'                                      45.00      45.70    3   
                                            1) Shook, Ashton                   2) Randolph, Ross                 
                                            3) Swauger, Mason                  4) Rush, Tyler                    
                                         3 Tri-Valley  'B'                                     48.90     x48.70  
                                            1) Blackstone, Gabriel             2) Brooks, Shyyan                 
                                            3) Wachter, Rob                    4) Bradshaw, Gyle                 
                                         4 Maysville  'B'                                                x51.90  
                                            1) Sowers, Caden                   2) Stephenson, Jared              
                                            3) Cuervo-Lopez, Hugo              4) Watts, Mason                   
                                       Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
                                           School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
                                         1 Tri-Valley  'A'                                   1:36.00    1:34.90    5   
                                            1) Repuyan, Devin                  2) Cameron, Dow                   
                                            3) Dinan, Jakeb                    4) Slaboden, Colin                
                                         2 Maysville  'A'                                    1:36.00    1:37.20    3   
                                            1) Randolph, Ross                  2) Rucker, Kaige                  
                                            3) Shook, Ashton                   4) Rush, Tyler                    
                                         3 Philo  'A'                                        1:40.00    1:44.20  
                                            1) Carpenter, Aydenn               2) Saunders, Dawson               
                                            3) Wilson, Trey                    4) Deal, Lane                     
                                         4 Tri-Valley  'B'                                   1:42.50   x1:44.40  
                                            1) Dilly, Keylan                   2) Slaboden, Sam                  
                                            3) Millfelt, Ian                   4) Brooks, Shyyan                 
                                         5 Maysville  'B'                                              x1:51.00  
                                            1) Stephenson, Jared               2) Cuervo-Lopez, Hugo             
                                            3) Watts, Mason                    4) Sowers, Caden               

                                       Boys 400 Meter Dash
                                          Dan Adams: ! 48.37  4/27/2018   Luke Finnegan, Wester. Cent                 
                                           Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
                                         1 Yost, Ethan                  Warren                 50.49      50.89   5  10   
                                         2 Taylor, Brady                West Holmes            52.00      51.61   5   8   
                                         3 Kitts, Isaiah                Warren                 52.40      51.73   5   6   
                                         4 Young, Kaleb                 Zanesville             52.40      52.03   5   5   
                                         5 Dyer, Doran                  Heath                  51.50      52.31   5   4   
                                         6 Dombroski, Declan            St. Clairsvi           52.22      52.84   5   3   
                                         7 Boughman, Travett            West Holmes            52.80      52.86   4   2   
                                         8 Ward, Jevin                  Fort Frye              53.42      53.76   4   1   
                                         9 Wilson, Trey                 Philo                  52.80      53.93   4 
                                        10 Rogers, Evan                 Philo                  51.70      53.96   5 
                                        11 Cameron, Graham              Tri-Valley             52.95      54.05   4 
                                        12 Nguyen, Andrew               St. Clairsvi           54.23      54.11   3 
                                        13 Adu-Owusu, Jaryd             Olen. Orange           54.14      54.24   3 
                                        14 Rutherford, Ethan            Parkersburg            52.43      54.60   5 
                                        15 Lawrence, Blake              John Glenn             53.50      54.61   4 
                                        16 Franco, Joshua               Logan                  53.50      54.85   4 
                                        17 Ramos, Layo                  Olen. Orange           54.96      55.99   3 
                                        18 DeBina, Isaac                Logan                  53.90      56.29   4 
                                        19 Loos, Will                   Cambridge              54.00      56.60   4 
                                        20 Nesselroad, Bailey           Fort Frye              57.70      57.84   2 
                                        21 Ford, Ethan                  Meadowbrook            56.55      58.35   3 
                                        22 Anderson, Zach               Parkersburg            56.46      58.66   3 
                                        23 Brooks, Shyyan               Tri-Valley             56.90      59.00   3 
                                        24 Kerr, Liam                   Cambridge              58.95      59.40   2 
                                        25 Milburn, Spencer             Claymont               58.00      59.88   2 
                                        26 Knicely, Tyler               Meadowbrook            59.94    1:00.09   2 
                                        27 King, Blake                  John Glenn             59.00    1:00.67   2 
                                        28 Wise, Noah                   Fairfield Ch         1:02.60    1:02.27   2 
                                        29 Edwards, Tim                 Fairfield Ch         1:06.00    1:07.62   1 
                                              Tri w/ Maysville Trivalley - 9/19/2017 12:36:08 PM        
