Today we’ll talk about such a wonderful streamer as “Fleepy1488” or Mr. Tair and his Studio “FunDev”. ||ID his discord account: 1230851634054041680|| This person is distributing viruses under the guise of our build BruhTime 8.2 (All proofs will be lower LOL) Let's start with screenshots, where you can see that he is throwing a link to download supposedly "Builds of BruhTime 8.2": **I will also leave the link, solely for educational purposes, so that you can see for yourself the veracity of our words. We highly recommend that you do not run the assembly that you can download from this link, it contains a virus.** || || <- **LINK TO ASSEMBLY FROM SCREEN, IT CONTAINS A VIRUS. ATTACHED FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY** After downloading the assembly, we can see what the “Start server.bat” file does and that’s what we see there [See *Clickable*]( Two Java processes are launched, one fake, the other real. This is easy to understand, the fake one does not have arguments like -Xmx -Xms, etc. Go to the path indicated in the .bat file - jdk-17.0.2\bin\sun There we see java.exe, which is precisely a virus. here's the bastard's info number: +79831003943 Country: Russia Region: Алтайский край City: Барнаул (RU) Address: Ленинградская ул., 18 кв. 25. (not accurate information) Operator: MTS Activ: True Valid: True Name: Maxim Last Name: Чижов Telegram username: MrTaiir1 ID: 6069200446