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Reason for dox: he is a ratter who steals money from inocent people who fall victume of his fake software
Name: Ryder Borschuk
country: USA
State: Kansas
School: Olathe south highschool
Dead relatvies: Elois lo, Michael borschuk
Fathers anme:  Jeff Borschuk
Farthers occupancy:  architect
Ip adress:
Adress: 18935 w 116th st
Olathe, KS 66061
picture of him old 3 years age:https://imgur.com/a/B9t0wAf
old discord user:pulser.exe
new user:lokii_fn
discord id: 1186611695087530004
step dad:jeff hopper
step mum:uknown

dont trust anything from him he is working with someone named juju they will rat u and steal ur money he stole $330 from my mate and has stole even more money then i know of but he wil sell ur accs as well to make more hes a littlew skid using luna grabber and blank grabber he cant code for shit 
he tried ratting me but failed and we have all his shit on his pc held hostage and will not let it go as he has a rasnom of $3,000 if he want it all back dont run his fake cheat or anything he trys to give you as it will not end go 
his pc is api hooked and will never be the same