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Title:Santa Claus Dox
Created:Dec 7th, 2022
Created by: ik [Clique]
Views: 32,654
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santa dox context: niggas an opp didnt get me a xbox 360 that one year address: 123 Elf Road North Pole, 88888 full name: Saint Ghurkin Nicholas nudes: https://a.pomf.cat/qsuzxv.jpg ---------------------------------------------------------------------- relatives Mrs Santa( fat bitch sits on her arse and eats cookies all day) and like 4(ish) reindeers (i can name like 3) ------------------------------------------------------------------- some back story: so imagine ur sitting there on Christmas day 2011, your opening ur presents waiting to see the godly 360, and nothing. no sign of the 360 my heart was broken to say the least i was in anger and on that day i swore to have my revenge, i have more to come and i know for a fact that i will crush that long beard looking ass hoe into the ground -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,;7, _ ||:|, _,---,_ )\' '| .'_.-.,_ '. ',') j /,' ___} \ _/ / ., ,1 .'' =\ _.''. ,`';_ | .' \ (.'T ~, (' ) ',.' / ';', - look at this fat bastard, he also ate my mince pies and drunk my milk \ .\(\O/)_. \ ( _Z-'`>--, .'', ; also could be a pedo because he sees you when you sleep and knows when ur awake \ | I _|._>;--'`,-j-' ; ', .' __\_| _.'.-7 ) `'-' " ( ;' - this year I want a lovense this nigga better deliver .'.'_.'|.' .' \ ',_ .'\ / | | |.' / \ \ l \ / | _.-' / '. ('._ _ ,.' \i ,--' ---' / k _.-,.-|__L, '-' ' () ; '._ ( '; ( _-} | / ' \ ; ',.__; () / / | ; ; ___._._____.: :-j | \,__',-' ____: :_____.: :-\ | F : . ' ' , L ', J | ; j | \ | | L | J ; .-F | ; J L \___,---' J'--: j,---,___ |_ | | |'--' L '--| '-'| '.,L |----.__ j.__.' | '----' |, '-' } j / ('-----'; { "---'--;' } | | | '.----,.' ',.__.__.' |=, _/ | / | '. |'= -x L___ '--, L __\ '-----' '.____)