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Every fucking time I hear my friend on the call with this ugly bitch every time she be at my house Felipe be saying Nigger or Nigga knowing damn well he can't even say that word, he be saying it to me and my friend sister saying "oh my God i hate niggers" and when my friend say something about it he be saying "it's a joke calm down" and my friend forgave him. He did it multiple times in my friend forgave him still. Pedro Felipe's older brother be saying "I miss the old days when black people being in a field and working they ass off picking cotton and not being in school so I don't have to see their black asses at school" Me, my friend and her sister cussed his ass out and they both said "relax we both black it's a joke" That happened like the third day that my friend was dating Felipe. Sadly my friend believed him and forgave him. Literally the whole call they made offensive jokes about black people. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Note: By the way she didn't know what he looked like because they started dating and they didn't want to do a face reveal until like a week later. This all happened on a call at my house. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Dating literal kindergarteners) On October 26 my friend caught her boyfriend cheating on her with two little girls on roblox. When my friend was on a call with her Felipe they was playing fling things and people, he said that he wanted my friend to his "two best friends" my friend said okay and Felipe said he got hang up the call because he got to talk in voice chat to talk to his two best friends. They hang up the call, my phone was kind of mad that they got to hang up the call because her boyfriend no damn well that she doesn't use voice chat. When they join the game my friend saw his two besties Felipe's two besties were being disrespectful to my friend and my friend was saying to her boyfriend why you cannot tell them to stop talking to me like that and my friend was also sticking for herself too and Felipe said that she was being too dramatic and she needs to calm down. Felipe's too besties sounded weird like they had like little squeaky voices like they sound like literal kindergarteners and Felipe told my friend that they were both the same age as my friend and Felipe and my friend said ok and just forget about that. My friends friend join the game and went to the purple house in Fling things and people where all the shit was taking place. My friend was talking to her friend talking about Felipe was being weird and shit and his two besties doesn't sound like the same age as Felipe and my friend they sound like kindergarteners and her friend said that they are kindergarteners and your boyfriend is a liar. My friend didn't believe her friend and my friend thought they had voice changers so they can hide a voice because they are probably insecure about their voice and my friend asks her boyfriend are they really did the same age as both of them he said yes and my friend said again already kindergarteners yes or no and Felipe said no they are not kindergarteners. When my friend leave the game her sister joined and she saw all the stuff that Felipe was doing behind my friends back he was saying do you want some free back shots and he was doing those back shots to those two kindergarteners and she was talking shit about my friend saying like she's a bitch and she's a pick me and she's too clingy and he wishes that he would break up with my friend. Felipe was doing inappropriate stuff with those two kindergarten girls and cheated on my friend. When my friend found out she was so ballistic she went in the game again she was saying that Felipe was a big fat cheater if she want to break up with Felipe the whole server hair all that and they joined in the drama they was watching it like the whole server the server of 20 people saw all of it and where's on my friend's side everybody was insulting him saying that Felipe is broke as fuck and he was mad and at the end when everybody reported him and when he left at the end and a private message to my friend saying her IP address. __________________________________________ Proof: https://files.offshore.cat/GqPXSlMj.jpg https://files.offshore.cat/gQaNjvOe.jpg __________________________________________ After that my friend got a message from Felipe on Snapchat saying that he got her ip address and he did. I'm not gonna show the part when my friend got dox but this is the proof: https://files.offshore.cat/JrTREBBG.jpg My friend was crying a lot it is she stopped crying and she went back into the game a lot of people was worried about her asking her questions saying that are you okay and then my friend said that Felipe got her ip address and she got doxxed. Then she asked a question to those two little girls that Felipe was cheating on with. She said how old are you and why you sound like that, both of the little girls said that they both are 6 years old. My friend was flabbergasted and disgusted what they said. After that night my friend was trying convince Felipe to not leak her IP address and dox her and don't post it on doxbin. When my friend was playing Roblox to calm down again Felipe hacked and one of her friends accounts joining her saying that I'm going to burn your house down instead a bunch of people to kill you in your sleep and then her roblox glitch and make her get kicked out of the game. That happened when she was playing Fling Things and people. My friend was scared and she went back to sleep. In the morning she added awfully face friends that are girls and ask them a question she said are you dating my boyfriend or at least know is there anymore people who he is cheating on me with? They all said that they were dating him or he liked them. And they argue with my friend get it all mad because Felipe is dating my friend. My friend asked how old r they. These are the ages 5 though 10. Me, my friend and her sister was very disgusted when we found Felipe was into little girls. Future Pedophile right there. He dated a lot of little girls which I lost count of because either that Felipe told them to block my friend or they unfriended Felipe when they found out his age, his real age. / overall my friend's relationship with Felipe was very toxic he was a pick me he always be bragging about his money to my friend knowing that my friend was broke. He be bragging about all his robuxs and be yelling at his mom to give him more money to buy more Robux. He is your typical spoiled brat kid. He is very disrespectful to his mom and my friend aka his girlfriend. He be talking shit about women all the time saying that they belong in the kitchen and be used to be fuck meat. Saying that they deserve to be raped. My friend's boyfriend Felipe always be saying those weird shit to my friend. He always be saying that he's going to come to my friend's house and rape her and other disgusting shit. He always be flirting with other girls normally little kids that are not his age at all. He is a pick me and he didn't don't want my friend to leave him or break up with him and he be wearing those goofy ahh shirts. He sexually harassing kids on roblox voice chat after my friend broke up with him. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><<><><> ( PAGE 6 ) " " " " " Proof " " " " " ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Note: this is the part when he is talking to my friend's sister: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ https://files.offshore.cat/PYa3Wnnt.jpg https://files.offshore.cat/8FJkE0nH.jpg https://files.offshore.cat/UmyLaeix.jpg https://files.offshore.cat/VnKxsDOe.jpg -----------/-//----/--/--/-/-/-/-/-/-------------//------- More proof of him being a bitch https://files.offshore.cat/JrTREBBG.jpg https://files.offshore.cat/BPKt9h08.jpg https://files.offshore.cat/MUehQfSD.jpg https://files.offshore.cat/f22y5707.jpg https://files.offshore.cat/YB9d0KRh.jpg ------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh btw this is his Snapchat profile https://files.offshore.cat/O6NsKFVx.jpg https://files.offshore.cat/O6NsKFVx.jpg https://files.offshore.cat/O6NsKFVx.jpghttps://files.offshore.cat/O6NsKFVx.jpg --------------------------------------------------------------------- ( PAGE 7 ) " " " " " ART THAT MY COUSIN MADE OF HIS UGLY ASS " " " " " " " " " " " " https://files.offshore.cat/UWwPQfkT.jpg https://files.offshore.cat/HMM9lkFp.jpg https://files.offshore.cat/G9vEq2Oa.jpg <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Hey if anyone is reading this can someone bot or spam report him on roblox so he account can be terminated because I want to his account that he sent over "50k" robuxs on to be deleted and so he doesn't talk to little ass fucking kids and doing disgusting shit on roblox. ******************* This is when he said he send over "50k" robuxs on his roblox account: https://files.offshore.cat/FMRBx03m.jpg ******************** These are all the goofy ahh shirts that he be wearing in games and flirting with literal kids with: https://files.offshore.cat/Zabwc5FB.jpg https://files.offshore.cat/L02JPgPz.jpg https://files.offshore.cat/bBG67UMI.jpg https://files.offshore.cat/SvbJi9e4.jpg <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> If you know a roblox mod or anyone who works at please terminate Felipe's roblox account or delete his account. Thank you very much for reading all of this<3