--------------------- INFO ---------------------
Name: Jacob Gevry-Labonte. (Actual Name)
Address: 136 Rue Coleman, Gatineau, QC J9H 7G8 (found it on another dox)
Birthday: February 21, 2002 (found it on another dox)
Old alias: radical, yakou
Current alias: horrorhood (he switches between radical and horrorhood)
Email: radicalxgg@protonmail.com (has a paypal with it)

--------------------- IP INFO ---------------------
- HOME IP (ICMP): not found yet

--------------------- OTHER INFO ---------------------
Old discord token: NjU1MDc3ODU3NDExOTg5NTE2.XfO5lQ.Uudnl4UOImkEZrEvbt5gch_LTCQ
Discord: horrorhood#9929
XMPP: horrorhood@xabber.org