
						    ▀█████████▄     ▄█    █▄     ▄████████ 
						      ███    ███   ███    ███   ███    ███ 
						      ███    ███   ███    ███   ███    █▀  
						     ▄███▄▄▄██▀   ▄███▄▄▄▄███▄▄ ███        
						    ▀▀███▀▀▀██▄  ▀▀███▀▀▀▀███▀  ███        
						      ███    ██▄   ███    ███   ███    █▄  
						      ███    ███   ███    ███   ███    ███ 
						    ▄█████████▀    ███    █▀    ████████▀  
		  				 [⚠️ bhc supervisor contact: t.me/courthq ⚠️]
   	     		    		     [We are happy to accept any additional information.] 

			║ About 	║	0x00 ────── General information about the paste        	 _   o   x ║
			║											   ║
			║	0x01	....    Aliases					 			   ║
			║											   ║
			║	0x02	....	Information							   ║
			║											   ║
			║	0x03    ....    Relatives							   ║
			║											   ║
			║	0x04	.... 	Links						                   ║
			║											   ║
			║	0x05	....    Credits 						   	   ║
			║											   ║

			║  Aliases	║  0x01  ────── calendulacra					 _   o   x ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	calendulacra ────── Instagram [@]						   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	drofaa ────── Telegram [@]						   	   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Саша ────── Sometimes uses rl name as her alias.				   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	warzuki	────── Old Telegram Tag [@]			   			   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	untimelydeath ────── VK login.							   ║
			║								   			   ║

			║  Information	║  0x02 ────── calendulacra   					 _   o   x ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Legal name:  Александра Сергеевна Дигина  			   		   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Main number: +79538807867  							   ║
			║		     	├ Country:  Russia.						   ║
			║		     	├ Region:  Novosibirsk Obl.					   ║
			║		     	└ Operator:  T2 Mobile						   ║
			║				└ Sim status ────── active				   ║
			║							├ Device unlocked.		   ║
			║							└ 01.02.2024 0:48 [MSK timezone]   ║
			║								└ DD/MM/YYYY   		   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Date of Birth:  17.04.2002 [DD/MM/YYYY]						   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Email: 	alexandrofaa@yandex.ru						   	   ║
			║		│	│	└ Main Email				   		   ║
			║		│	│		└ Whoosh / zdravcity.ru	/ book24.ru		   ║
			║		│	│			    └ 01.2023	  └ 2020-12-11		   ║
			║		│	│					   			   ║
			║		│	├────────── Alfa Bank [2023 leak]				   ║
			║		│	│  					   			   ║
			║		│	├  Account number / invoice number:  40817810305611273170	   ║
			║		│	├  Cards:  2200150547495884					   ║
			║		│	│					   			   ║
			║		│	├────────── Tinkoff Bank					   ║
			║		│	│					   			   ║
			║		│	└  Card: 2200700853181443					   ║
			║		│						   			   ║
			║		└  +79529387523						   		   ║
			║			└ Mothers phone number.					   	   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║		chestnyi_kofe@mail.ru 							   ║
			║			│	└ Tele2 loyality program				   ║
			║			│					   			   ║
			║			└ Looks like her father uses this email.   			   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║		thetiimb1@gmail.com						   	   ║
			║				└ tvoe.ru				   		   ║
			║				     └ 05.2023 [DD/MM/YYYY]	   			   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║		lazy.slow@yandex.ru						   	   ║
			║				└ Yandex Practicum				   	   ║
			║					├ ID: 198694		   			   ║
			║					└ Yandex ID: 311449022 			   	   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Logged IP:							   ║
			║			└ [kassy.ru] 04.2023					   	   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Address:  Рф Новосибирск Новосибирск, Дуси Ковальчук, 7, 2			   ║
			║					└ [CDEK Contragent] FACT. ADDR. 		   ║
			║								└ xx.xx.2022 [DD/MM/YYYY]  ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	SberBank UUID:  91E230FC76E44BABB5D5874AB1F79A2F				   ║
			║					└ Date of reg: 	28.07.2019 13:14:35.776		   ║
			║								└ DD/MM/YYYY   		   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Other known Addresses:  Новосибирск Улица Дуси Ковальчук Д.7 П.угловой Эт.8 Кв.109 ║
			║				      └ Yandex Food db [02.2022]			   ║
			║						├ ID: 494800093		   		   ║
			║						├ User ID:  272879883		   	   ║
			║						├ User-Agent:  MagnitApp_Android/1.2.7 	   ║
			║						├ Is Active: 1		   		   ║
			║						├ W:  55.049147		   		   ║
			║						└ L:  82.885305		   		   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║				Новосибирск, Ул. Оловозаводская, 18/1			   ║
			║						├ ASHAN [05.2023]		   	   ║
			║						└ Mikhail ....		   		   ║
			║							└ not our suspect.	   	   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Current tag:  @drofaa [01.02.2024 DD/MM/YYYY]					   ║
			║			├ ID: 340893613					         	   ║
			║			└ Aprx. Date of reg.:  feb. 2017	   			   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	ID:  id309986617  							   	   ║
			║		├ Login:  untimelydeath						   	   ║
			║		└ Date of registration: 19.06.2015 16:58 				   ║
			║						└ DD/MM/YYYY	   			   ║
			║								   			   ║

