                                .,:;;++++++;:,.       )iii+:::;iii))+i='
                             .:;++=iiiiiiiiii=++;.    =::,,,:::=i));=+'
                           ,;+==ii)))))))))))ii==+;,      ,,,:=i))+=:                              8888888b.  8888888888  .d8888b.  88888888888 8888888 888b    888 
                         ,;+=ii))))))IIIIII))))ii===;.    ,,:=i)=i+                                888   Y88b 888        d88P  Y88b     888       888   8888b   888 
                        ;+=ii)))IIIIITIIIIII))))iiii=+,   ,:=));=,                                 888    888 888        Y88b.          888       888   88888b  888 
                      ,+=i))IIIIIITTTTTITIIIIII)))I)i=+,,:+i)=i+                                   888   d88P 8888888     "Y888b.       888       888   888Y88b 888 
                     ,+i))IIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTI))IIII))i=::i))i=                                     8888888P"  888            "Y88b.     888       888   888 Y88b888 
                    ,=i))IIIIITLLTTTTTTTTTTIITTTTIII)+;+i)+i`                                      888 T88b   888              "888     888       888   888  Y88888 
                    =i))IIITTLTLTTTTTTTTTIITTLLTTTII+:i)ii:'                                       888  T88b  888        Y88b  d88P     888       888   888   Y8888 
                   +i))IITTTLLLTTTTTTTTTTTTLLLTTTT+:i)))=,                                         888   T88b 8888888888  "Y8888P"      888     8888888 888    Y888 
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       .+ii)i=::,,   ,,::=i)))iIITTTTTTTTIIIII)=+
     +=:))i==;:::;=iii)+)=  `:i)))IIIII)ii+'

                                                         >> ~ Destroy them all , By any means - AH 



					         d888888b d8b   db d888888b d8888b.  .d88b.  d8888b. db    db  .o88b. d888888b d888888b  .d88b.  d8b   db 
                                                   `88'   888o  88 `~~88~~' 88  `8D .8P  Y8. 88  `8D 88    88 d8P  Y8 `~~88~~'   `88'   .8P  Y8. 888o  88 
					            88    88V8o 88    88    88oobY' 88    88 88   88 88    88 8P         88       88    88    88 88V8o 88 
                                                    88    88 V8o88    88    88`8b   88    88 88   88 88    88 8b         88       88    88    88 88 V8o88 
                                                   .88.   88  V888    88    88 `88. `8b  d8' 88  .8D 88b  d88 Y8b  d8    88      .88.   `8b  d8' 88  V888 
                                                 Y888888P VP   V8P    YP    88   YD  `Y88P'  Y8888D' ~Y8888P'  `Y88P'    YP    Y888888P  `Y88P'  VP   V88

					        ➤ // Got Rejected Then Tried to pack (not by me)
                                                ➤ // Tried Leaking Info // Getting people to log
                                                ➤ // Is black / Stalker 
                                                ➤ // Sent weak threats
                                                ➤ // Is a female
                                                ➤ // Packer

                                                       ➤ // We do a little trolling // https://ibb.co/tYm69B4 (begged me) 
                                                       ➤ // Claims To be +18 // https://ibb.co/wskW0xs 


                                               Credits : AK#2353 // S/O Cbg / Chg (courtbox & chompers)

                                               ⛧ Paste By \\ https://doxbin.org/user/restinn // https://doxbin.org/user/xestinn

                                               ⛧ T4T  \\ ┌───── •• ─────┐
                                                         └─────9 •• ─────┘                      

                                                                                    // Revamped ; Original Paste https://doxbin.org/upload/SamayaDoxRevenge 

                                                  Introduction //   
					          > Samaya (maya) Is a dumbass , a dumbass who got butthurt over being rejected , and is dumb enough to call the cops on people who
                                                    Are on the internet , https://ibb.co/pjhNMs4 , Therefore being a female & Being black & being An ethot , claiming to be harmful
                                                    Not only , Also being a e-whore W/An ego of being someone. This is Samaya's grave.                                                                                                                      
                                                                        1K+ LNS         ⚠️ Best To view on pc ⚠️


                                                                d888888b  .d8b.  d8888b. db      d88888b       .d88b.  d88888b 
                                                                `~~88~~' d8' `8b 88  `8D 88      88'          .8P  Y8. 88'     
                                                                   88    88ooo88 88oooY' 88      88ooooo      88    88 88ooo   
                                                                   88    88~~~88 88~~~b. 88      88~~~~~      88    88 88~~~   
                                                                   88    88   88 88   8D 88booo. 88.          `8b  d8' 88      
                                                                   YP    YP   YP Y8888P' Y88888P Y88888P       `Y88P'  YP      

                                                               .o88b.  .d88b.  d8b   db d888888b d88888b d8b   db d888888b .d8888. 
                                                              d8P  Y8 .8P  Y8. 888o  88 `~~88~~' 88'     888o  88 `~~88~~' 88'  YP 
                                                              8P      88    88 88V8o 88    88    88ooooo 88V8o 88    88    `8bo.   
                                                              8b      88    88 88 V8o88    88    88~~~~~ 88 V8o88    88      `Y8b. 
                                                              Y8b  d8 `8b  d8' 88  V888    88    88.     88  V888    88    db   8D 
                                                               `Y88P'  `Y88P'  VP   V8P    YP    Y88888P VP   V8P    YP    `8888Y'                

                                                             (                                                               (
                                                             )                  ⛧ The Paste Below includes '                )                            
                                                             (                                                               (
                                                             )          ⛧  Introduction                                     )
                                                             (          ⛧  Personal Information                ~ Continue   (
                                                             (          ⛧  Previous Addresses                    Lurking    )
                                                             )          ⛧  School Information                    Feds       (
                                                             (          ⛧  Family Members Information                       )
                                                             )          ⛧  House Information                                (
                                                             (          ⛧  IP Information                                   )
                                                             )          ⛧  Criminal Records                                 (
                                                             )          ⛧  Social Media Accounts                            )
                                                             (          ⛧  Extras                                           (
                                                             )          ⛧  Credits                                          )  
                                                             (                         Restin#0002                           (
                                                             )                                                               ) 
                                                             (                                                               (


