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  Reason:She had admitted to having loli porn on her phone and that is cp and her white knights tryed to sympathize it saying its not real lmao


       │                                         Personal Information                                              |


       • Full Name: Adrian Lamont
       • Age: 26
       • Pic: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1016362697308246016/1103565507778588703/IMG_0806.png
       • Address: 1755 Wilson Ct
       • City: Jackson
       • State: Alabama               
       • Cirvz
       • 2Cirv
       • Cirvbrrr
       • NotPuurfectRB
       • c010607

       •  Ethnicity:    NIGGER
       •  Hair Color:  Brown
       •  Eye Color: Brown
       •  Height:  5'2       
       •  Weight: 250

           -=[Net Info]=-
             •   Slave
             •   Monkey