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Created:Oct 25th, 2024
Created by: tyrtesla
Views: 208
Comments: 1
Edited at: Oct 25th, 2024
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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|---------------------------| [ Doxeo Santi Mods / Ricardo Aplicaciones / SanthM] |---------------------------| [Santi Mods, now known as "Ricardo Aplicaciones," has engaged in serious and questionable practices by extracting and publishing personal data of innocent individuals. Among his actions, he notably obtained private information of Thyr, whom he defamed and threatened out of jealousy toward Thyr's YouTube channel. Additionally, he has shared the personal details of individuals he disliked, even going so far as to publish phone numbers and family data of his victims, inciting others to harass them. In an attempt to appear as a hacker, he used artificial intelligence to digitally undress victims’ family members, including minors and people of all ages. Recently, under the identity "Ricardo Aplicaciones," he created a malicious APK app called "Mercado Pago Trucho," designed to scam individuals by generating fake payment receipts, containing viruses and trojans.] |---------------------------| [ πππ§π’π¦ πππ ππ‘πππ©πππ¨π’] > NOMBRE : SANTIAGO ENCINA > FECHA DE NACIMIENTO: 14/01/2006 > DOCUMENTO: 47102830 | 20471028305 > EDAD: 18 > FOTO: https://ibb.co/bzG3Fsz > NACIONALIDAD: 1 > SEXO: M > LUGAR DE NACIMIENTO: Buenos Aires [πΏππππΎπΎπππ] |---------------------------| | > CALLE: TORQUINST | > NUMERO: 5969 | > CIUDAD: Villa Lynch | > MUNICIPIO: GENERAL SAN MARTíN | > NUMERO: 5969 | > PISO: | > DEPARTAMENTO: | > PROVINCIA: BUENOS AIRES | > BARRIO: 0 | > MONOBLOCK: barrio el tropezon | > CODIGO POSTAL: 00 | > PAIS:ARGENTINA | > Coordenadas: -34.59210058231342, -58.554225139164316 |---------------------------| [ πππ§π’π¦ πππ π₯ππ‘ππ£ππ₯ ] |---------------------------| > IDTRAMITE: 00674740189 > IDTARJETA: 0 > IDCIUDADANO: 156813682 > EJEMPLAR: A > VENCIMIENTO: 2036-09-09 > EMISION: 2021-09-09 > CODIGO FALLECIDO: 0 > MENSAJE FALLECIDO: SIN AVISO DE FALLECIMIENTO > FECHA FALLECIMIENTO: 0000-00-00 > PASAPORTE: NO TIENE >LICENSIA DE CONDUCIR: NO TIENE >DONANTE: NO >TRABAJO ACTUAL: NO TIENE >PROPIEDADES/VEHÍCULOS: NO TIENE > FIRMADO: DNI/PAS Firmado |---------------------------| IDARG: 0000674740189@ENCINA@SANTIAGO@M@47102830@156813682@14/01/2006@2036-09-09@20471028305 [ πππ§π’π¦ DE INFORMES COMERCIALES ] |---------------------------| > NORISK: https://www.mediafire.com/file/d4455ibcetg6uh3/20471028305.pdf/file > CERTERO: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xa5rrp3inqtd2dr/PDF_%25285%2529.pdf/file |---------------------------| [ πATOS DE FÍSICOS] > ESTATURA: 1.72 cm aproximadamente. > FOTO: https://ibb.co/bzG3Fsz > ETINIA/RAZA: INDÍGENA > COLOR DE PIEL: MARRÓN SUAVE > COLOR DE OJOS: MARRON OSCURO/NEGRO > PELO: NEGRO /LACIO Y CORTO > CONTEXTURA: DELGADO |---------------------------| [ πATOS DE PERSONALES ] |---------------------------| > DIRECCION IP: > CORREO PERSONAL: santhm04@gmail.com > NUMERO OFICIAL: +54 1127767017 (1127767017) /CLARO > CONTRASEÑAS: smiles1991 , 3383f8 > NUMERO EXTRA: 111534447228 /TELECOM PERSONAL > LIKNEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/santhm-undefined-533465292?trk=contact-info |---------------------------| [ πATOS DE SU IP ] |---------------------------| { "ip": "", "country_code": "AR", "country_name": "Argentina", "region_name": "Buenos Aires", "city_name": "Castelar", "latitude": -34.666934, "longitude": -58.666607, "zip_code": "B1714", "time_zone": "-03:00", "asn": "22927", "as": "Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry", "isp": "Telefonica de