                                                         Morgan HS, McConnelsville, OH                  
                                                          Varsity Boys 5000 Meter Run                   
                                           Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
                                         1 Logan Jacques            MORGAN LOCAL         19:46.82      1
                                         2 Graham Cammeron          TRI-VALLEY LOCAL     19:51.16      2
                                         3 Dylan Williams           TRI-VALLEY LOCAL     19:55.19      3
                                         4 Landyn Phipps            TRI-VALLEY LOCAL     20:47.67      4
                                         5 Brannon Miller           TRI-VALLEY LOCAL     20:59.82      5
                                         6 Shyyan Brooks            TRI-VALLEY LOCAL     21:27.00      6
                                         7 Cameron Scott            TRI-VALLEY LOCAL     21:28.56      7
                                         8 Kaleb Starner            Maysville            21:36.12      8
                                         9 John Brown               MORGAN LOCAL         21:57.46      9
                                        10 Hunter Griffin           MORGAN LOCAL         22:04.34     10
                                        11 Dakota Fisher            Maysville            22:57.20     11
                                        12 Jonah Rupe               Maysville            24:08.02     12
                                        13 Christian Brown          MORGAN LOCAL         25:59.00     13
                                        14 Zyiah Freeborn           MORGAN LOCAL         25:59.62     14
                                        15 Wesley Frank             Maysville            28:05.07     15
                                        16 Lane Shepard             MORGAN LOCAL         28:49.02     16
                                        17 Isaac Miller             MORGAN LOCAL         29:19.48     17
                                        18 Nathan Gainer            Maysville            31:34.30     18
                                        19 Brendan Blevins          Maysville            31:44.85     19
                                           Name                  Yr Team                      Time H#   Pts
                                         1 Kaleb Young           12 Zanesville              53.89   2    10
                                         2 Mackenzie Clark       11 Tri-Valley              54.84   2     8
                                         3 Damien Lambert        12 Zanesville              56.58   1     6
                                         4 Aaron Prout           12 Union Local             57.55   2     4
                                         5 Topper Moore          10 John Glenn            1:00.97   1     3
                                         6 Shyyan Brooks         12 Tri-Valley            1:01.46   1     2
                                         7 Kaleb Farmer           9 Union Local           1:01.71   1     1
                                         8 Chris Russell          9 John Glenn            1:02.23   2      
                                         9 Li Cheng              11 Maysville             1:08.45   2      
                                        10 Carson Skeenes        11 Crooksville           1:10.65   1      
                                        11 Nathan Gainer         11 Maysville             1:12.21   1      
                                                              Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash                        
                                           Name                  Yr Team                      Time  Wind H#   Pts
                                         1 Jeremiah Norman       11 Zanesville              24.85    NWI  2    10
                                         2 Brock Fankhauser      11 Union Local             25.50    NWI  1     8
                                         3 Nico Repuyan          10 Tri-Valley              25.95    NWI  1     6
                                         4 Michael Norman         9 Zanesville              26.10    NWI  1     4
                                         5 Aaron Prout           12 Union Local             26.14    NWI  2     3
                                         6 Shyyan Brooks         12 Tri-Valley              26.75    NWI  2     2
                                         7 Jacob Devoll          10 Maysville               28.89    NWI  1     1
                                         8 Evan Hively           12 John Glenn              29.50    NWI  1      
                                       Event 24  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
                                        Meet Record: % 3:28.20  2003        Tri Valley, Tri Valley                  
                                           School                                               Finals  Points      
                                       Section  1                                                                   
                                         1 West Muskingum                                      3:57.95    3         
                                            1) McCullough, Jacques             2) Joseph-Bates, Dakota              
                                            3) Sweat, Justin                   4) Murrey, Drew                      
                                         2 Maysville                                           4:00.92    2         
                                            1) Hiles, Noah                     2) Jordan, Hunter                    
                                            3) Stephenson, Jared               4) Milatovich, Elijah                
                                         3 Crooksville                                         4:16.96    1         
                                            1) Diangina, Brian                 2) Miller, Clay                      
                                            3) Skeenes, Carson                 4) Alberty, Gavin                    
                                       Section  2                                                                   
                                         1 New Lexington                                       3:34.11   10         
                                            1) Vance, Jacob                    2) Tharp, Austin                     
                                            3) Stenson, Will                   4) Ratliff, C.J.                     
