Name:                     Sarah Marie Coco
Place of residence:       Bad Pyrmont, Germany
Social media:             None
Places of work:           Praxen für Ergotherapie & Logopädie
                          U. Wehrmann & C. Jung

                          31812 BAD PYRMONT
                          Oesdorferstr. 11
                          Tel.: 05281/ 60 77 74
                          Fax : 05281/ 62 03 36

                          32699 EXTERTAL
                          Bruchweg 3
                         Tel.: 05262/ 99 35 95
                         Fax: 05262/ 99 48 08

Reason for Dox:          I entrusted her my child to therapy, but what my child told me is hardly to believe. Not only does she not take care of the needs of my child, she 
                         constantly lets her bad mood out on my child. She is screaming and yelling and being very rude over all. One day, my child even came home with 
                         bruises it doesn't have before. When i called her employer, they didn't wanted to believe me so i had to look for a new therapist.
                         Please just write some nice recessions on google or let her employer know on other ways how she behaves towards her patients, especially little children.