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║Table Of Contents                                          ║
║ →     0x01 Victim Information.............................║
-+-             0x01 Victims Information                -+-
Reason : fais des fake screen dégradant de nedone et insulte sans raison + veski la voc stream pour voir la véracitée des screen.
Victim's Name: Sabrina Ben bechink / ben cheikh we dont know but we but i think it's ben cheikh 
Victim's Home:N/A
Age: 15
Age of the victim best friend : 15
School: 5015F Rue de la Promenade, 34480 Magalas, France Collège les Arbourys/+33 4 67 36 20 70
Victim's Number: N/A
Victim's Discord: SkyThug_'#5264
discord of she's : abg1234#6684
Discord ID: 1037078747989413982
Discord ID of she's bf: 1111694578714689610
Home of she's bf : 3 rue des tête
Victim's roblox: KRXcrystal
Picture of Victim: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1107392275690045590/1117133746383101992/Screenshot_20230517_174515.png/https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1107392275690045590/1117133792562380981 : Screenshot_20230517-174455_Gallery.png : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1107392275690045590/1117133818441248880/Screenshot_20230517_174607.png