Argentina", "domain": "telefonica.com.ar", "net_speed": "DSL", "idd_code": "54", "area_code": "011", "weather_station_code": "ARBA0034", "weather_station_name": "General San Martin", "mcc": "722", "mnc": "010/070", "mobile_brand": "Movistar", "elevation": 28, "usage_type": "ISP/MOB", "address_type": "Unicast", "continent": { "name": "South America", "code": "SA", "hemisphere": [ "south", "west" ], "translation": { "lang": null, "value": null } }, "district": "Partido de Moron", "country": { "name": "Argentina", "alpha3_code": "ARG", "numeric_code": 32, "demonym": "Argentines", "flag": "https://cdn.ip2location.io/assets/img/flags/ar.png", "capital": "Buenos Aires", "total_area": 2780400, "population": 45195774, "currency": { "code": "ARS", "name": "Argentine Peso", "symbol": "$" }, "language": { "code": "ES", "name": "Spanish" }, "tld": "ar", "translation": { "lang": null, "value": null } }, "region": { "name": "Buenos Aires", "code": "AR-B", "translation": { "lang": null, "value": null } }, "city": { "name": "Castelar", "translation": { "lang": null, "value": null } }, "time_zone_info": { "olson": "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires", "current_time": "2024-02-18T18:15:33-03:00", "gmt_offset": -10800, "is_dst": false, "sunrise": "06:31", "sunset": "19:45" }, "geotargeting": { "metro": null }, "ads_category": "IAB19-18", "ads_category_name": "Internet Technology", "is_proxy": false, "proxy": { "last_seen": 0, "proxy_type": "-", "threat": "-", "provider": "-", "is_vpn": false, "is_tor": false, "is_data_center": false, "is_public_proxy": false, "is_web_proxy": false, "is_web_crawler": false, "is_residential_proxy": false, "is_spammer": false, "is_scanner": false, "is_botnet": false } } |---------------------------| [ πATOS DE LA MADRE ] |---------------------------| > FOTO: https://ibb.co/PQ0qwRp Nombres: Barbara Karina Apellidos: GALVAN DNI: 30161859 CUIL: 27301618595 Número de trámite: 135154429 ID Ciudadano: 17360261 Nacimiento: 08/07/1983 Emisión: 10/09/2012 Vencimiento: 10/09/2027 Ejemplar: A Nacionalidad: ARGENTINA Nacimiento en: ARGENTINA Fallecimiento: FALLECIDO Domicilio Calle: TORQUINST Numero: 5969 Codigo Postal: 1650 Ciudad: CIUDAD DEL LIBERTADOR GENERAL JOSé DE SAN MARTíN Municipio: GENERAL SAN MARTíN Provincia: BUENOS AIRES Pais: ARGENTINA Donante: No Pasaporte : No tiene Licencias de conducir : No tiene > INFORME COMERCIAL: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0dwjp8ernevdgj7/20240804_informe_40264987_GALVAN_BARBARA_KARINA.pdf/file |---------------------------| [ πATOS DEL PADRE ] |---------------------------| > FOTO: https://ibb.co/64M8tbX Nombre(s): Jorge Luis Apellido(s): ENCINA DNI: 29229233 CUIL: 20292292334 ID Trámite: 00645560766 ID Ciudadano: 17281602 Nacimiento: 20/12/1981 Emisión: 12/01/2021 Vencimiento: 12/01/2036 Ejemplar: C Nacionalidad: ARGENTINA Nacimiento en: ARGENTINA Fallecimiento: Sin Aviso de Fallecimiento Domicilio Calle: GUEMES Numero: 1986 Codigo Postal: 1650 Ciudad: VILLA AYACUCHO Municipio: GENERAL SAN MARTíN Provincia: BUENOS AIRES Pais: ARGENTINA Pasaporte : No tiene Licencias de conducir : No tiene > INFORME COMERCIAL: https://www.mediafire.com/file/87j2gbk00ezhw38/20240804_informe_40264975_ENCINA_JORGE_LUIS.pdf/file |---------------------------| [ πATOS DE LA FAMILIA] |---------------------------| > HERMANA: FOTO: https://ibb.co/wS1BnS4 Documento: 50532708 Nombre: LUZMILA NEREA ENCINA > TIA: FOTO: https://ibb.co/tzkyzpk Nombre: DALMA ESTEFANIA VERON Documento: 34997490 > HERMANO: FOTO: https://ibb.co/CsQyX60 Documento: 38327372 Nombre: EZEQUIEL MATIAS CARDENAS > FAMILIA ADCIONAL: https://ibb.co/qWcrfDb > NUMEROS DE LA FAMILIA (TAMBIEN HAY EN LOS INFORMES COMERCIALES): +54 91161573077 +54 91142131188 +54 91144664797 +54 91142594440 +54 9 2354 421399 +54 91161573077
2 months ago