========Name of victim========
Name: Saad
========Age of victim========
Age: 18
========Other information========
Any other information: He is a track runner
========Reason of Dox========
Reason of dox: Already seems like a pedophile saying things such as "I'm waiting you bb", "_he wrote a devil emoji_", "I'm here for you bb", he also said something else in a WhatsApp chat with a heart emoji, however 
we then got blocked but currently trying to contact him with another phone number/WhatsApp account. [UPDATE] I then messaged him onto whatsapp and he also asked for a picture. Just seems a bit suspicious.
Location: Oujda, Morocco 
========IP Address========
Office National des Postes et Telecommunications ONPT (Maroc Telecom) / IAM
========OS and Browser========
Android, Chrome
========Social Media========
Snapchat: saadsaad816
========Phone number========
Phone number: +212 766928873 
(He asked if we have Whatsapp or not, so if you do want to contact this piece of shit go ahead and get onto Whatsapp and harass him)
========First encounter of Saad========
http://logs.omegle.com/5bd4fba9fb93a116 <- put that in the browser if you don't know what to do with this. This is the chat with the alleged pedo.

Whoever can, I would like for you to hand them in to the authorities or do anything in your power to expose him even more and make his life shit. He deserves it. This will be much and highly appreciated.
Stay safe everyone.