                                         2 Sheridan                                            3:36.34    8         
                                            1) Masterson, Levi                 2) Hamilton, Will                    
                                            3) Moran, Christian                4) Coconis, Costa                    
                                         3 Tri-Valley                                          3:36.92    6         
                                            1) Simpkins, Carson                2) Cameron, Graham                   
                                            3) Brooks, Shyyan                  4) Reynolds, Cai                     
                                         4 Philo                                               3:42.91    5         
                                            1) Wilson, Trey                    2) Ford, Eli                         
                                            3) Scott, Cameron                  4) Rogers, Evan                      
                                         5 John Glenn                                          3:49.42    4         
                                            1) Lawrence, Blake                 2) King, Blake                       
                                            3) Hanes, Jonah                    4) Meinert, Jack                     
                                        -- Morgan                                                   DQ              
                                            1) Barbee, Julian                  2) Mayle, Tyrese                     
                                            3) Sukchittham, Nithimet           4) Jacomet, Caleb                    
                                        Meet Record: % 3:28.20  2003        Tri Valley, Tri Valley                  
                                           School                                               Finals  H# Points   
                                         1 New Lexington                                       3:34.11   2  10      
                                            1) Vance, Jacob                    2) Tharp, Austin                     
                                            3) Stenson, Will                   4) Ratliff, C.J.                     
                                         2 Sheridan                                            3:36.34   2   8      
                                            1) Masterson, Levi                 2) Hamilton, Will                    
                                            3) Moran, Christian                4) Coconis, Costa                    
                                         3 Tri-Valley                                          3:36.92   2   6      
                                            1) Simpkins, Carson                2) Cameron, Graham                   
                                            3) Brooks, Shyyan                  4) Reynolds, Cai                     
                                         4 Philo                                               3:42.91   2   5      
                                            1) Wilson, Trey                    2) Ford, Eli                         
                                            3) Scott, Cameron                  4) Rogers, Evan                      
                                         5 John Glenn                                          3:49.42   2   4      
                                            1) Lawrence, Blake                 2) King, Blake                       
                                            3) Hanes, Jonah                    4) Meinert, Jack                     
                                         6 West Muskingum                                      3:57.95   1   3      
                                            1) McCullough, Jacques             2) Joseph-Bates, Dakota              
                                            3) Sweat, Justin                   4) Murrey, Drew                      
                                         7 Maysville                                           4:00.92   1   2      
                                            1) Hiles, Noah                     2) Jordan, Hunter                    
                                            3) Stephenson, Jared               4) Milatovich, Elijah                
                                         8 Crooksville                                         4:16.96   1   1      
                                            1) Diangina, Brian                 2) Miller, Clay                      
                                            3) Skeenes, Carson                 4) Alberty, Gavin                    
                                        -- Morgan                                                   DQ   2          
                                            1) Barbee, Julian                  2) Mayle, Tyrese                     
                                            3) Sukchittham, Nithimet           4) Jacomet, Caleb                    
                                       Event 35 Boys 400 Meter Dash run-off
                                       Lane Name School Seed Time
                                       Section 1 of 1 Finals
                                       2 529 Brooks, Shyyan Tri-Valley 56.90 _________
                                       3 225 Murrey, Drew West Musking 56.66 _________
                                       4 254 Rogers, Evan Philo 51.70 _________
                                       5 Masterson, Levi Sheridan 55.00 _________
                                       6 815 Barbee, Julian Morgan 55.32 _________
