Ryan Stenwick _nnnn_ dGGGGMMb ,"""""""""""""". @p~qp~~qMb |GhostSecurity!| M|@||@) M| _;..............' @,----.JM| -' JS^\__/ qKL dZP qKRb dZP qKKb fZP SMMb HZM MMMM FqM MMMM __| ". |\dS"qML | `. | `' \Zq _) \.___.,| .' \____ )MMMMMM| .' `-' `--' () /|__--__ __--__ |\ '__ _{ _ `.' / `.,_ _________ HACKING _________ _,.' (/ `. / ||``._.' `---'|:||,/ .' /| IZ LIKE A SWORD FIGHT... /|:| \ .' /\ \ YOU MUST THINK BEFORE YOU MOVE.. `/|'\' ` `,/ /`,\ /,'\ \ .'.' /| |\ `.`. ,' / / | | \ \ `, - `- -- `-'- ----------------------------------------- -`-' -- -' - /\ GhostSecurity Tango Drown / \ / \ \__ \ \o\ \ \o\= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ Sebastian Alexander and GhostSec Presents Ryan Stenwick.txt ============================================================================ Logs of the past up your arse lots of love Mr C. PS: I'm super gay. Entire dox confirmed: [02:55:57] ryan: hello crusader [02:56:15] hagrid: :D its not crus :D its www.twitter.com/pholcodine [02:56:26] ryan: whyd you do that then [02:56:33] hagrid: Im a cunt [02:56:33] hagrid: :D [02:59:10] ryan: fucking calling my house [02:59:14] hagrid: :D [02:59:18] hagrid: gregg ayy ;) [02:59:19] ryan: lol [02:59:24] ryan: thats my pappy [02:59:32] hagrid: :D he's got a sexc voice [02:59:44] ryan: call again i dare you [02:59:55] hagrid: okay! [03:21:44] hagrid: Im going to stap you're granmdmother with a rusty screwdriver and call her aunt bessy [03:30:30] hagrid: How's Geraldine Frances "Geri" (Veith) Stenwick [03:30:33] hagrid: ayy ;) [03:30:37 | Edited 03:30:38] hagrid: bitch would get my dick [03:39:31] hagrid: Im going to shit in her mouth and make the dead corps rubbery hand jerk me off ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Name: Ryan Stenwick Image: http://puu.sh/aLBEq/9d7af02d9d.png // yes you are a fag Address: 175 Althea St West Springfield, MA 01089-1148 Number: (413) 739-0964 Twitters: @Y0Drizzle && @RyanStenwick Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/y0Drizzle root@Swaggie [/usr/etc]# ./skype ryanstenwick@gmail.com daniel.devitt2 Skype: RyanStenwick Database entries; root@Swaggie [/usr/etc]# grep ryanstenwick@gmail.com * Delicious_Takoyaki.txt:868057 ryanstenwick ryanstenwick@gmail.com 2d3fad3c9bd4a39de71808bd19115f838107fe90272be4015 None Delicious_Takoyaki.txt:923955 ryanstenwick ryanstenwick@gmail.com 2d3fad3c9bd4a39de71808bd19115f838107fe90272be4015 randomxsquirrel quantum_booter_2014_03_18.sql:(27882,'','ryanstenwick','ryanstenwick@gmail.com',1,'2d3fad3c9bd4a39de71808bd19115f838107fe90272be4015','',0,0,'','','07-28-2013, 04:04 pm','',',',1,'','','',0,'0','','1375041901','This is your private notepad, use it for whatever you want....','','','','','',0,0,'vc1i0ps','q7iavw1','0','00000','None',0,1,'','','randomxsquirrel',0), Google Queries; root@Swaggie [/usr/etc]# ./google ryanstenwick http://ink361.com/app/users/ig-56205932/ryanstenwick/photos http://www.thetechgame.com/ryanstenwick http://www.instagram24.com/ryanstenwick http://ryanstenwick.wix.com/randomgamers http://www.points2shop.com/members/profile/ryanstenwick https://www.youtube.com/user/ryanstenwick Funny google queries; root@Swaggie [/usr/etc]# cat funny.txt i am a newbie at hacking i need help - Linuxdoc.org really You suggest Ubuntu as a great hacking OS Ubuntu is great for noobs who do not know any better p 26 Aug 12 04 37 rspinuz 0 I second this post It is a great disservice to yourself not to read the linked content Also learning html and python suggested here would be a good idea Other languages I may want to consider would be Lisp maybe pick up using LaTeX TeX Learn the Bash shell and vim as they seem to be pretty much defaults on