_ .-') _              ) (`-.        ('-.  _ .-') _   
( (  OO) )              ( OO ).    _(  OO)( (  OO) )  
 \     .'_  .-'),-----.(_/.  \_)-.(,------.\     .'_  
 ,`'--..._)( OO'  .-.  '\  `.'  /  |  .---',`'--..._) 
 |  |  \  '/   |  | |  | \     /\  |  |    |  |  \  ' 
 |  |   ' |\_) |  |\|  |  \   \ | (|  '--. |  |   ' | 
 |  |   / :  \ |  | |  | .'    \_) |  .--' |  |   / : 
 |  '--'  /   `'  '-'  '/  .'.  \  |  `---.|  '--'  / 
 `-------'      `-----''--'   '--' `------'`-------'

      | DROPPED BY cawnuhr, jxzn, vgxop,Primebullet/Vibenlol |


Reason: acts harmful when in reality he is the most harmless creature on planet earth,
threatened to swat and get local authorities involved; kid wouldnt hurt a fly.
                    | BASIC INFORMATION |

Full Name: Marcello Astuto    
   - Victim's Number: (336) 328-7880
Mom's Name: N/A (his mom left him LOL)
Dad's Name: Samuel L Astuto Jr.  
   - Dad's Number: (336) 491-6000
Address: 3802 Johnson Street
City: High Point, North Carolina
Country: USA
Postal Code: 27265
Instagram: N/A
Snapchat: N/A
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd1bnwDl73asZDdE59KIr_Q
Discord: Saltyy#7378
Alias: Saltyy, Saltyisthename, Saltyyisthename, JackMerrik
Verified image(s) of victim: https://gyazo.com/57811b24803142e3d83d1b75b95606df (UGLY AS FUCK LMFAOO)

                    | IP INFORMATION |

Decimal: 1145303863
Hostname: 68-67-243-55-dynamic.northstate.net
ISP: North State Telephone Co.
Organization: North State Communications (northstate.net)
Service: Cable
Longitude: -80.0244
Latitude: 36.0807
Geolocation data from ipinfo.io (Product: API, real-time)


          _ .-') _              ) (`-.        ('-.  _ .-') _   
( (  OO) )              ( OO ).    _(  OO)( (  OO) )  
 \     .'_  .-'),-----.(_/.  \_)-.(,------.\     .'_  
 ,`'--..._)( OO'  .-.  '\  `.'  /  |  .---',`'--..._) 
 |  |  \  '/   |  | |  | \     /\  |  |    |  |  \  ' 
 |  |   ' |\_) |  |\|  |  \   \ | (|  '--. |  |   ' | 
 |  |   / :  \ |  | |  | .'    \_) |  .--' |  |   / : 
 |  '--'  /   `'  '-'  '/  .'.  \  |  `---.|  '--'  / 
 `-------'      `-----''--'   '--' `------'`-------'