                                                                      db    db d888888b  .o88b. d888888b d888888b .88b  d88. 
                                                                      88    88   `88'   d8P  Y8 `~~88~~'   `88'   88'YbdP`88 
                                                                      Y8    8P    88    8P         88       88    88  88  88
                                                                      `8b  d8'    88    8b         88       88    88  88  88
                                                                       `8bd8'    .88.   Y8b  d8    88      .88.   88  88  88
                                                                         YP    Y888888P  `Y88P'    YP    Y888888P YP  YP  YP


                                                                        ➤ Personal Information   
                                                                         First Name // Samaya

                                                                         Middle Name // N.A

                                                                         Last Name //  Adderly | Robbinson 

                                                                         Age // N.A

                                                                         Sex // F

                                                                         Height // N.A

                                                                         Weight // N.A

                                                                         Eye Color // Brown

                                                                         Hair Color // Black

                                                                         Skin Color // Brown

                                                                         Alias // Maya / Trapsta

                                                                         Address // 2 Crabapple Ct Blackwood NJ

                                                                         Zipcode // 08012

                                                                         Proof Of Address // https://ibb.co/Nx9s6zj

                                                                         Proof Of Paste // https://ibb.co/Nx9s6zj

                                                                         Photo // https://ibb.co/wpdPY4T

                                                                         Photo Of House // https://ibb.co/QJ1Y2CQ
                                                                         Ethnicity // African American

                                                                         Language // English 

                                                                         Phone Number // +1 (856) 397-5063

                                                                         ISP // TM 

                                                                         Schooling // N.A

                                                                         ICloud // robinsonsamaya@icloud.com

                                                                         Social Medias // #Discord // ????????????????????????????ひ *.#7464
                                                                                          #ID // 863121086332665907 
                                                                                          #Instagram // 3xclusive.my4
                                                                                          #Spotify // Samaya
                                                                                          #Link // https://open.spotify.com/user/hc6ji2ne2fk4ydg3cw9exxlc2?si=6e11bd89fe734579
                                                                                          #Snapchat // muavymya
                                                                                          #Mutual Server // https://discord.gg/aYjteCdbKw

                                                                    d8888b. d8888b. d88888b db    db d888888b  .d88b.  db    db .d8888. 
                                                                    88  `8D 88  `8D 88'     88    88   `88'   .8P  Y8. 88    88 88'  YP 
                                                                    88oodD' 88oobY' 88ooooo Y8    8P    88    88    88 88    88 `8bo.   
                                                                    88~~~   88`8b   88~~~~~ `8b  d8'    88    88    88 88    88   `Y8b.                                                        ]
                                                                    88      88 `88. 88.      `8bd8'    .88.   `8b  d8' 88b  d88 db   8D 
                                                                    88      88   YD Y88888P    YP    Y888888P  `Y88P'  ~Y8888P' `8888Y' 
                                                                    .d8b.  d8888b. d8888b. d8888b. d88888b .d8888. .d8888. d88888b .d8888. 
                                                                   d8' `8b 88  `8D 88  `8D 88  `8D 88'     88'  YP 88'  YP 88'     88'  YP 
                                                                   88ooo88 88   88 88   88 88oobY' 88ooooo `8bo.   `8bo.   88ooooo `8bo.   
                                                                   88~~~88 88   88 88   88 88`8b   88~~~~~   `Y8b.   `Y8b. 88~~~~~   `Y8b. 
                                                                   88   88 88  .8D 88  .8D 88 `88. 88.     db   8D db   8D 88.     db   8D 
                                                                   YP   YP Y8888D' Y8888D' 88   YD Y88888P `8888Y' `8888Y' Y88888P `8888Y' 


                                                                        ➤ Previous Addresses      
                                                                          (none , young mom , let's run familys though)

                                                                        3210 Federal St
                                                                        Camden NJ 08105
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded January 2021

                                                                        2114 Kossuth St
                                                                        Camden NJ 08104
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded April 2007

                                                                        2914 Line St, Unit D
                                                                        Camden NJ 08105
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded May 2006

                                                                        551 Royden St
                                                                        Camden NJ 08103
                                                                        Camden County

                                                                        Recorded January 2008
                                                                        930 Chelton Ave
                                                                        Camden NJ 08104

                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded March 2003

                                                                        952 Jackson St
                                                                        Camden NJ 08104
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded February 2004

                                                                        2428 Wainwright St
                                                                        Camden NJ 08104
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded November 1992

                                                                        906 Jackson St
                                                                        Camden NJ 08104
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded January 1996
                                                                        1904 Centennial Vlg
                                                                        Camden NJ 08105
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded June 2014

                                                                        1304 Hancock Dr, Unit 10
                                                                        Barrington NJ 08007
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded October 2012
                                                                        Home Phone: (856) 964-9035

                                                                        17 Indian Hill Ln
                                                                        Sicklerville NJ 08081
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded March 2010
                                                                        Home Phone: (856) 964-9035

                                                                        1808 Centennial Vlg
                                                                        Camden NJ 08105
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded December 2006
                                                                        Home Phone: (856) 964-9035

                                                                        1106 Morton St
                                                                        Camden NJ 08104
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded August 2012

                                                                        1050 Kenwood Ave
                                                                        Camden NJ 08103
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded August 2012

                                                                        304 Millbridge Rd
                                                                        Clementon NJ 08021
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded July 2015

                                                                        1800 Laurel Rd, Unit 1117
                                                                        Lindenwold NJ 08021
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded April 2011

                                                                        279 Millbridge Rd
                                                                        Clementon NJ 08021
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded May 2008

                                                                        528 W 207th St
                                                                        New York NY 10034
                                                                        New York County
                                                                        Recorded November 2008

                                                                        1426 Haddon Ave
                                                                        Camden NJ 08103
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded November 1996

                                                                        914 N 21st St
                                                                        Camden NJ 08105
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded April 2001

                                                                        708 New St
                                                                        Camden NJ 08103
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded November 2000

                                                                        227 Washington Ave, Unit D13
                                                                        Blackwood NJ 08012
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded September 1998

                                                                        723 Powell Ct
                                                                        Camden NJ 08104
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded January 1997

                                                                        175 Abblett Vlg
                                                                        Camden NJ 08105
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded January 1990

                                                                        728 Washington St, Unit A
                                                                        Camden NJ 08103
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded April 1996      

