!! This dox is UNFINISHED. It will be updated as more information is found. !!
                             ~ nexuslol | isismothafucka | ilvsec ~

| SWITZERR_AND_ARROW_DOX.txt                                                                + x _ |
| 1 Hello dear viewer! We are so glad you can join us here!!!!!!! Today we are going to be sharing|
| 2 Some valuable information regarding Switzerr (Furry musician/artist/animator) and ARROW (We ar|
| 3 e assuming that 'arrow' is an alias for known problematic furry artist fatal, also known as W |
| 4 attsuhp, ToxinDoesStuffYT, Toxin etc.) Enjoy!                                                 |

> start switzerr.exe

| switzerr.exe                                                                              + x _ |
| file load edit exit                                                                             |
|                                                                                                 |
|   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|   | First Name - Saniyah                                                                      | |
|   | Last Name - Hollins                                                                       | |
|   | DOB - Feburary 13th, 2008                                                                 | |
|   | Age - 15 Years, 8 Months                                                                  | |
|   |                                                                                           | |
|   |  SOCIALS                                                                                  | |
|   | Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@SWITZERRWOA                                            | |
|   |  @SWITZERRWOA                                                                             | |
|   |  Followers - 5.64K                                                                        | |
|   |  Video count - 581                                                                        | |
|   |   List of all public videos - https://hastebin.com/share/hagidotulu.bash                  | |
|   |  Made - Jan 11, 2019 11:28:13*                                                            | |
|   |  PFP - https://files.dox.tools/TyEg8Q02.jpg                                               | |
|   |  Banner - https://files.dox.tools/ktY6Qcor.jpg                                            | |
|   |  ID - UCF27Vhmla2v5SQFf5_tHM8g                                                            | |
|   |  View Count - 1085634                                                                     | |
|   |                                                                                           | |
|   | TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@switz3rr                                                 | |
|   |  Follower Count - 51                                                                      | |
|   |  Following Count - 25                                                                     | |
|   |  Like Count - 324                                                                         | |
|   |                                                                                           | |
|   | Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/Y9vyQ                                          | |
|   |                                                                                           | |
|   | Instagram - @auz_cord                                                                     | |
|   |                                                                                           | |
|   | Discord - @auxcord8998                                                                    | |
|   |  User ID - 936359672779247646                                                             | |
|   |  Created - Thu, 27 Jan 2022 20:39:02 UTC                                                  | |
|   |  Banner Color - #3a1761                                                                   | |
|   |  PFP - https://files.dox.tools/FaC2KQxl.png                                               | |
|   |                                                                                           | |
|   |  ALIASES                                                                                  | |
|   | SWITZERR, SWITZERRWOA, auz_cord, pikka_chu_yee                                            | |
|   |                                                                                           | |
|   |                                                                                           | |
|   |  EMAIL INFO                                                                               | |
|   |  sholins0213@gmail.com - DELETED?                                                         | |
|   |  ID - 109610765530622260479                                                               | |
|   |  Used On - carrd.co                                                                       | |
|   |                                                                                           | |
|   |   EXTRA INFO                                                                              | |
|   |   CashApp - shjohnson2021                                                                 | |
|   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

> taskkill/im switzerr.exe
> start arrow.exe

| arrow.exe                                                                                 + x _ |
| file load edit exit                                                                             |
|   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|   |  EMAIL INFO                                                                               | |
|   |  egodfetters@gmail.com                                                                    | |
|   |  Name: Nyctophobia (Arrow)                                                                | |
|   |  ID - 110803684961594566052                                                               | |
|   |  Used On - carrd.co, hubspot.com, spotify.com, twitter.com, tumblr.com                    | |
|   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

> taskkill/im arrow.exe
> shutdown /s

lapetus logging off...