                                       7 118 Miller, Clay Crooksville 57.00 ________
                                        School Seed Finals Points Alternate
                                        1 New Lexington 'A' 1:36.50 1:37.80 5
                                        1) Mautz, John 2) Williams, Jacob
                                        3) Vance, Jacob 4) Bowen, Kameron
                                        2 Morgan High School 'A' 1:41.32 1:38.00 3
                                        1) White, Brady 2) Nesselroad, Deric
                                        3) Stricker, Jonah 4) Moore, Landon
                                        -- Tri-Valley 'A' 1:42.50 DQ
                                        1) Slaboden, Sam 2) Dilly, Keylan
                                        3) Brooks, Shyyan 4) Merry, Jacob
                                       Event 8  Boys 5k Run CC Bengal Open
                                           Name                    Year School                Avg Mile     Finals  Points
                                         1  #523 Smith, Zach         10 Elyria Catholic         5:56.4   18:27.19    1   
                                         2  #879 Cale, Ethan         12 Pick. North             5:57.4   18:30.15    2   
                                         3  #522 Smith, Ian          10 Elyria Catholic         5:58.2   18:32.85    3   
                                         4  #898 Moraine, Aaron      10 Pick. North             5:58.7   18:34.27    4   
                                         5  #527 Wells, Nick         10 Elyria Catholic         6:00.6   18:40.27    5   
                                         6  #810 Adams, Josiah        9 Pick. Central           6:03.1   18:47.91    6   
                                         7  #882 Dinsmore, Ben        9 Pick. North             6:04.3   18:51.77    7   
                                         8  #525 VanDyke, Connery    11 Elyria Catholic         6:08.9   19:05.86    8   
                                         9  #460 O'Connor, Alex      10 Columbus Academy        6:10.5   19:10.95    9   
                                        10  #579 Massa, Jacob        12 Granville               6:12.8   19:18.21   10   
                                        11  #519 Krese, Matt          9 Elyria Catholic         6:13.5   19:20.38   11   
                                        12  #570 Burczak, George      9 Granville               6:15.1   19:25.24   12   
                                        13 #1077 Allbritton, Liam     9 West. South             6:17.3   19:32.14   13   
                                        14  #910 Roach, Kyle         12 Pick. North             6:18.1   19:34.59   14   
                                        15  #691 Griffin, Vince      10 John Glenn              6:18.1   19:34.60   15   
                                        16  #913 Schroeder, Grant    12 Pick. North             6:18.4   19:35.61   16   
                                        17 #1026 Ndiaye, Hamidou     12 Walnut Ridge            6:19.1   19:37.54   17   
                                        18  #580 Massa, Nathan       10 Granville               6:20.9   19:43.22   18   
                                        19  #573 Curtis, Jake        10 Granville               6:22.0   19:46.69   19   
                                        20 #1023 Bilal, Mohamed      11 Walnut Ridge            6:23.6   19:51.76   20   
                                        21  #914 Shuster, Sean       11 Pick. North             6:23.7   19:52.09   21   
                                        22  #671 Wagner, Ben         12 Hil. Bradley            6:24.1   19:53.29   22   
                                        23  #901 Paas, Jackson       10 Pick. North             6:24.4   19:54.04   23   
                                        24  #888 Holyfield, Kurtis   10 Pick. North             6:24.7   19:54.99        
                                        25 #1063 Letterio, Dominic   12 West. Central           6:25.3   19:56.88   24   
                                        26  #976 Parker, Zion        12 Desales                 6:25.9   19:58.90        
                                        27  #818 Jacob, Brown         9 Pick. Central           6:26.0   19:59.19   25   
                                        28  #652 Geroge, Josh         9 Hil. Bradley            6:27.7   20:04.37   26   
                                        29  #575 Dickerman, Jon       9 Granville               6:29.2   20:09.06   27   
                                        30  #833 Wang, Kevin         11 Pick. Central           6:29.6   20:10.40   28   
                                        31  #919 White, Jacob        10 Pick. North             6:30.9   20:14.41        
                                        32  #568 Bradley, Rudy       10 Granville               6:31.1   20:14.85   29   
                                        33  #518 Kelling, James      12 Elyria Catholic         6:31.1   20:14.86   30   
                                        34  #921 Wigington, Zac      12 Pick. North             6:31.4   20:15.78        
                                        35  #827 Schillig, Max        9 Pick. Central           6:31.4   20:15.96   31   
                                        36 #1005 Glenbocki, Anthony   9 Tri-Valley              6:31.4   20:15.97   32   
                                        37 #1061 Leonard, Ben        12 West. Central           6:31.9   20:17.41   33   
                                        38  #589 Young, Matthias     10 Granville               6:32.6   20:19.54   34   
                                        39  #663 Rogers, Sean        10 Hil. Bradley            6:33.0   20:20.77   35   
