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                                                                                               (owner of Hiroshima)         

   This Dox was Made By Viibe-x-#8247 on discord aka Scotty. (Santacuz turned his back on me so this is karma lol)
discords: Santacuz#3795 (he has alot more discords) (and might change it now lol)                                 |
Santacus IP:                                                                                        |
Santacuz Address: 7712 NW 70th St, Kansas City, MO 64152                                                          |
He is 13-14 years old (cant remember exactly)                              Make sure to follow me on IG!          |
Dads Name: Henry O'Brian                                                            IG: scotty101godly            |
Moms Name: Erica O'Brian                                                                                          |
Santacuz Last name: O'Brian                                                                                       |
Tiktok:  santa.hiroshima                                                                                          |
Instagram: hiroshima.services                                                                                     |