Dox on Koaluh aka Ryo he is a mean person with a high ego he causes issues with us and I’m dropping him

Alias: Ryo and Koaluh
MC User: Koaluh
Name: Ryan Kozey
Gender: Male
Birthday: 05/09/2003
Age: 17
Address: 776 White Underpass Apt. 155
City: New Haven
State: CT
ZipCode: 06520
Phone Number: (295) 997-5087 
Credit Card Type: Visa
Credit Card Number: 4485-3643-4096-7104 
Expiration Date: 8/21
CVV: 776
UserAgent: Opera/9.88 (X11; Linux x86_64; en-US) Presto/2.10.186 Version/10.00