                                        40  #468 Wade, Calvin         9 Columbus Academy        6:33.1   20:21.06   36   
                                        41  #689 Denny, Kale          9 John Glenn              6:34.0   20:23.90   37   
                                        42  #877 Butler, Jacob       11 Pick. North             6:34.6   20:25.77        
                                        43  #661 Newcomb, Dylan       9 Hil. Bradley            6:35.7   20:29.39   38   
                                        44  #414 Lewis, Ian           9 Canal Winchester        6:37.5   20:34.97   39   
                                        45 #1072 Slaven, Aiden       10 West. Central           6:37.6   20:35.10   40   
                                        46 #1004 Frueh, Jakob         9 Tri-Valley              6:37.7   20:35.44   41   
                                        47  #915 Thiede, Hunter      12 Pick. North             6:37.8   20:35.87        
                                        48  #917 Vanguri, Vamsi      12 Pick. North             6:38.0   20:36.36        
                                        49  #524 Theile, Kevin        9 Elyria Catholic         6:38.1   20:36.80   42   
                                        50 #1084 Buer, Carson        12 West. South             6:38.2   20:37.06   43   
                                        51  #448 Grewal, Marcus      11 Columbus Academy        6:38.5   20:37.96   44   
                                        52 #1059 Kienle, Evan         9 West. Central           6:40.0   20:42.59   45   
                                        53  #402 Barringer, Gage     11 Canal Winchester        6:40.1   20:42.91   46   
                                        54  #645 Berman, Marcus      10 Hil. Bradley            6:40.6   20:44.56   47   
                                        55  #583 Spieles, Adam        9 Granville               6:42.4   20:50.01        
                                        56  #918 Waites, Kyler       12 Pick. North             6:42.4   20:50.20        
                                        57 #1022 Alpha, Sall         12 Walnut Ridge            6:42.7   20:51.01   48   
                                        58  #667 Slyh, Kevin         11 Hil. Bradley            6:44.3   20:55.93   49   
                                        59 #1098 Vu, Huy             10 West. South             6:45.1   20:58.45   50   
                                        60 #1033 White, Barron       10 Walnut Ridge            6:46.1   21:01.62   51   
                                        61 #1027 Nyeduala, Sam       11 Walnut Ridge            6:46.3   21:02.12   52   
                                        62  #963 Wyandt, Luke        10 Reynoldsburg            6:46.5   21:02.84   53   
                                        63  #521 Sedlak, Chris       11 Elyria Catholic         6:47.3   21:05.40        
                                        64  #586 Vanness, Kevin      12 Granville               6:47.4   21:05.76        
                                        65  #510 Debolt, Aidan        9 Elyria Catholic         6:48.5   21:09.15        
                                        66  #588 Wilson, Charllie     9 Granville               6:48.9   21:10.29        
                                        67 #1065 Metsker, Austin      9 West. Central           6:49.4   21:11.86   54   
                                        68  #696 Ludwig, Jarrett      9 John Glenn              6:49.9   21:13.25   55   
                                        69 #1016 Vernon, Cutter      10 Tri-Valley              6:50.1   21:14.13   56   
                                        70 #1076 Allbritton, Brando  11 West. South             6:51.9   21:19.45   57   
                                        71  #517 Horvath, Josh       11 Elyria Catholic         6:52.1   21:20.31        
                                        72 #1092 Patil, George       12 West. South             6:52.4   21:21.03   58   
                                        73  #511 Elbert, Joe         10 Elyria Catholic         6:52.9   21:22.57        
                                        74  #998 Brooks, Shyyan      10 Tri-Valley              6:53.1   21:23.29   59   
                                        75 #1083 Brown, Connor       11 West. South             6:53.2   21:23.74   60   
                                        76  #660 Morrow, Trenton     10 Hil. Bradley            6:53.8   21:25.56   61   
                                        77  #422 Ruth, Connor         9 Canal Winchester        6:54.0   21:26.18   62   
                                        78  #412 Koonts, Austin      12 Canal Winchester        6:54.3   21:27.20   63   
                                        79  #526 Walker, Tyler       11 Elyria Catholic         6:54.5   21:27.70        
                                        80  #961 Ullom, James        12 Reynoldsburg            6:54.5   21:27.74   64   
                                        81 #1008 Miller, Brannon     10 Tri-Valley              6:54.8   21:28.68   65   
                                        82  #514 Hernandez, Paul     12 Elyria Catholic         6:55.1   21:29.43        
                                        83 #1081 Bouton, Caedin       9 West. South             6:55.5   21:30.84   66   
                                        84 #1054 Harris, Ian          9 West. Central           6:55.7   21:31.47   67   
                                        85 #1095 Stofel, Zach        10 West. South             6:56.3   21:33.19        
                                        86  #906 Prestileo, Sam       9 Pick. North             6:56.7   21:34.42        