                                                                        1200 E State St, Unit 1808
                                                                        Camden NJ 08105
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded October 2008

                                                                        1828 S Broadway
                                                                        Camden NJ 08104
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded July 2001

                                                                        935 Kimber St
                                                                        Camden NJ 08102
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded April 2001

                                                                        709 Clinton St
                                                                        Camden NJ 08103
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded November 2000

                                                                        610 Mount Vernon St
                                                                        Camden NJ 08103
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded August 1994

                                                                        4108 Federal St, Unit 10A
                                                                        Camden NJ 08105
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded October 1991             
                                                                        1107 Macarthur Dr
                                                                        Camden NJ 08104
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded July 2015

                                                                        204 Sandringham Rd
                                                                        Cherry Hill NJ 08003
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded January 2013
                                                                        Home Phone: (609) 929-2930
                                                                        439 Winslow St
                                                                        Camden NJ 08104
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded January 2007
                                                                        Home Phone: (609) 929-2930
                                                                        7501 Lennox Rd
                                                                        Upper Darby PA 19082
                                                                        Delaware County
                                                                        Recorded October 2005

                                                                        935 Kimber St
                                                                        Camden NJ 08102
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded May 2004

                                                                        4616 Leiper St, Unit 4616 Leiper St Apt 2C
                                                                        Philadelphia PA 19124
                                                                        Philadelphia County
                                                                        Recorded November 1998

                                                                        3084 Mickle St
                                                                        Camden NJ 08105
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded November 2008

                                                                        Po Box 3012
                                                                        Camden NJ 08101
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded November 2003

                                                                        1519 N 7th St, Unit 2F
                                                                        Philadelphia PA 19122
                                                                        Philadelphia County
                                                                        Recorded June 2003

                                                                        3082 Mickle St
                                                                        Camden NJ 08105
                                                                        Camden County
                                                                        Recorded November 2000
                                                                        4616 Leiper St, Unit C2
                                                                        Philadelphia PA 19124
                                                                        Philadelphia County
                                                                        Recorded November 1998

                                                                        + Relatives

                                                                        Beatrice Smikle
                                                                        Age 67 (Jan 1954)

                                                                        Brandalee Smikle
                                                                        Age 45 (Jul 1976)

                                                                        Eithel Pardo
                                                                        Age 69 (Dec 1951)

                                                                        Ethel Pardo
                                                                        Age 70 (May 1951)

                                                                        Guy Cox
                                                                        Age 69 (Jun 1952)

                                                                        Hermina Pardo
                                                                        Age 65 (Jun 1956)

                                                                        Ivory Pardo
                                                                        Age 43 (Mar 1978)

                                                                        Joy Adderly
                                                                        Age 49 (Sep 1971)

                                                                        Joy Cox
                                                                        Age 64 (Mar 1957)

                                                                        Madeline Adderly
                                                                        Age 58 (Dec 1962)

                                                                        Rania Adderly
                                                                        Age 20 (Nov 2000)

                                                                        Sharise Pardo
                                                                        Age 37 (Jul 1984)

                                                                        Timothy Adderly
                                                                        Age 56 (Feb 1965)

                                                                        Alaysha Hollis
                                                                        Age 26 (Aug 1995)

                                                                        Angela Hollis
                                                                        Age 51 (Aug 1970)

                                                                        Audrey Washington
                                                                        Age 56 (Sep 1964)

                                                                        Danielle Smith
                                                                        Age 50 (Dec 1970)

                                                                        Darlene Adderly
                                                                        Age 57 (Jan 1964)
                                                                        Frederick Gestrich
                                                                        Age 98 (Sep 1923)

                                                                        Joanne Hollis
                                                                        Age 70 (Aug 1951)

                                                                        John Bernhartsen
                                                                        Age 65 (Jan 1956)

                                                                        John Carter
                                                                        Age 51 (Jan 1970)

                                                                        John Hollis
                                                                        Age 73 (Jan 1948)

                                                                        John Hollis
                                                                        Age 72 (Nov 1948)

                                                                        Julia Hollis
                                                                        Age 52 (Sep 1969)

                                                                        Kathryn Deitrich
                                                                        Age 62 (Mar 1959)

                                                                        Kenon Hollis
                                                                        Age 40 (May 1981)

                                                                        Laila Bernhartsen
                                                                        Age 57 (Sep 1963)

                                                                        Louisa Bernhartsen
                                                                        Age 95 (May 1926)

                                                                        Madeline Carter
                                                                        Age 44 (Feb 1977)

                                                                        Madonna Smith
                                                                        Age 35 (Nov 1985)

                                                                        Marcia Barber
                                                                        Age 63 (Jun 1958)

                                                                        Michelle Adderley
                                                                        Age 57 (Aug 1964)

                                                                        Nathan Carter
                                                                        Age 51 (Oct 1969)

                                                                        Octavia Carter
                                                                        Age 34 (Feb 1987)

                                                                        Sade Hollis
                                                                        Age 26 (Aug 1995)

                                                                        Sarah Carter
                                                                        Age 88 (Dec 1932)

                                                                        Tyler Cox
                                                                        Age 34 (Nov 1986)

                                                                        Tyler Smith
                                                                        Age 41 (Aug 1980)

                                                                        Beatrice Smikle
                                                                        Age 67 (Jan 1954)
                                                                        Brandalee Smikle
                                                                        Age 45 (Jul 1976)

                                                                        Eithel Pardo
                                                                        Age 69 (Dec 1951)

                                                                        Ethel Pardo
                                                                        Age 70 (May 1951)

                                                                        Guy Cox
                                                                        Age 69 (Jun 1952)

                                                                        Hermina Pardo
                                                                        Age 65 (Jun 1956)

                                                                        Ivory Pardo
                                                                        Age 43 (Mar 1978)

                                                                        Joy Adderly
                                                                        Age 49 (Sep 1971)

                                                                        Joy Cox
                                                                        Age 64 (Mar 1957)

                                                                        Madeline Adderly
                                                                        Age 58 (Dec 1962)

                                                                        Rania Adderly
                                                                        Age 20 (Nov 2000)

                                                                        Sharise Pardo
                                                                        Age 37 (Jul 1984)

                                                                        Timothy Adderly
                                                                        Age 56 (Feb 1965)