most Linux distributions If vim is difficult look for nano worst case use cat or stdin You can redirect stdin into a file easily echo My really cool text goes here MyTextFileName Do not fear the man command or his sister info They are usually the best Oh Wise Holy Gurus you ll ever meet Beyond that learn to use search engines no particular one mind here merely search engines in general Five to twenty years later when some kid of 11 13 years old comes asking questions remember you were there once too and help them out a bit Pay it forward always and ever more And remember above all else we are Anonymous link answered 21 Sep 11 08 29 deaddog 1 1 accept rate 0 0 im 11 and im a hacker too i have hacked since 7 and i can program at a college level i make mods for games and ive hacked millions of websites email me at ryanstenwick gmail com link answered 18 Feb 12 12 39 ryan stenwick 1 accept rate 0 0 skyman11 Here is a Google search with some great sites to help get you started http tinyurl com learning to hack with linux As far as a good Linux Distribution you should http://www.linuxdoc.org/questions/42/i-am-a-newbie-at-hacking-i-need-help?sort=oldest (2013-03-16) answered 18 Feb '12, 12:39 ryan stenwick: im 11 and im a hacker too i have hacked since 7 and i can program at a college level + i make mods for games and ive hacked millions of websites email me at ryanstenwick@gmail.com http://www.linuxdoc.org/questions/42/i-am-a-newbie-at-hacking-i-need-help?sort=oldest (2013-03-16) Chat logs with skid: [08/08/2014 17:07:21] ryan: Hi Mr C, I'd like to add you as a contact. [08/08/2014 17:07:54] *** Mr C has shared contact details with ryan. *** [08/08/2014 18:42:13] *** ryan created a group conversation with DavidKoloPlaysMC. Show group conversation *** [08/08/2014 18:44:07] *** Missed call from ryan. *** [08/08/2014 19:13:02] ryan: join [08/08/2014 19:13:08] ryan: or nah [08/08/2014 19:13:26] ryan: pussy [08/08/2014 19:13:29] ryan: wont join [08/08/2014 19:19:34] ryan: (416) 546-3962 [08/08/2014 19:19:43] ryan: shall i give it a call [08/08/2014 19:24:44] Mr C: kk [08/08/2014 19:25:15] ryan: hows ontario nigga [08/08/2014 19:25:22] ryan: i heard its cold af there [08/08/2014 19:25:25] Mr C: awesome you can pull a ovh ip [08/08/2014 19:25:31] Mr C: totally my real connection [08/08/2014 19:25:39] ryan: lol it is [08/08/2014 19:25:46] Mr C: search up ovh hosting [08/08/2014 19:26:00 | Edited 19:26:01] Mr C: also [08/08/2014 19:26:04] ryan: Alex Hewitt [08/08/2014 19:26:08] Mr C: if you think im alex hewitt [08/08/2014 19:26:11] Mr C: you're messed up [08/08/2014 19:26:17] ryan: hows it going [08/08/2014 19:26:17] Mr C: since that's kfc's name [08/08/2014 19:26:18] Mr C: not mine [08/08/2014 19:26:18] Mr C: LOL [08/08/2014 19:26:25] Mr C: Contact sent to ryan [08/08/2014 19:26:27] ryan: yup [08/08/2014 19:26:28] Mr C: his xmpp [08/08/2014 19:26:31] Mr C: kfc@exploit.im [08/08/2014 19:26:34] Mr C: im not kfc [08/08/2014 19:26:34] Mr C: LOL [08/08/2014 19:26:52] Mr C: do i sound canadian? [08/08/2014 19:27:28] ryan: idk do i sound american [08/08/2014 19:27:28] Mr C: Here's a little hint my first name is Daniel. [08/08/2014 19:27:37] Mr C: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006793907691 [08/08/2014 19:27:38] Mr C: my fb [08/08/2014 19:27:42] Mr C: also linked to my email [08/08/2014 19:27:45] ryan: 179 Berry Rd [08/08/2014 19:27:48] Mr C: nop [08/08/2014 19:27:52] Mr C: keep on trying bud [08/08/2014 19:28:02] ryan: yup [08/08/2014 19:28:02] Mr C: its 2:27am for me [08/08/2014 19:28:03] ryan: sure [08/08/2014 19:28:11] ryan: i believe that [08/08/2014 19:28:11] Mr C: you're retarded [08/08/2014 19:28:12] Mr C: LOL [08/08/2014 19:28:35] Mr C: im untouchable because people think im kfc when im not. [08/08/2014 19:28:46] ryan: https://www.facebook.com/alex.hewitt.184 [08/08/2014 19:28:53] Mr C: ^ kfc [08/08/2014 19:29:02] ryan: 179 Berry Rd [08/08/2014 19:29:02] Mr C: http://puu.sh/aKDkZ/f5c4ebdf67.png [08/08/2014 19:29:08] ryan: should i test it out then [08/08/2014 19:29:10] Mr C: sure [08/08/2014 19:29:12] Mr C: go ahead [08/08/2014 19:29:18] Mr C: its not mine [08/08/2014 19:29:18] Mr C: LOL [08/08/2014 19:29:27] ryan: so youll throw your friend under the buss [08/08/2014 19:29:30] Mr C: [08 August 2014 19:28] Mr C: <<< OMFG THIS GUY THINKS IM KFC LOL [08/08/2014 19:29:47] ryan: Aliases: KFC, KFC Crusader, SnapBack, Rodney Name: Alex Hewitt Location: Ontario, CA Address: 179 Berry Rd Postal: m5j-2n1 Home Phone: (416) 546-3962 Cell Phone: (647) 428-4409 (Was attached to Gmail + in an email, but no longer works.) DOB: March 4th, 1996 (17) (Happy Birthday faggot) Emails: r00tmyb0x@hotmail.com - Hacked h@Vv3.co KFChacker@hotmail.com - Hacked Vv3@live.ca - Hacked Blackkk@live.com - Hacked Vv3KFC@gmail.com Trolllulz@aol.com AIM: Trolllulz XMPP: KFC@hootcrew.ru Pastebin: Gluttony Youtube: Vv3Crusader Skype: yumadbro Twitters: @SnapBack, @iLOVEslavery, @Feto Dad: Jack Charles Hewitt Dads Cell: (919) 791-5749 DOB: 12-Apr-1958 Mom: Becky Hewitt Moms Cell?: (647) 209-5585 Known Passwords: #HACKPLANT stophackingme12345 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alex.hewitt.184 Last 4s: VISA - 2063 Exp: 6/2016 Mastercard - 9679 Exp: 9/2013 Real IP Address : Connection Through: BELL Country Canada (CA) State/region ON City Toronto Postal code m5j2n1 Lat / Long 43.6667 / -79.4167 decimal : binary : 00111111100011101010000100001001 octal : 077.0216.0241.011 hexadecimal : 0x3F.0x8E.0xA1.0x09 long : 1066311945 IP v6 : 6 to 4 address : 2002:3F8E:A109:0:0:0:0:0 : 2002:3F8E:A109:: IPv4-mapped address : 0:0:0:0:0:FFFF: : ::FFFF: : ::FFFF:3F8E:A109 IPv4-compatibility address : 0:0:0:0:0:0: : :: : ::3F8E:A109 VPN IP:, [08/08/2014 19:29:55] Mr C: [08 August 2014 19:29] ryan: <<< KFC Crusader, [08/08/2014 19:29:57] Mr C: i dont see a "," [08/08/2014 19:30:00] Mr C: therefor [08/08/2014 19:30:05] Mr C: he went under "KFC Crusader" [08/08/2014 19:30:07] Mr C: not crusader [08/08/2014 19:30:08] Mr C: LOOL [08/08/2014 19:30:11] ryan: ok so you dont care abouth your friend then [08/08/2014 19:30:18] Mr C: hes my leader. [08/08/2014 19:30:31] ryan: so you dont care what i do to him [08/08/2014 19:30:33] Mr C: Heres your dads ssn: 3287 [08/08/2014 19:30:37] Mr C: ofc i do [08/08/2014 19:30:38] Mr C: but [08/08/2014 19:30:39] ryan: nope [08/08/2014 19:30:42] Mr C: i want you [08/08/2014 19:30:42] Mr C: to [08/08/2014 19:30:43] Mr C: dox me [08/08/2014 19:30:44] Mr C: since no one can [08/08/2014 19:30:48] Mr C: hint [08/08/2014 19:30:49] Mr C: my email is [08/08/2014 19:30:53] Mr C: mother@muslim.com [08/08/2014 19:31:51] ryan: you got a big ass nose [08/08/2014 19:31:55] Mr C: nope [08/08/2014 19:31:59] Mr C: want me to go on cam? [08/08/2014 19:32:01] Mr C: LOL [08/08/2014 19:32:03] ryan: ya [08/08/2014 19:32:17] Mr C: LOL [08/08/2014 19:32:24] Mr C: do i sound like im from canada? [08/08/2014 19:32:32] Mr C: you're retarded [08/08/2014 19:32:33] Mr C: as [08/08/2014 19:32:33] Mr C: fuck [08/08/2014 19:32:48] ryan: alright show your face and i will believe your not from canada [08/08/2014 19:33:17] ryan: as long as its different from alex' face then well be fine [08/08/2014 19:33:22] Mr C: I don't need to, since I've never been doxed, and that no one can, also, that I know for a fact that isnt my information so, keep on trying do the emails link