                                        87 #1048 Clegg, Joey         10 West. Central           6:57.2   21:36.16   68   
                                        88  #416 McKeon, Matthew     11 Canal Winchester        6:58.4   21:39.75   69   
                                        89  #886 Guzman, Tyler       11 Pick. North             6:58.6   21:40.33        
                                        90  #662 Paynter, Gabe        9 Hil. Bradley            6:58.6   21:40.54        
                                        91 #1025 Cabrera, Edgar      11 Walnut Ridge            6:59.1   21:42.09   70   
                                        92  #513 Gonzalez, Jullian   10 Elyria Catholic         6:59.2   21:42.34        
                                        93  #669 Tawney, Issac        9 Hil. Bradley            6:59.3   21:42.72        
                                        94  #903 Peine, Spencer      10 Pick. North             6:59.7   21:43.71        
                                        95  #498 Hix, Justin         10 Elgin (Marion)          6:59.8   21:44.26   71   
                                        96 #1078 Anderson, Ian       11 West. South             6:59.8   21:44.28        
                                        97  #916 Touvell, Reece      12 Pick. North             7:00.1   21:45.16        
                                        98 #1029 Phillips, Sam       12 Walnut Ridge            7:00.7   21:46.86   72   
                                        99  #512 Garrity, Colin       9 Elyria Catholic         7:01.0   21:48.01        
                                       100  #907 Punwani, Kavi       10 Pick. North             7:01.5   21:49.45        
                                       101  #832 Wallace, Gavin      10 Pick. Central           7:01.5   21:49.49   73   
                                       102 #1082 Braskett, Paul       9 West. South             7:01.6   21:49.65        
                                       103  #674 Zellner, Matt       12 Hil. Bradley            7:01.6   21:49.77        
                                       104  #569 Brautigan, Cade     10 Granville               7:01.9   21:50.64        
                                       105  #892 Mason, Jonathan     10 Pick. North             7:02.0   21:50.98        
                                       106  #911 Ross, Evan          12 Pick. North             7:02.1   21:51.25        
                                       107  #529 Zsigray, Jackson    10 Elyria Catholic         7:02.3   21:51.97        
                                       108  #891 Lundgren, Josh       9 Pick. North             7:02.9   21:53.67        
                                       109  #881 Davis, Cameron      11 Pick. North             7:03.1   21:54.34        
                                       110 #1067 Paciorek, Elijah     9 West. Central           7:03.2   21:54.68        
                                       111  #890 Huffman, Blake      10 Pick. North             7:03.5   21:55.64        
                                       112  #515 Hoang, Kevin        11 Elyria Catholic         7:03.7   21:56.39        
                                       113 #1101 Weaver, Isaac        9 West. South             7:05.6   22:02.06        
                                       114  #831 Vince, Burre         9 Pick. Central           7:05.6   22:02.24   74   
                                       115  #692 Hearing, Kobe        9 John Glenn              7:07.7   22:08.55   75   
                                       116  #409 Garner, Scotty      10 Canal Winchester        7:07.9   22:09.22   76   
                                       117  #491 Baughman, Clayton   11 Elgin (Marion)          7:08.9   22:12.31   77   
                                       118  #908 Riekert, Jeb        10 Pick. North             7:09.0   22:12.78        
                                       119 #1003 Folden, Garrett      9 Tri-Valley              7:09.8   22:15.10   78   
                                       120  #584 Sutliff, Kieran     12 Granville               7:10.5   22:17.36        
                                       121  #813 Crumley, Patrick    12 Pick. Central           7:11.0   22:18.94   79   
                                       122 #1049 Forrest, Nathan     12 West. Central           7:11.6   22:20.82        
                                       123  #415 Marsili, Orlando    10 Canal Winchester        7:11.9   22:21.77   80   
                                       124  #528 Ziegelmeyer, Nick   11 Elyria Catholic         7:12.2   22:22.72        
                                       125 #1071 Shepherd, Jacob     11 West. Central           7:12.6   22:23.83        
                                       126  #973 Braun, Justin       12 Desales                 7:12.7   22:24.30        
                                       127 #1035 Williamson, Hunter  11 Walnut Ridge            7:13.0   22:25.10        
                                       128  #830 Thornberry, Jack     9 Pick. Central           7:13.1   22:25.43        
                                       129  #403 Berner, Corey       11 Canal Winchester        7:13.3   22:25.94        
                                       130  #581 Maurer, Joseph      11 Granville               7:13.3   22:26.11        
                                       131  #457 Menq, Eric          11 Columbus Academy        7:14.0   22:28.38   81   
                                       132  #419 Pence, Noah         11 Canal Winchester        7:14.6   22:30.11        
                                       133 #1075 Tran, Steven        10 West. Central           7:14.9   22:30.93        
