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Title:Scheiss kr pel
Created:Jul 11th, 2023
Created by: JoseflinStarlinin
Views: 228
Comments: 0
Edited at: Jul 12th, 2023
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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Idk who tf he is but he said some thing about my friend so lets get to the dox Name Aurel Nummber +41 77 475 71 39 He lives somewhere in tuggen / switzerland Age 15 Pic https://share-your-photo.com/b9014a26ea love you<3 :^^~~~~~~~^~~~!!^:!77777??777!~~^^:::..... !PP5YYJ?????77!!!!!!:^~~^^^^^^^^~~!!~!!!!!!!777???JJJJJJ?7!!~^:. J@P^ ....:^~~!?JY5PPPY~!??77!!~^:. .5&7 ...^^~~!?YY5J?7!: !B~ :JG#&&&#P?!?7. !J?Y5Y5Y5555555PPPGGGBBBBBGGGPP55YYJ?7!!~^:::.... .J&@@@@@@@@@B:!J. .BYYP55555YYYYJJJJJJJJ?????????JY5PGB##&@@&&&&&&##GP5Y?7~^^:.. .P@@@@@@@@@@@@5 JJ 7#!!777777?7??????????7777777!~~~^::::::^^~~!!7JJY5PGB#&&@&&&#BBGPP5J:5@@@@@@@@@@@@@@~~B. 5B5BBBBBBBBBBGGBGBBBBBBBB########&&&&##BBGGP5YJ77~^::.:::^~~!77???JY7J@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@5:B~ .BY .....:::^~!7??JY5PGGB##&&&&##BGP5YJJ?J??7~~#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@B:BJ ^#J ..:^^~7?Y5PGB#&&&@&&G5@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&~5P ^#7 ...::..JPPGBB#&@@@@@@@@@@5!5 ^#7 .~!!!!!!~. .^~^^^. :GP. ...:^~!!7???7!^.: ^#J .7?^. .:7Y~ ^^^^:::~?7: :B@! .B5 .J~ :?J7. ~Y! .P@Y GB :J^ !? :5? 5@5 J&~ YY .?^ .P! ?@G ~@? :G: :7. 7P. ^&#: .&P. ~5 ~7 ~B: P@! Y&^ ^J ~7 ~P: 7@Y ~@? .P: ^7 :!. .#G. .GB. ?? !: !: Y@~ 7@7 .P~ :JY^ :?! ^?!. ~J ~@Y :#P ^?^ 7@@J :JY:?7:G@&^ ~J. :B#. Y#^ ~7!JY!~?J!. ~75G?..:^?7. Y@~ 7@7 :^~~~: ^!77?7~: !@J 7@Y :#P :Y? .^..~~^^. YB: 7BY: !J:~~7???7^ ^&7 J@@! J!~J?~~:.~J B5 ?@&~ .^~~^ 77 .^.:~?^. ?&^ !@#^!?:^~JJ ^Y. J? ^&! ~@B:Y? J^ .J^ ?Y .^~~^. .?5: ~@5 ?5 ?~ ?! !P. :77~::.77 ?@7 7@? Y? .J^^: !7 :G~ .!7^ .~J! !&Y Y&! Y! JY??7^^~!!77. YJ ~7^ ^?J?^ .BP P#^ ?Y .57PP:!!^:.. ?Y: .~?~ .~??^ GB. :#G .JJ. ^?:!~:^~!~~~~^..:^::~?. :!?~ .!?!. G&^ ~&Y 7Y7.^7?Y? ~::::77~^!J?7!7~..~7?~. Y@7 ?@~ .~?!^.:Y: .?Y~!!^!J?. .^!7!7!~: !@5 .PB~P57^. :?^ . ..^!7?7?~ :J.. .#G: ^&J:JP#&&GY!:^?~:. .7?7^?7^^~.:Y^ G#: 7@!5P?!!JP#@@B5Y??~^!7!!:!7:~?~!: .^!J5!Y@~ 5G.!5B?!!7JBB5!Y?!!!?77~ . .^~7JPB#&#B5^?@7 ^&J ^?G&@#57YB#&@@@@@@@&P?^^?7!~~^::... ..::~!JYGB#&&#G5J!~~!7^?@J P#: :!YB&&#GP5PPGBBBBBBP?&@@@@@@&&##BBGPPGPGGBB###&##BG5J7^:::~?5B&@@J7@Y ~&Y :!YG&&#BPY?!^:. .:^~!!7??JJYYYYYYYJJ?7!~^^:..:~!J5G#@@@#GY7~ ^@P 5&: :!YP#&@@@&#BP5J77!~^^:::...:::^~~!7?JYPGB#@@@@#G5?!:. ^&P ^#? .:~7?YPB#&&@@@@@@@@&&&&&@@@@@@@@&#BGPY?7~:. ^@P 5@7 ..::^^~~~!!!!!!!!!~~~^^:.. :PJ ~P&G?: :~^ :P~ ^JPJ:!~^J. .P? .?~. !7: .:. ^GJ ~: .?&&B57^. ^7~:7. .^!JY5J: ^!^ ^#@@@@@#Y:::.. !7. :Y. ..^!JYYJ!^. ?7^ :G&&&B57^..:^^^^:. 7! ^J .:^~7?YYYJ?~: :J: ...:::. .:::^^^:^~!!~~^ ^~...:::::^^^^ :^~77??JYJ?77~^. .JJ^ .~^:^~!~^:::... ~P: !JP5J7~~^~~!!!7!^^^^^:. .~^:!7!~^:. 7J. :.:...:^~~~~~~~. :7!^^^:.^^~~^^:.. .~7?7!~^.