____       _____            
|  _ \  ___|___  |_ __  ___  
| |_) |/ _ \  / /| '__|/ _ \ 
|  _ <|  __/ / / | |  | (_) |
|_| \_\\___|/_/  |_|   \___/ 


Claims To Make Money Off Trading But Just Scams People
Claims To Own A Forex And Trading Company
Claims to hack accounts for money but runs off after payment
Uses Prop Notes To Promote His "Forex Trading Business"

CAUGHT sending others pictures of his mother and twin sister using hidden a hidden camera in the bathroom

 ____                                        _      ___          __        
|  _ \  ___  _ __  ___   ___   _ __    __ _ | |    |_ _| _ __   / _|  ___  
| |_) |/ _ \| '__|/ __| / _ \ | '_ \  / _` || |     | | | '_ \ | |_  / _ \ 
|  __/|  __/| |   \__ \| (_) || | | || (_| || |     | | | | | ||  _|| (_) |
|_|    \___||_|   |___/ \___/ |_| |_| \__,_||_|    |___||_| |_||_|   \___/ 

Full Name: Borys Romanowski
His Telephone: 07776259517
Instagram: Borys.fx  
Tiktok: @.borys.fx
Snapchat b.romanowski24 ( Edit: Taken Down, Sending Indecent Images To 13-15 Year Old Girls)
Deleted All His Emails We Know Of After Confronting Him About His Scams

Roman Romanowski - Father
N/A - Mother
Julia Romanowska - Twin Sister