[+] Surname: Nimaev
[+] Name: Bayarnima
[+] Middle name: Badmaevich
[+] All phone numbers: (main phone number: 79836357375), 79644001975, 79503811310
[+] Passport: 81 14 614***
[+] Snils: 1411488****
[+] Place of residence: Ulan-Ude, Russia,Buryatia,Ulan-Ude,House 1,Kv 101, Zeleny 670009
[+] Device: mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 10.0 wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/76.0.3809.132 yabrowser/ yowser/2.5 safari/537.36
[+] Email: bayr01@mail.ru
[+] Card number: 5559 4941 4255 6751
[+] Еxpire_date: 2028-12-31
[+] Date of birth: 2001.05.31
[+] Telegram: https://t.me/bayr01
[+] YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNHY2jXKUDIhjnoNpHCXb-A

!!The passport data is hidden in order not to violate the law of the Russian Federation.!!


..:: My name: Estilone - son of God ::..