                                       134  #562 Romer, Josh         10 Grandview Heights       7:15.0   22:31.24   82   
                                       135  #650 Ely, Devon           9 Hil. Bradley            7:15.1   22:31.55        
                                       136 #1002 Emig, Owen           9 Tri-Valley              7:15.2   22:31.86   83   
                                       137  #553 Culbertson, Garret  11 Grandview Heights       7:15.5   22:33.00   84   
                                       138  #972 Acklin, Bobby       12 Desales                 7:15.7   22:33.47        
                                       139  #686 Buchtel, Carter     12 John Glenn              7:16.2   22:35.13   85   
                                       140  #406 Dodson, Tyler        9 Canal Winchester        7:16.9   22:37.21        
                                       141  #873 Berg, Daniel        10 Pick. North             7:17.6   22:39.58        
                                       142  #946 Black, Andy         10 Reynoldsburg            7:18.5   22:42.17   86   
                                       143  #446 Carroll, Mark       10 Columbus Academy        7:19.5   22:45.27   87   
                                       144  #878 Cabotage, Enrique   10 Pick. North             7:20.9   22:49.66        
                                       145  #421 Rose, Cian           9 Canal Winchester        7:22.1   22:53.41        
                                       146  #884 Ferguson, Matt      10 Pick. North             7:22.8   22:55.66        
                                       147  #455 Leaventon, Andrew   10 Columbus Academy        7:23.5   22:57.80   88   
                                       148  #920 Whitehead, Nick      9 Pick. North             7:23.6   22:57.98        
                                       149  #561 Ramsey, Kenny        9 Grandview Heights       7:23.6   22:58.07   89   
                                       150  #567 Barry, Jake         10 Granville               7:23.8   22:58.57        
                                       151  #565 Walli, Alecco        9 Grandview Heights       7:23.8   22:58.68   90   
                                       152 #1028 Parks, Michael      10 Walnut Ridge            7:26.1   23:05.72        
                                       153 #1034 Wilder, Will        11 Walnut Ridge            7:26.7   23:07.85        
                                       154  #509 Boehm, Matt          9 Elyria Catholic         7:26.8   23:08.16        
                                       155  #451 Heywood, Liam        9 Columbus Academy        7:27.1   23:09.07   91   
                                       156 #1056 Henshaw, Adam       12 West. Central           7:27.6   23:10.53        
                                       157  #571 Bush, Connor        10 Granville               7:27.9   23:11.56        
                                       158 #1000 Davis, Jacob         9 Tri-Valley              7:29.7   23:16.99        
                                       159  #872 Arnett, Brandon     12 Pick. North             7:29.9   23:17.54        
                                       160  #955 Gutman, Parker      10 Reynoldsburg            7:32.4   23:25.50   92   
                                       161  #814 Goetsch, John        9 Pick. Central           7:33.7   23:29.54        
                                       162  #449 Hanson, Paul        11 Columbus Academy        7:34.9   23:33.06        
                                       163  #962 Wightman, Mason     11 Reynoldsburg            7:34.9   23:33.08   93   
                                       164  #401 Babusci, Dominic     9 Canal Winchester        7:35.5   23:35.13        
                                       165  #574 Davis, Eli          11 Granville               7:37.2   23:40.35        
                                       166  #658 Mandel, Sean         9 Hil. Bradley            7:37.2   23:40.39        
                                       167  #425 Snider, Jake         9 Canal Winchester        7:38.6   23:44.75        
                                       168  #874 Boggs, Eric          9 Pick. North             7:39.3   23:46.74        
                                       169  #880 Clifton, Jonathan   10 Pick. North             7:40.2   23:49.52        
                                       170 #1030 Rogers, Bernard     12 Walnut Ridge            7:40.2   23:49.53        
                                       171 #1096 Swank, Jaxen         9 West. South             7:41.5   23:53.68        
                                       172  #996 Bartoli, Nicco      11 Tri-Valley              7:42.1   23:55.66        
                                       173  #555 Ellis, Adam          9 Grandview Heights       7:42.7   23:57.34   94   
                                       174  #824 Phan, Richard       11 Pick. Central           7:43.0   23:58.42        
                                       175  #426 Stone, Kobe         11 Canal Winchester        7:44.5   24:03.04        
                                       176 #1047 Burky, Luke          9 West. Central           7:44.9   24:04.18        
                                       177  #949 Crafter, Vernon     11 Reynoldsburg            7:48.0   24:14.03   95   
                                       178  #685 Baughman, Cade       9 John Glenn              7:50.7   24:22.31   96   
                                       179  #889 Hopkins, Isaac       9 Pick. North             7:51.0   24:23.31        
                                       180  #904 Pond, Evan           9 Pick. North             7:51.5   24:24.66        
                                       181  #420 Reher, Jacob        10 Canal Winchester        7:52.4   24:27.45        
