
Name Serge Henry
Age: 52 ans
date of birth: 07/10/1970
Job: Teacher at Lycee felix le dantec, Mayor of Troguéry

Wife: Paula Henry 
Studied at Lycée Sainte Elisabeth Kersa

Familly: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1071895470785429552/1196914214728642654/IMG_4418.png?ex=65b95c3a&is=65a6e73a&hm=e5ad50bd4fa96676f062cfb5687d578e2aa3122663520da0eee7366a52236e95&

Mayor of Troguéry: Numéro de Téléphone 02 96 91 35 97

1 rue St Ildut 22450 Troguéry <-- adress de la mairie 

Email : mairie.troguery@wanadoo.fr

Social networks:

Facebook: hsergio // https://www.facebook.com/hsergio?locale=fr_FR

Instagram: sergiotrog // https://www.instagram.com/sergiotrog/




Reason for the file: The farts on his students, the insults of "asshole, big shit, badgers...etc" in his past have already hit 1 to 3 students, he also wants to harm the future of the students