                                                                        Alaysha Hollis
                                                                        Age 26 (Aug 1995)

                                                                        Angela Hollis
                                                                        Age 51 (Aug 1970)

                                                                        Audrey Washington
                                                                        Age 56 (Sep 1964)
                                                                        Danielle Smith
                                                                        Age 50 (Dec 1970)

                                                                        Darlene Adderly
                                                                        Age 57 (Jan 1964)

                                                                        Frederick Gestrich
                                                                        Age 98 (Sep 1923)

                                                                        Joanne Hollis
                                                                        Age 70 (Aug 1951)

                                                                        John Bernhartsen
                                                                        Age 65 (Jan 1956)

                                                                        John Carter
                                                                        Age 51 (Jan 1970)

                                                                        John Hollis
                                                                        Age 73 (Jan 1948)

                                                                        John Hollis
                                                                        Age 72 (Nov 1948)

                                                                        Julia Hollis
                                                                        Age 52 (Sep 1969)

                                                                        Kathryn Deitrich
                                                                        Age 62 (Mar 1959)

                                                                        Kenon Hollis
                                                                        Age 40 (May 1981)

                                                                        Laila Bernhartsen
                                                                        Age 57 (Sep 1963)

                                                                        Louisa Bernhartsen
                                                                        Age 95 (May 1926)

                                                                        Madeline Carter
                                                                        Age 44 (Feb 1977)

                                                                        Madonna Smith
                                                                        Age 35 (Nov 1985)

                                                                        Michelle Adderley
                                                                        Age 57 (Aug 1964)

                                                                        Nathan Carter
                                                                        Age 51 (Oct 1969)

                                                                        Octavia Carter
                                                                        Age 34 (Feb 1987)

                                                                        Sade Hollis
                                                                        Age 26 (Aug 1995)

                                                                        Sarah Carter
                                                                        Age 88 (Dec 1932)

                                                                        Tyler Cox
                                                                        Age 34 (Nov 1986)

                                                                        Tyler Smith
                                                                        Age 41 (Aug 1980)
                                                                              .d8888.  .o88b. db   db  .d88b.   .d88b.  db      
                                                                              88'  YP d8P  Y8 88   88 .8P  Y8. .8P  Y8. 88      
                                                                              `8bo.   8P      88ooo88 88    88 88    88 88      
                                                                                `Y8b. 8b      88~~~88 88    88 88    88 88      
                                                                              db   8D Y8b  d8 88   88 `8b  d8' `8b  d8' 88booo. 
                                                                              `8888Y'  `Y88P' YP   YP  `Y88P'   `Y88P'  Y88888P 
                                                                                     d888888b d8b   db d88888b  .d88b.  
                                                                                       `88'   888o  88 88'     .8P  Y8. 
                                                                                        88    88V8o 88 88ooo   88    88 
                                                                                        88    88 V8o88 88~~~   88    88 
                                                                                       .88.   88  V888 88      `8b  d8'                                                                     ]
                                                                                     Y888888P VP   V8P YP       `Y88P'  

                                                                       ➤ School Info     
                                                                        Glen Landing Middle School