			║  Relatives	║  0x03  ────── calendulacra 					 _   o   x ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Legal name:  Дигин Сергей Геннадьевич						   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Passport:  50 01 845997					   			   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Alfa bank data from 2023 leak:  [Legal name]					   ║
			║					│			   			   ║
			║					├ +73832238672, +79529079338, +79529234773	   ║
			║					├ digin-s-g@mail.ru			           ║
			║					└ InvoiceNumber  :  Cards: 			   ║
			║					40817810405651470037  :  4154006512896153          ║
			║					40817810205810704029  :  4154006545593124	   ║
			║								 4154006560027420   	   ║
			║								 4154006565189423   	   ║
			║								 4154006594234463   	   ║
			║					40817810904910685035  :  4154006573156109	   ║
			║					40817810005730433191  :  4154006594620331	   ║
			║					40817810304810136381  :  4154282508978780	   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	SNILS:  02346410514							   	   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	INN:  540218091206							   	   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Date Of Birth:  17.02.1969							   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Legal Name: Дигина Оксана Ивановна 						   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Date Of Birth:  09.02.1971							   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Phone Number: +79529387523 							   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Address:  Россия, Г. Новосибирск, Ул. Дуси Ковальчук, Д. 7, Кв. 109 		   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Emails:  oksana_digina@mail.ru							   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║		 digin-s-g@mail.ru						   	   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║		 ym@endo-med.com						   	   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Instagram:  https://instagram.com/oksanadigina					   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	OK:  https://ok.ru/profile/344892434492						   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	FaceBook:  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006660516700		   ║
			║								   			   ║

			║ Comment	║  								 _   o   x ║
			║								   			   ║
			║	Rrrrrrrrrretard removal spree!					   		   ║
			║								   			   ║
			║				-bhc hq				   			   ║
			║								   			   ║

			║  Links	║  0x04 ────── calendulacra 				 	 _   o   x ║
			║								   			   ║			      i like mushrooms!
			║	t.me/drofaa [@]									   ║			    - 
			║								   			   ║      ,-._____,-.	  - 
			║	t.me/myasosibiria [channel]			   				   ║     (_c       c_)  -
			║								   			   ║      /  e-o-e  \
			║	t.me/calendulacraa [channel]						   	   ║     (  (._|_,)  )
			║								   			   ║      >._`---'_,<
			║	https://instagram.com/calendulacra [empty]				           ║    ,'/  `---'  \`.
			║								   			   ║  ,' /           \ `.
			║	https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005796944210 [xd]		   	   ║ (  (             )  )
			║								   			   ║  `-'\           /`-'
			║	https://vk.com/id309986617 [@]					   		   ║     |`-._____.-'|
			║								   			   ║     |     Y     |
			╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝	 /     |     \
														        (      |      )
			║ Credits 	║  0x05 ────── The End									        _   o   x ║
			║								   			   				  ║
			║							BHC HQ:	   			   			          ║
			║					MothersEmbrace  &  PizzaRestaurantEmployee					  ║
			║								   			   				  ║