!! All information in this dox has been obtained LEGALLY through public record !!

                         ||██╗      █████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗████████╗██╗   ██╗███████╗||
                         ||██║     ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝██║   ██║██╔════╝||
                         ||██║     ███████║██████╔╝█████╗     ██║   ██║   ██║███████╗||
                         ||██║     ██╔══██║██╔═══╝ ██╔══╝     ██║   ██║   ██║╚════██║||
                         ||███████╗██║  ██║██║     ███████╗   ██║   ╚██████╔╝███████║||
                         ||╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝     ╚══════╝   ╚═╝    ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝||
                                     ~ nexuslol | isismothafucka | ilvsec ~
         ║ cmd                                                                                    + x _  ║
         ║                                                                                               ║
         ║ > start intro.exe                                                                             ║
         ║ >                                                                                             ║
         ║                                                                                               ║
         ║                                                                                               ║

     ║ intro                                                                                           + x _ ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║ Good evening doxbin users, we at lapetus take pride in punishing people. And boy does this person nee ║
     ║ d punishing. Skinnysprite, or currently known as mistyfibers is a 15 year old furry artist and "conte ║
     ║ nt" creator on youtube.com. Skinnysprite has been in multiple controversies mainly related to her man ║
     ║ ipulation of people younger than her. Among that skinnysprite has also sent child pornography to said ║
     ║ younger people as well as being accused of being a zoophile. This is absolutely unacceptable, and bec ║
     ║ ause of these things, we have decided to be the sledgehammer to her wall of anonymity. I, the writer  ║
     ║ of this dox ISISMOTHFUCKA am very excited to begin this, so get your snacks, and kick back. We presen ║
     ║ t to you... SKINNYSPRITES FULL DOX.                                                                   ║
         ║ cmd                                                                                    + x _  ║
         ║                                                                                               ║
         ║ > taskkill/im intro.exe                                                                       ║
         ║ > start tableofcontents.exe                                                                   ║
         ║                                                                                               ║
         ║                                                                                               ║

     ║ table of contents                                                                               + x _ ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║  0x01 basicinfo.exe                                                                                   ║
     ║  0x02 socials.exe                                                                                     ║
     ║  0x03 personalinfo.exe                                                                                ║
     ║  0x04 familyinfo.exe                                                                                  ║
     ║  0x05 ending                                                                                          ║

         ║ cmd                                                                                    + x _  ║
         ║                                                                                               ║
         ║ > taskkill/im tableofcontents.exe                                                             ║
         ║ > start basicinfo.exe                                                                         ║
         ║                                                                                               ║
         ║                                                                                               ║

     ║ basic info [0x01]                                                                               + x _ ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║ Full Name - Colen "Skinnysprite" Cohen                                                                ║
     ║ Gender - Transitioned Female                                                                          ║
     ║ Age - 15                                                                                              ║
     ║ Country of Citizenship - United States of America                                                     ║
     ║ State of Birth - New York                                                                             ║
     ║ Ethnicity - Caucasian                                                                                 ║
     ║ State of Residence - Pennsylvania                                                                     ║
     ║ City of Residence - Philadelphia                                                                      ║

         ║ cmd                                                                                    + x _  ║
         ║                                                                                               ║
         ║ > taskkill/im basicinfo.exe                                                                   ║
         ║ > start socials.exe                                                                           ║
         ║                                                                                               ║
         ║                                                                                               ║

     ║ socials [0x02]                                                                                  + x _ ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║  Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@mistyfibers                                                       ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║  Youtube #2 - https://www.youtube.com/@mistyfibersalt                                                 ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║  Youtube #3 - https://www.youtube.com/@skinnytealwolf                                                 ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║  Youtube #4 - https://www.youtube.com/@compact_glaciers                                               ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║  Youtube #5 - https://www.youtube.com/@CMSfootballtalk                                                ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║  Youtube #6 - https://www.youtube.com/@cassiesoliscohen                                               ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║  Youtube #7 - https://www.youtube.com/@cassiedrinkswater                                              ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║  Tiktok - tiktok.com/@mistie_the_kittydog                                                             ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║  Instagram - instagram.com/mistie_the_kittydog?igshid=YTQwZjQ0NmI0OA==                                ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║  Discord - _mistyfibers_                                                                              ║

                        [who tf let skinnysprite cook?! she burnt the fuckin food]                
         ║ cmd                                                                                    + x _  ║
         ║                                                                                               ║
         ║ > taskkill/im socials.exe                                                                     ║
         ║ > start personalinfo.exe                                                                      ║
         ║                                                                                               ║
         ║                                                                                               ║

     ║ personal info [0x03]                                                                            + x _ ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║  Address - 318 W Mt Pleasant Avenue                                                                   ║
     ║   Photo - https://files.doxing.expert/W1ytvRIz.jpeg                                                   ║
     ║   Zip Code - 19119                                                                                    ║
     ║   Built In - 1920                                                                                     ║
     ║   Bedrooms - 3                                                                                        ║
     ║   Bathrooms - 1                                                                                       ║
     ║   Last Sale Date - 07/0/2016                                                                          ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║  IRLS -                                                                                               ║
     ║  https://files.doxing.expert/hTA58OKe.png                                                             ║
     ║  https://files.doxing.expert/LzNV7nU0.png                                                             ║
     ║  https://files.doxing.expert/h5l3Gvni.png                                                             ║
     ║  https://files.doxing.expert/YOlQwflf.png                                                             ║
     ║  https://files.doxing.expert/7RnB0Eda.png                                                             ║
     ║  https://files.doxing.expert/bq5OxfCu.png                                                             ║
     ║  https://files.doxing.expert/6CpCKPs0.png                                                             ║
     ║  https://files.doxing.expert/uJ6ufHGP.png                                                             ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║

         ║ cmd                                                                                    + x _  ║
         ║                                                                                               ║
         ║ > taskkill/im personalinfo.exe                                                                ║
         ║ > start familyinfo.exe                                                                        ║
         ║                                                                                               ║
         ║                                                                                               ║

     ║ family info [0x04]                                                                              + x _ ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║  Father                                                                                               ║
     ║   Full Name - Matthew Solis                                                                           ║
     ║   Age - 49                                                                                            ║
     ║   IRL - https://files.doxing.expert/24mF1BeX.png                                                      ║
     ║    Feet :3 - https://files.doxing.expert/nZ1POq3E.png                                                 ║
     ║                                                                                                       ║
     ║  Mother                                                                                               ║
     ║   Full Name - Yolanda Solis                                                                           ║
     ║   Age - 56                                                                                            ║
     ║   IRL - https://files.doxing.expert/vQXBM9Wl.jpeg                                                     ║                                                                                                     


         ║ cmd                                                                                    + x _  ║
         ║                                                                                               ║
         ║ > taskkill/im familyinfo.exe                                                                  ║
         ║ > start ending.exe                                                                            ║
         ║                                                                                               ║
         ║                                                                                               ║

     ║ ending [0x05]                                                                                   + x _ ║
     ║  dsakljaskldjkl finally, a full dox on skinnysprite                                                   ║
     ║  Dox - ISISMOTHFUCKA                                                                                  ║
     ║  Formatting - ISISMOTHAFUCKA                                                                          ║
     ║  Being a mentally retarded groomer                                                                    ║               