                                                                        Teachers + Staff //

                                                                        Tel // (856) 227-3534 

                                                                        Loc // 85 Little Gloucester Road, Gloucester Township, NJ, 08012
                                                                        Adams, Mrs. Barbara                                                     
                                                                        6th Grade Science and Social Studies Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Ambrose, Mrs. Debbie
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Ballo, Ms. Patrice
                                                                        Preschool Teacher
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Belskis, Mr. Michael
                                                                        Music Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Benckert, Mrs. Audrey
                                                                        Principal's Secretary
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Breslow, Mr. Michael
                                                                        8th Grade Science Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Bridda, Ms. Alison
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Bridda, Mrs. Tina
                                                                        6, 7, & 8th grade ICS/Special Education
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Brooks, Mr. Sam
                                                                        Instrumental Music Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Cain, Ms. Heather
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Camiscioli, Mrs. Patricia
                                                                        Math Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Carmichael, Mr. James
                                                                        Resource/ICS Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Carvalho, Ms. Sheilla
                                                                        School Counselor
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Casey, Mrs. Michelle
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Chambers, Ms. Michele
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Champion, Mr. Andy
                                                                        Social Studies Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Chester, Mrs. Eva
                                                                        Vice Principal's Secretary
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Clark, Mrs. Danielle
                                                                        Language Arts Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Clark, Ms. Donna
                                                                        Health & PE Teacher
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Clark, Miss Kathleen
                                                                        6th Grade Language Arts Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Connolly, Dr. Nancy
                                                                        Digital Literacy Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Crescenzi, Ms. Gina
                                                                        LDT‑C/ Case Manager
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Criniti, Mrs. Marianne
                                                                        PE Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        D'Argenzio, Ms. Brianna
                                                                        Resource Center Teacher
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Daisey, Mrs. Nicole
                                                                        Middle School Math & Algebra Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Damken, Ms. Samantha
                                                                        Math Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        DiBabbo, Mr. Anthony
                                                                        Computer Literacy Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        DiCiccio, Mr. Mike
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        DiGerolamo, Mrs. Victoria
                                                                        Interventionist ELA
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        DiGiacomo, Mr. Joseph
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Duer, Mrs. Patricia
                                                                        Social Studies Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Dunbar, Ms. Charnise
                                                                        One to One Aide
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Dymond, Mr. Robert
                                                                        Head Custodian
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Dziunycz, Mrs. Karen
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Elliott, Mrs. Debbie
                                                                        Language Arts Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Emmett, Mrs. Jaime
                                                                        Resource/ICS Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Falvey, Mrs. Nancy
                                                                        Resource/ICS Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Fernandes, Ms. Tamyra
                                                                        Social Worker
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Fitzgerald, Mrs. Teresa
                                                                        Math Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Foglietta, Ms. Andrea
                                                                        BCaBA ‑ Preschool
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Fornes, Mr. Tim
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Foster, Mrs. Shari'
                                                                        6th Grade Science Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Gasparovic, Mrs. Michele
                                                                        Math 6th Grade
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Gensel, Margaret
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        George, Mr. Justin
                                                                        Health/PE Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Gibson, Ms. Karen
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Gold, Ms. Mindy
                                                                        7th Grade Math Teacher
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Griffiths, Mrs. Anita
                                                                        Excel Science Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Hale, Ms. Stephanie
                                                                        Engineering Teacher
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Halpin, Mrs. Donna
                                                                        English Language Arts Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Hannon, Mrs. Margaret
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Hans, Mrs. Amy
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Howe, Ms. Shannon
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Hunt, Mr. Robert
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Jerecki, Mrs. Terry
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Johnson, Ms. Kettchell
                                                                        Resource/ICS Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Jones, Mrs. Takisha
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Jordan, Ms. Andrea
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Keenan, Ms. Taylor
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Kennedy, Mrs. Lauren
                                                                        Resource Center
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Kennedy, Mr. Shawn
                                                                        Math Teacher
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Kline, Mr. Stephen
                                                                        Assistant Principal
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Klitchko, Mrs. Theresa
                                                                        Preschool Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Larsen‑Repici, Mrs. Kate
                                                                        Language Arts Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Lotierzo, Mr. Frank
                                                                        Math Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Lucarelli, Mrs. Andrea
                                                                        Social Studies Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Lynd, Mrs. Kathleen                                                                    
                                                                        Guidance Secretary
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Machinsky, Mrs. Amy
                                                                        8th Grade English Language Arts Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Mangini, Ms. Laura
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Marcucci, Ms. Angela
                                                                        Preschool Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Mason, Mr. Christopher
                                                                        Assistant Principal
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Matulewicz, Ms. Kathryn
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        McCauley, Ms. Lenka
                                                                        French Teacher
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        McGarvey, Mrs. Maura
                                                                        Language Arts Teacher
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        McGarvey, Mrs. Nicole
                                                                        7th & 8th Grade ELA Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        McPeak, Mr. John
                                                                        Phys. Ed. Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Merkle, Mr. Joseph
                                                                        5th Grade Teacher
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Mielechowsky, Mrs. Susan
                                                                        Math Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Monaco, Ms. Deanna
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Muldoon, Ms. Sheryl
                                                                        Resource/ICS Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Nanfara, Ms. Lisa
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Naugle, Mrs. Maria
                                                                        CST ‑ LDT‑C
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Newman, Mr. Eric
                                                                        Social Studies Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Nicholson, Mrs. Jeana
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Nuskey, Mrs. Pam
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        O'Hara, Ms. Jaclyn
                                                                        Resource/ICS Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Ochipinti, Ms. Jennifer
                                                                        ELA Teacher Grades 6 & 7
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Pascal, Ms. Susan
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Pearce, Ms. Mikala
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Pedone, Ms. Gianna
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Perrino, Mrs. Hilary
                                                                        Perceptual Art
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Pildis, Mr. Charles
                                                                        Science Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Rode, Mrs. Katrina
                                                                        Math Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Rodriguez, Mrs. Gina
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Salurso, Elizabeth
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Sasso, Miss Susan
                                                                        Guidance Counselor
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Schipske, Mrs. Amy
                                                                        English Language Arts Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Sexton, Ms. Robin
                                                                        Cafeteria Manager
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Sharman, Mrs. Margery
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Smarth, Ms. Ann
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Speese, Mrs. Elizabeth
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Stanley‑George, Mrs. Jennifer
                                                                        English Language Arts Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Stauffenberg, Mrs. Allison
                                                                        Vice Principal Secretary
                                                                        undefined's staff photo 
                                                                        Swanfeld, Mrs. Jessica
                                                                        School Nurse ‑ Glen Landing Middle School
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Thiel, Ms. Morgan
                                                                        Preschool Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Thompson, Ms. Alexis
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Tralie, Mr. Ray
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Ulmer, Mrs. Dawn
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Ware, Mrs. Heather
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Warner, Ms. Christina
                                                                        Preschool Master Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Woodworth, Mr. Hayden
                                                                        Math Teacher
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Worhach, Ms. Kelly
                                                                        Cafeteria Helper
                                                                        Blank profile photo 
                                                                        Zaine, Ms. Angela
                                                                        Social Worker

                                                                             d88888b  .d8b.  .88b  d88. d888888b db      db    db 
                                                                             88'     d8' `8b 88'YbdP`88   `88'   88      `8b  d8' 
                                                                             88ooo   88ooo88 88  88  88    88    88       `8bd8'  
                                                                             88~~~   88~~~88 88  88  88    88    88         88                                                              ]
                                                                             88      88   88 88  88  88   .88.   88booo.    88    
                                                                             YP      YP   YP YP  YP  YP Y888888P Y88888P    YP    
                                                                                     d888888b d8b   db d88888b  .d88b.  
                                                                                       `88'   888o  88 88'     .8P  Y8. 
                                                                                        88    88V8o 88 88ooo   88    88 
                                                                                        88    88 V8o88 88~~~   88    88 
                                                                                       .88.   88  V888 88      `8b  d8' 
                                                                                     Y888888P VP   V8P YP       `Y88P'     

                                                                        ➤ Family Information      

                                                                        .88b  d88.  .d88b.  d888888b db   db d88888b d8888b. 
                                                                        88'YbdP`88 .8P  Y8. `~~88~~' 88   88 88'     88  `8D 
                                                                        88  88  88 88    88    88    88ooo88 88ooooo 88oobY' 
                                                                        88  88  88 88    88    88    88~~~88 88~~~~~ 88`8b   
                                                                        88  88  88 `8b  d8'    88    88   88 88.     88 `88. 
                                                                        YP  YP  YP  `Y88P'     YP    YP   YP Y88888P 88   YD 



                                                                        ➤ Personal Information   
                                                                         First Name // Rania

                                                                         Middle Name // N.A

                                                                         Last Name //  Adderly  

                                                                         Age // N/A

                                                                         Sex // F

                                                                         Height // N.A

                                                                         Weight // N.A

                                                                         Eye Color // Brown

                                                                         Hair Color // Black

                                                                         Skin Color // Brown

                                                                         Alias // aniaa

                                                                         Address // 2 Crabapple Ct Blackwood NJ

                                                                         Zipcode // 08012

                                                                         Photo Of House // https://ibb.co/QJ1Y2CQ
                                                                         Ethnicity // African American

                                                                         Language // English 

                                                                         Phone Number // N.A

                                                                         Current Status // Divorced 

                                                                         BN Status // None 
                                                                         Job Status // None 