                                       182  #407 Duckworth, Tommy    12 Canal Winchester        7:55.3   24:36.58        
                                       183  #900 Oberst, Justin      10 Pick. North             7:56.7   24:40.80        
                                       184  #496 Grim, Eli           11 Elgin (Marion)          7:58.1   24:45.22   97   
                                       185 #1052 Giffin, Ben         11 West. Central           7:58.3   24:45.88        
                                       186  #572 Cheney, Sam          9 Granville               8:01.2   24:54.80        
                                       187 #1024 Bixler, Jordan      11 Walnut Ridge            8:01.7   24:56.31        
                                       188 #1015 Spiker, Anthony     10 Tri-Valley              8:02.6   24:59.34        
                                       189  #499 Isler, John         10 Elgin (Marion)          8:04.4   25:04.92   98   
                                       190  #516 Hopkins, James      12 Elyria Catholic         8:04.9   25:06.43        
                                       191  #896 Moone, Jordan       10 Pick. North             8:04.9   25:06.45        
                                       192  #445 Allen, Vince        12 Columbus Academy        8:07.0   25:13.01        
                                       193  #912 Sandhopfer, David    9 Pick. North             8:07.2   25:13.41        
                                       194  #556 Feast, Layton        9 Grandview Heights       8:07.2   25:13.64   99   
                                       195  #578 Helgerman, Darius   10 Granville               8:08.4   25:17.21        
                                       196  #493 Dugan, Alec         10 Elgin (Marion)          8:09.1   25:19.40  100   
                                       197  #819 Jent, Chandler      11 Pick. Central           8:09.2   25:19.71        
                                       198  #458 Nankervis, Ethan    11 Columbus Academy        8:12.9   25:31.14        
                                       199  #424 Smithers, Jake      12 Canal Winchester        8:13.0   25:31.44        
                                       200 #1017 Vernon, Tanner      11 Tri-Valley              8:14.4   25:36.03        
                                       201  #653 Hartman, Joey       10 Hil. Bradley            8:14.9   25:37.46        
                                       202  #954 Green, Gunner       11 Reynoldsburg            8:16.5   25:42.30  101   
                                       203  #405 Byrd, Kaylor         9 Canal Winchester        8:17.0   25:43.98        
                                       204  #875 Brahmamdam, Balakr  11 Pick. North             8:19.1   25:50.50        
                                       205  #957 House, Ian           9 Reynoldsburg            8:19.2   25:50.77        
                                       206  #823 Patel, Parth        10 Pick. Central           8:20.0   25:53.22        
                                       207  #467 Simpson, Skylar      9 Columbus Academy        8:35.7   26:41.97        
                                       208  #464 Ross, Ben           12 Columbus Academy        8:36.6   26:45.01        
                                       209 #1032 Warren-Albert, Den  10 Walnut Ridge            8:39.3   26:53.31        
                                       210  #520 Pavlus, Andrew      12 Elyria Catholic         8:39.9   26:55.12        
                                       211  #472 Weiser, Aden        11 Columbus Academy        8:40.5   26:57.05        
                                       212 #1100 Wartel, Adam        11 West. South             8:42.1   27:01.96        
                                       213  #587 White, Mason         9 Granville               8:42.5   27:03.21        
                                       214  #576 Dunning, Matt       11 Granville               8:44.0   27:07.73        
                                       215  #948 Cole, Maxwell       11 Reynoldsburg            8:44.1   27:08.29        
                                       216  #585 Teich, Calvin       10 Granville               8:44.3   27:08.76        
                                       217  #566 Barclay, John        9 Granville               8:48.1   27:20.61        
                                       218  #494 Ferrell, Lucas      10 Elgin (Marion)          8:51.0   27:29.47  102   
                                       219  #582 Penland, Grayson     9 Granville               8:56.7   27:47.41        
                                       220  #590 Ziegert, Charlie    10 Granville               9:16.1   28:47.52        
                                       221  #885 Fisher, Ian          9 Pick. North             9:19.7   28:58.65        
                                       222 #1080 Beeba, Theodore     12 West. South             9:21.6   29:04.65        
                                       223  #495 Gray, Hayden        10 Elgin (Marion)          9:39.2   29:59.34  103   
                                       224  #979 Schetter, Nick       9 Desales                 9:49.4   30:31.16        
                                       225  #887 Hollyfield, Karson   9 Pick. North             9:51.1   30:36.28        
                                       226  #461 Raiken, Cole        11 Columbus Academy        9:58.1   30:58.01        
                                       227  #697 Morgan, Anthon       9 John Glenn             10:03.1   31:13.50  104   
                                       228  #825 Richardson, Bryce   10 Pick. Central          10:23.9   32:18.18