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Reason: fata** tryin to give out dirty looks to everybody, ruby if you see this, your a fag. btw the no bio yet is not fucking funny.
Snapchat Friends 

 _____        _                    _ 
/  ___|      | |                  | |
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 `--. \ / __|| '_ \  / _ \  / _ \ | |
/\__/ /| (__ | | | || (_) || (_) || |
\____/  \___||_| |_| \___/  \___/ |_|

Llanwern High School, Hartridge Farm Rd, Newport NP18 2YE, United Kingdom
Phone Number +44 1633 411116
Siân Smith, Deputy Headteacher (what a nerd)
School type Welsh establishment
ID	URN: 401866, DfE number: 680/4021
UKPRN: 10008264
Government office region (GOR)	Wales (pseudo)
Unique property reference number (UPRN)	100101047736
Lower super output area (LSOA) Help with lower super output areaOpens a dialog	Newport 010D
Urban/rural description	(England/Wales) Urban city and town
 _____               _         _  ___  ___           _  _        
/  ___|             (_)       | | |  \/  |          | |(_)       
\ `--.   ___    ___  _   __ _ | | | .  . |  ___   __| | _   __ _ 
 `--. \ / _ \  / __|| | / _` || | | |\/| | / _ \ / _` || | / _` |
/\__/ /| (_) || (__ | || (_| || | | |  | ||  __/| (_| || || (_| |
\____/  \___/  \___||_| \__,_||_| \_|  |_/ \___| \__,_||_| \__,_|
Friends Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@alewis691
Friends Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@paigewilliams234
Friends Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@kay1eigh2 
Friends Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@x.ellie.x58
Friends Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@codiemaelewis45
Friends Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@qmeliaaa_
  ___       _      _                       
 / _ \     | |    | |                      
/ /_\ \  __| |  __| | _ __   ___  ___  ___ 
|  _  | / _` | / _` || '__| / _ \/ __|/ __|
| | | || (_| || (_| || |   |  __/\__ \\__ \
\_| |_/ \__,_| \__,_||_|    \___||___/|___/
Lives In UK, Wales, Newport
Home Address: Unknown (will find out soon and post a newer upload)
Parents: Unknown

Face https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1223801829037572147/1264119239661326377/image.png?ex=669cb648&is=669b64c8&hm=9af6696f4e9a8112a889cad821ea9a70c7a0e76a9a323ee896bea646648fff32&