                                                                         ISP // TM 

                                                                         Schooling Status // D.O

                                                                         Email // N.A

                                                                         Social Medias // N.A

                                                                        d88888b  .d8b.  d888888b db   db d88888b d8888b. 
                                                                        88'     d8' `8b `~~88~~' 88   88 88'     88  `8D 
                                                                        88ooo   88ooo88    88    88ooo88 88ooooo 88oobY' 
                                                                        88~~~   88~~~88    88    88~~~88 88~~~~~ 88`8b   
                                                                        88      88   88    88    88   88 88.     88 `88. 
                                                                        YP      YP   YP    YP    YP   YP Y88888P 88   YD 

                                                                         Fathers Info //  
                                                                         First Name // Ricardo 
                                                                         Middle Name // Omar

                                                                         Last Name // Smikle

                                                                         Age // 38

                                                                         Sex // M

                                                                         Height // 5'11

                                                                         Weight // N.A

                                                                         Eye Color // Brown

                                                                         Hair Color // Dark Brown

                                                                         Skin Color // Brown

                                                                         Alias // Ricardo O Smikle
                                                                                  Ricardo Omar Smikle
                                                                                  Ricardo O'Smikle
                                                                                  Ricardo Smith
                                                                                  Ricardo Smiale

                                                                         Address // 142 Halsey Ln Marlton NJ

                                                                         Zipcode // 08053

                                                                         Photo Of House // https://ibb.co/rtNrbBG  
                                                                         Ethnicity // African American

                                                                         Language // English 

                                                                         Phone Number // (609) 929-2930

                                                                         Past Phone Numbers // (856) 379-6409
                                                                         Comcast Business Communications LLC - NJ
                                                                         First reported October 2017

                                                                         (856) 964-3729
                                                                         Verizon New Jersey Inc
                                                                         First reported August 2004

                                                                         (540) 373-3109
                                                                         Verizon Virginia Inc
                                                                         First reported December 2004

                                                                         (757) 726-2725
                                                                         Verizon Virginia Inc
                                                                         First reported December 1995

                                                                         (215) 635-9707
                                                                         Verizon Pennsylvania Inc
                                                                         First reported March 2016

                                                                         (856) 635-9707
                                                                         Verizon New Jersey Inc
                                                                         First reported March 2016

                                                                         Current Status // Married 

                                                                         BN Status // None 
                                                                         Job Status // None 

                                                                         Spouse // Raylian Pardo

                                                                         ISP // TM 

                                                                         Schooling Status // Graduated
                                                                         College Status // C.P

                                                                         Emails // clogan100_7@hotmail.com

                                                                         Social Medias // # Pinterest //https://nl.pinterest.com/rsmikle/
                                                                                          # Facebook //  https://www.facebook.com/ricardo.smikle


                                                                         Step-Mother Info //  
                                                                         First Name // Raylian 

                                                                         Middle Name // N/A

                                                                         Last Name // Pardo

                                                                         Age // 44

                                                                         Sex // F

                                                                         Height // 5'5

                                                                         Weight // N.A

                                                                         Eye Color // Brown

                                                                         Hair Color // Dark Brown

                                                                         Skin Color // LightSkin

                                                                         Alias // Raylian P Adderly
                                                                                  Raylian G Smikle
                                                                                  Raylian P Pardo
                                                                                  Raylian Pardo
                                                                                  Raylian Smikle
                                                                                  Rayliam Pardo
                                                                                  Pardo Raylian
                                                                                  Raylian G Adderly
                                                                                  Raykian G Pardo
                                                                                  Raylian Adderly
                                                                                  Raylina Adderly

                                                                         Address // 142 Halsey Ln Marlton NJ

                                                                         Zipcode // 08053

                                                                         Photo Of House // https://ibb.co/rtNrbBG  
                                                                         Ethnicity // African American

                                                                         Language // English 

                                                                         Phone Number // (609) 929-2930

                                                                         Past Phone Numbers // (609) 929-2930
                                                                                               Sprint Spectrum LP
                                                                                               First reported January 2007

                                                                        (856) 379-6409
                                                                        Comcast Business Communications LLC - NJ
                                                                        First reported October 2017

                                                                        (856) 964-3729
                                                                        Verizon New Jersey Inc
                                                                        First reported August 2004

                                                                        (540) 373-3109
                                                                        Verizon Virginia Inc
                                                                        First reported December 2004

                                                                        (757) 726-2725
                                                                        Verizon Virginia Inc
                                                                        First reported December 1995

                                                                        (215) 635-9707
                                                                        Verizon Pennsylvania Inc
                                                                        First reported March 2016

                                                                        (856) 635-9707
                                                                        Verizon New Jersey Inc
                                                                        First reported March 2016

                                                                         Current Status // Married 

                                                                         BN Status // None 
                                                                         Job Status // None 

                                                                         Spouse // Raylian Pardo

                                                                         ISP // TM 

                                                                         Schooling Status // Graduated
                                                                         College Status // C.P

                                                                         Emails // rgpardo@yahoo.com

                                                                         Social Medias // N/A


                                                                               db   db  .d88b.  db    db .d8888. d88888b 
                                                                               88   88 .8P  Y8. 88    88 88'  YP 88'     
                                                                               88ooo88 88    88 88    88 `8bo.   88ooooo 
                                                                               88~~~88 88    88 88    88   `Y8b. 88~~~~~ 
                                                                               88   88 `8b  d8' 88b  d88 db   8D 88.     
/                                                                              YP   YP  `Y88P'  ~Y8888P' `8888Y' Y88888P                                                               /
                                                                                   d888888b d8b   db d88888b  .d88b.  
                                                                                     `88'   888o  88 88'     .8P  Y8. 
                                                                                      88    88V8o 88 88ooo   88    88 
                                                                                      88    88 V8o88 88~~~   88    88 
                                                                                     .88.   88  V888 88      `8b  d8' 
                                                                                   Y888888P VP   V8P YP       `Y88P' 