back to me on that dox? [08/08/2014 19:33:30] Mr C: https://twitter.com/CrusDaAllah/status/497918393488777217 [08/08/2014 19:33:31] Mr C: enjoy [08/08/2014 19:33:59] ryan: cool [08/08/2014 19:34:42] Mr C: You're literally [08/08/2014 19:34:44] Mr C: retarded [08/08/2014 19:34:45 | Edited 19:34:46] Mr C: as [08/08/2014 19:34:46] Mr C: fuck [08/08/2014 19:34:57] ryan: alright then i still have your leaders dox [08/08/2014 19:35:03] Mr C: its his fake dox [08/08/2014 19:35:06] Mr C: but wheres mine? [08/08/2014 19:35:37] ryan: how sit fake [08/08/2014 19:35:42] ryan: how is it fake [08/08/2014 19:35:51] Mr C: None of it is confirmed, he alo self dropped himself. [08/08/2014 19:36:23] ryan: alright then [08/08/2014 19:36:30] ryan: should i send him a package [08/08/2014 19:36:46] Mr C: Do you even know who chf and clanvv3 is? [08/08/2014 19:37:01] ryan: 1.4 kilos of marijuana might get get you arrested [08/08/2014 19:37:08] ryan: when you recieve it in your mail [08/08/2014 19:37:10] Mr C: "you" [08/08/2014 19:37:15] Mr C: I'm not scared of you. [08/08/2014 19:37:18] Mr C: you anonymous wannabe. [08/08/2014 19:37:21] Mr C: you cant even do shit to me. [08/08/2014 19:37:27] ryan: im not an anonymous wannabe [08/08/2014 19:37:29] Mr C: so you have to go for someone who self dropped himself [08/08/2014 19:37:29] Mr C: LOL [08/08/2014 19:38:17] ryan: actually mordecais friend sent it to me which i thought was obtained by him but apparently was self dropped [08/08/2014 19:38:35] Mr C: LOLOLOl [08/08/2014 19:39:24] ryan: idk who drops his own dox but have a good day to you sam. [08/08/2014 19:39:31] Mr C: "sam" ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Time to rape the Mother; Name: Melissa A Stenwick Also known as: Melissa A Baran && Melissa Stenewick Age: 40-50 DOB: 18 Apr 1971 Image: http://puu.sh/aLD8z/15eacf3c88.png && http://puu.sh/aLDAC/bd14b52d00.png Skype: live:mstenwick Email: mstenwick@live.com Relatives: Brenda L Obrien, Cindy S Baran, David S Baran, Gregory W Stenwick, Missy Baran Previous Addresses; - 20 Easthampton Rd #M8, Holyoke, MA 01040 - 313 Mountain Rd, Union City, NJ 07087 - 406 Pleasant St #2, Amherst, MA 01002 - 43 Montgomery St, Valley Stream, NY 11580 - 1179 Boylston St #8, Boston, MA 02215 - 92 Algonquin Rd #2, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 Previous Numbers; - (516) 532-3055 - (617) 536-7061 - (413) 739-0964 - (201) 617-8481 ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Time to rape the father; Name: Gregory W Stenwick Age: 40-45 DOB: 20 Sep 1971 Image: http://puu.sh/aLDX2/ddbefc3764.png Email: gstenwick@address.com && gstenwick@hotmail.com Relatives: Judith A Stenwick, Melissa A Stenwick, Melissa A Stenwick, Michael W Md Bloomingto Stenwick, Scott M Stenwick Previous Addresses; - 20 Easthampton Rd #M8, Holyoke, MA 01040 - 43 Montgomery St, Valley Stream, NY 11580 - 6573 Glenwood Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55427 - 313 Mountain Rd, Union City, NJ 07087 Previous Numbers; - (516) 872-0591 - (516) 532-3055 ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Time to rape another relative; Name: Michael W MdBloomington Stenwick Also known as: Michael A Schaal && Michael Stenwick && Michael William Stenwick Age: 72 DOB: NA Email: NA Current Addresss: 31797 Lakeview Ave, Red Wing, MN 55066 Current Phone: (763) 544-9096 Previous Addresses; - 6573 Glenwood Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55427 - 3017 Bloomington Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55407 - 899 Western Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55117 Previous Numbers; - (612) 721-6511 ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