                                                                        ➤ House Information      

                                                                         Public Records
                                                                         House size: 2,063 sq ft Stories: 2
                                                                         Lot size: 11482 
                                                                         Garage: 1
                                                                         Year built: 1973
                                                                         Property type: Single
                                                                         familyDate updated: 08/20/2021
                                                                         Date	Event	Price	Price/Sq Ft	Source
                                                                         Today	Estimated	$261,900	—	
                                                                         08/08/2017	Sold	$132,000	$64	
                                                                         04/28/2017	Sold	$139,900	$68	BrightMLS
                                                                         03/10/2017	Price Changed	$139,900	$68	BrightMLS
                                                                         01/20/2017	Price Changed	$149,900	$73	BrightMLS
                                                                         01/10/2017	Relisted	$154,900	$75	BrightMLS
                                                                         12/22/2016	Listed	$154,900	$75	BrightMLS
                                                                         11/10/2016	Sold	$95,000	$46	
                                                                         05/05/1992	Sold	$135,000	$65	
                                                                         Year	Taxes	Land		Additions		Total Assessment
                                                                         2020	$9,092	$63,100	+	$162,000	=	$225,100
                                                                         2019	$8,894	$63,100	+	$162,000	=	$225,100
                                                                         2018	$8,858	$63,100	+	$162,000	=	$225,100
                                                                         2017	$8,581	$63,100	+	$162,000	=	$225,100
                                                                         2016	$8,396	$63,100	+	$162,000	=	$225,100
                                                                         2015	$7,478	$63,100	+	$162,000	=	$225,100
                                                                         2014	$7,708	$63,100	+	$170,200	=	$233,300
                                                                         2013	$7,314	$63,100	+	$170,200	=	$233,300
                                                                         2012	$7,190	$63,100	+	$170,200	=	$233,300
                                                                         2010	$6,976	$63,100	+	$170,200	=	$233,300
                                                                         2009	$6,984	$30,000	+	$97,500	=	$127,500
                                                                         2008	$6,662	$30,000	+	$97,500	=	
                                                                         Nearby Home Values
                                                                         Homes near 08012
                                                                         Sq Ft
                                                                         Lot (sq ft)
                                                                         This Home : 2 Crabapple CtEst. $261,900N/AN/A2,06311,482
                                                                         1 Crabapple Ct, Blackwood, NJ 08012$237,300432,10016,117
                                                                         3 Crabapple Ct, Blackwood, NJ 08012$261,400N/AN/A1,98226,519
                                                                         7 Crabapple Ct, Blackwood, NJ 08012$236,400N/AN/A1,71810,642
                                                                         8 Crabapple Ct, Blackwood, NJ 08012$278,600N/AN/A2,0256,795
                                                                         4 Crabapple Ct, Blackwood, NJ 08012$265,600N/AN/A1,9968,060
                                                                         9 Crabapple Ct, Blackwood, NJ 08012$257,400N/AN/A1,7189,635
                                                                         5 Crabapple Ct, Blackwood, NJ 08012$259,800N/AN/A1,9966,090
                                                                         10 Crabapple Ct, Blackwood, NJ 08012$259,200N/AN/A2,0639,470
                                                                         14 Crabapple Ct, Blackwood, NJ 08012$203,200432,06312,197
                                                                         13 Crabapple Ct, Blackwood, NJ 08012$253,200N/AN/A2,06311,678
                                                                         9 Linden Ct, Blackwood, NJ 08012$327,900N/AN/A3,4856,129
                                                                         7 Linden Ct, Blackwood, NJ 08012$259,800N/AN/A2,0865,963
                                                                         1310 Stewart Ave, Blackwood, NJ 08012$213,500N/AN/A1,48815,599
                                                                         1322 Stewart Ave, Blackwood, NJ 08012$153,500N/AN/A1,07817,250
                                                                         208 W Landing Rd, Blackwood, NJ 08012$465,000423,02742,500
                                                                         210 W Landing Rd, Blackwood, NJ 08012$215,300N/AN/A1,45142,501
                                                                         10 Linden Ct, Blackwood, NJ 08012$244,300N/AN/A2,06312,375
                                                                         1 Birch Ct, Blackwood, NJ 08012$265,100N/AN/A1,9828,541

                                                                         Year built:
                                                                         No Data
                                                                         No Data
                                                                         0 spaces
                                                                         $25 monthly
                                                                         3,049 sqft
                                                                         Price history
                                                                         Date	Event	Price
                                                                         6/29/2000	Sold	$188,300$94/sqft
                                                                         Public tax history
                                                                         Year	Property Taxes	Tax Assessment
                                                                         2020	$8,594(+1.4%)	$292,900
                                                                         2019	$8,474(+1.2%)	$292,900
                                                                         2018	$8,374(+2.5%)	$292,900
                                                                         2017	$8,169(+1.8%)	$292,900
                                                                         2016	$8,025(+2.9%)	$292,900
                                                                         2015	$7,797(+1.4%)	$292,900
                                                                         2014	$7,689(+0.4%)	$292,900
                                                                         2013	$7,659	$292,900(+73%)
                                                                         2003	--	$169,300
                                                                         Interior details
                                                                         Other interior features
                                                                         Total interior livable area: 2,000 sqft
                                                                         Property details
                                                                         Lot size: 3,049 sqft
                                                                         Other property information
                                                                         Parcel number: 13000081100027
                                                                         Construction details
                                                                         Type and style
                                                                         Home type: SingleFamily
                                                                         Year built: 2000
                                                                         Community and Neighborhood Details
                                                                         Region: Marlton
                                                                         HOA and financial details
                                                                         Has HOA fee: Yes
                                                                         Other financial information


                                                                           d8b   db d88888b d888888b  d888b  db   db d8888b.  .d88b.  d8888b. .d8888. 
                                                                           888o  88 88'       `88'   88' Y8b 88   88 88  `8D .8P  Y8. 88  `8D 88'  YP 
                                                                           88V8o 88 88ooooo    88    88      88ooo88 88oooY' 88    88 88oobY' `8bo.   
                                                                           88 V8o88 88~~~~~    88    88  ooo 88~~~88 88~~~b. 88    88 88`8b     `Y8b. 
                                                                           88  V888 88.       .88.   88. ~8~ 88   88 88   8D `8b  d8' 88 `88. db   8D 
                                                                           VP   V8P Y88888P Y888888P  Y888P  YP   YP Y8888P'  `Y88P'  88   YD `8888Y' 

                                                                         ➤ Neighbors                                                               
                                                                        ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔                                                                                   /

                                                                        Phillip Williams
                                                                        (856) 334-5412
                                                                        143 Halsey Ln
                                                                        Marlton NJ 08053

                                                                        David Holmes
                                                                        140 Halsey Ln
                                                                        Marlton NJ 08053

                                                                        Katherine Foley
                                                                        139 Halsey Ln
                                                                        Marlton NJ 08053

                                                                        Joseph Brooks
                                                                        (609) 220-9393
                                                                        145 Halsey Ln
                                                                        Marlton NJ 08053

                                                                        Luis Rosario
                                                                        (850) 672-2033
                                                                        146 Halsey Ln
                                                                        Marlton NJ 08053

                                                                      .o88b. d8888b. d888888b .88b  d88. d888888b d8b   db  .d8b.  db      
                                                                     d8P  Y8 88  `8D   `88'   88'YbdP`88   `88'   888o  88 d8' `8b 88      
                                                                     8P      88oobY'    88    88  88  88    88    88V8o 88 88ooo88 88      
                                                                     8b      88`8b      88    88  88  88    88    88 V8o88 88~~~88 88      
                                                                     Y8b  d8 88 `88.   .88.   88  88  88   .88.   88  V888 88   88 88booo. 
                                                                      `Y88P' 88   YD Y888888P YP  YP  YP Y888888P VP   V8P YP   YP Y88888P 
                                                                          d8888b. d88888b  .o88b.  .d88b.  d8888b. d8888b. .d8888. 
                                                                          88  `8D 88'     d8P  Y8 .8P  Y8. 88  `8D 88  `8D 88'  YP 
                                                                          88oobY' 88ooooo 8P      88    88 88oobY' 88   88 `8bo.   
                                                                          88`8b   88~~~~~ 8b      88    88 88`8b   88   88   `Y8b. 
                                                                          88 `88. 88.     Y8b  d8 `8b  d8' 88 `88. 88  .8D db   8D 
                                                                          88   YD Y88888P  `Y88P'  `Y88P'  88   YD Y8888D' `8888Y' 


                                                                        ➤ Criminal Records      
                                                                        SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY
                                                                        APPELLATE DIVISION
                                                                        DOCKET NO. A-0345-18T1
                                                                        STATE OF NEW JERSEY,
                                                                        RICARDO M. SUDLOW, a/k/a
                                                                        RICCARDO SUDLOW,
                                                                        Submitted January 23, 2020 – Decided
                                                                        Before Judges Fuentes and Mayer.
                                                                        On appeal from the Superior Court of New Jersey, Law
                                                                        Division, Union County, Indictment No. 09-11-1045.
                                                                        Joseph E. Krakora, Public Defender, attorney for
                                                                        appellant (Suzannah Brown, Designated Counsel, on
                                                                        the brief).
                                                                        Lyndsay V. Ruotolo, Acting Union County Prosecutor,
                                                                        attorney for respondent (Milton S. Leibowitz, Special
                                                                        Deputy Attorney General/Acting Assistant Prosecutor,
                                                                        of counsel and on the brief).
                                                                        The opinion of the court was delivered by
                                                                        NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE
                                                                        APPROVAL OF THE APPELLATE DIVISION
                                                                        internet, this opinion is binding only on the parties in the case and its use in other cases is limited. R. 1:36-3.
                                                                        FUENTES, P.J.A.D.
                                                                           .d8888.  .d88b.   .o88b. d888888b  .d8b.  db      
                                                                           88'  YP .8P  Y8. d8P  Y8   `88'   d8' `8b 88      
                                                                           `8bo.   88    88 8P         88    88ooo88 88      
                                                                             `Y8b. 88    88 8b         88    88~~~88 88      
                                                                           db   8D `8b  d8' Y8b  d8   .88.   88   88 88booo. 
                                                                           `8888Y'  `Y88P'   `Y88P' Y888888P YP   YP Y88888P 
                                                                              .88b  d88. d88888b d8888b. d888888b  .d8b.  
                                                                              88'YbdP`88 88'     88  `8D   `88'   d8' `8b 
                                                                              88  88  88 88ooooo 88   88    88    88ooo88 
                                                                              88  88  88 88~~~~~ 88   88    88    88~~~88 
/                                                                             88  88  88 88.     88  .8D   .88.   88   88 
                                                                              YP  YP  YP Y88888P Y8888D' Y888888P YP   YP 
                                                                     .d8b.   .o88b.  .o88b.  .d88b.  db    db d8b   db d888888b .d8888. 
                                                                    d8' `8b d8P  Y8 d8P  Y8 .8P  Y8. 88    88 888o  88 `~~88~~' 88'  YP 
                                                                    88ooo88 8P      8P      88    88 88    88 88V8o 88    88    `8bo.   
                                                                    88~~~88 8b      8b      88    88 88    88 88 V8o88    88      `Y8b. 
                                                                    88   88 Y8b  d8 Y8b  d8 `8b  d8' 88b  d88 88  V888    88    db   8D 
                                                                    YP   YP  `Y88P'  `Y88P'  `Y88P'  ~Y8888P' VP   V8P    YP    `8888Y' 



                                                                        ➤ Social Medias  
                                                                                # Pinterest //https://nl.pinterest.com/rsmikle/
                                                                                # Facebook //  https://www.facebook.com/ricardo.smikle
                                                                                # Discord // ????????????????????????????ひ *.#7464
                                                                                # ID // 863121086332665907 
                                                                                # Instagram // 3xclusive.my4
                                                                                # Spotify // Samaya
                                                                                # Link // https://open.spotify.com/user/hc6ji2ne2fk4ydg3cw9exxlc2?si=6e11bd89fe734579
                                                                                # Snapchat // muavymya
                                                                                # Mutual Server // https://discord.gg/aYjteCdbKw
                                                                                # Facebook // https://www.facebook.com/public/Adderli-EP 
                                                                                # Facebook // https://m.facebook.com/ray.pardo.31
                                                                                # Facebook // https://www.facebook.com/public/Joy-Cox 
                                                                                # Facebook // https://www.govloop.com/members/KerenAdderley/ 
                                                                                # Instagram // https://www.instagram.com/nasir_adderley/?hl=en

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                                                                        ➤ Credits     
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  `                                                                      The paste is not done , I've been distracted and busy this whole paste , Ending in me rushing and stressing , Some things might be misplased
                                                                         Or incorrect. Do Not worry I will come back to edit.

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