+----------------------------+--------------+ | **Table of Contents** | | +----------------------------+--------------+ | // Introduction | // Personal Information | // Email Records | // Address History | // Offenses and Legal Dispositions | // Warrant and Offense | // Bankruptcies, Liens & Judgments | // Property Information | // Business Ownership Information | // Car Details {3} | // Death Record | // License Information | // Job History | // Political Contributions +----------------------------+--------------+ //Introduction This victim Ruben A Garza is a massive repeat offender, and threatens kids that he's going to shoot them, the person who sent his address had told me that he was his daughters ex-boyfriend and the father/ Ruben had threatened him many times, this is for you "anon" +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Personal Information for Ruben Garza | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | City | Zip Code | State | Date of Birth | +------------+-------------+-----------+-----------------+----------+-------+-----------------------------------------+ | Ruben | A | Garza | Corpus Christi | 78414 | TX | August, 1979 | +------------+-------------+-----------+-----------------+----------+-------+-----------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Service Provider and Contact Information for Ruben Garza | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Service Provider | Name | Address | IP Address | Email Address | Other Info | Action | +------------------+--------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------------------+----------------+-------------------+ | bellsouth.net | Ruben Garza | 2600 Nonesuch Rd Apt 44D, Abilene, TX 79606 | Not on File | ruben.garza@bellsouth.net | Not on File | View Email Report | | gMail | Ruben Garza | 2600 Nonesuch Rd Apt 44D, Abilene, TX 79606 | | ruben.garza28@gmail.com | Not on File | View Email Report | | Yahoo! | Ruben Garza | 2600 Nonesuch Rd Apt 44D, Abilene, TX 79606 | | ruben.garza28@yahoo.com | Not on File | View Email Report | | AT&T | Ruben Garza | 1011 E Hill Ave, Alice, TX 78332 | Not on File | rosie.garza@att.net | Not on File | View Email Report | | Yahoo! | Ruben Garza | 2010 Joslin St, Alice, TX 78332 | Not on File | crowngarza@yahoo.com | Not on File | View Email Report | +------------------+--------------+------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------------------+----------------+-------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Data Records | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Line: 1336126 | | Email: rujen.garza28@gmail.com | | Name: Ruben Garza | | Raw Data: MTMzNjEyNgkhY3hSVDVmZWd1ZDNGMG5iV0c3RndIa3dmVUo4TWhydkk1cm94MXNFbgkyMDIwLTAyLTExIDA1OjQ0OjE4LjA0MjAyNCswMAlmCXJ1YmVuLmdhcnphMjhAZ21haWwuY29tCVJ1YmVuCUdhcnphCXJ1YmVuLmdhcnphMjhAZ21haWwuY29tCWYJdAkyMDIwLTAyLTExIDA1OjQ0OjE4LjA0MjAyNCswMA== | | Date: 2020-02-11 05:44:18.042024+00 | | Item Name: katapult_com.rar/auth_user.tsv [Part 57 of 95] | | Tags: email, en | | File Size: 4194231 | | Bucket: leaks.private.general | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Line: 1336126 | | Email: rujen.garza28@gmail.com | | Name: Ruben Garza | | Raw Data: MTMzNjEyNgkhY3hSVDVmZWd1ZDNGMG5iV0c3RndIa3dmVUo4TWhydkk1cm94MXNFbgkyMDIwLTAyLTExIDA1OjQ0OjE4LjA0MjAyNCswMAlmCXJ1YmVuLmdhcnphMjhAZ21haWwuY29tCVJ1YmVuCUdhcnphCXJ1YmVuLmdhcnphMjhAZ21haWwuY29tCWYJdAkyMDIwLTAyLTExIDA1OjQ0OjE4LjA0MjAyNCswMA== | | Date: 2020-02-11 05:44:18.042024+00 | | Item Name: katapult_com.rar/auth_user.tsv [Part 57 of 95] | | Tags: email, en | | File Size: 4194231 | | Bucket: leaks.private.general | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Line: 5a6af770ec52fb31d6841a25 | | Email: RUBEN.GARZA28@GMAIL.COM | | Done: 1.0 | | Email Hash: 5bfbe86f44552def40445c09dd234e3a6a78fb17f587d6165799ca3e82790ea6 | | Raw Data: eyJfaWQiOnsiJG9pZCI6IjVhNmFmNzcwZWM1MmZiMzFkNjg0MWEyNSJ9LCJlbWFpbCI6IlJVQkVOLkdBUlpBMjhAR01BSUwuQ09NIiwiZG9uZSI6MS4wLCJlbWFpbF9sb3dlcl9zaGEyNTYiOiI1YmZiZTg2ZjQ0NTUyZGVmNDA0NDVjMDlkZDIzNGUzYTZhNzhmYjE3ZjU4N2Q2MTY1Nzk5Y2EzZTgyNzkwZWE2In0= | | Date: 2023-02-10T16:08:35.169115Z | | Item Name: verifications.io.rar/emailrecords.bson.json_16.txt [Part 1062 of 1537] | | Tags: fr, email | | File Size: 4194195 | | Bucket: leaks.private.general | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Line: ruben.garza28@yahoo.com,Ruben,Garza,2600 nonesuch rd 44d,Abilene,TX,79606,3257335812,F,6/16/1973 | | Raw: cnViZW4uZ2FyemEyOEB5YWhvby5jb20sUnViZW4sR2FyemEsMjYwMCBub25lc3VjaCByZCAgNDRkLEFiaWxlbmUsVFgsNzk2MDYsMzI1NzMzNTgxMixGLDYvMTYvMTk3Mw== | | Item: consumerUSA28mil.rar/USA_Consumer_Optin_28_million_email_database/dbo_TXnew.csv [Part 59 of 62] | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Line: ruben.garza28@yahoo.com:b.friend | | Raw: cnViZW4uZ2FyemEyOEB5YWhvby5jb206Yi5mcmllbmQ= | | Item: domain-split-combos.zip/combos.vip-yahoo.com.txt [Part 78 of 361] | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Line: ruben.garza28@yahoo.com:b.friend | | Raw: cnViZW4uZ2FyemEyOEB5YWhvby5jb206Yi5mcmllbmQ= | | Item: Разбитая база 2018.18.07_15-23-32/38.txt [Part 30 of 40] | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Line: 21425400 Rubengarza ruben.garza28@yahoo.com e267180a9fb5b0aad6f774e18fb3694187f2ecc3 | | Raw: MjE0MjU0MDAJUnViZW5nYXJ6YQlydWJlbi5nYXJ6YTI4QHlhaG9vLmNvbQllMjY3MTgwYTlmYjViMGFhZDZmNzc0ZTE4ZmIzNjk0MTg3ZjJlY2MzCTY2Ljg3LjEwMy4xMDU= | | Item: MyFitnessPal.7z/Data/myfitnesspal.txt [Part 478 of 2681] | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Line: {"_id":{"$oid":"5a65ce0922139311d57a89f3"},"user_ip":"","state":"TX","site_url":"work-at-home-directory.com","phone":"325-733-5812","lastname":"Garza","email":"ruben.garza28@yahoo.com","visit_date":{"$date":"2017-10-31T20:16:00.000Z"},"zip":"79606","city":"Abilene","firstname":"Ruben","done":1.0,"email_lower_sha256":"ac8c167b3a8b16c7c5f726bb4e308437d0cf43b0d89f5e8e9e279662eb44a36d"} | | Raw: 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 | | Item: verifications.io.rar/emailrecords.bson.json_5.txt [Part 1216 of 1537] | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Line: Email: ruben.garza28@yahoo.com - Name: Ruben Garza Jr. - ScreenName: rubengarza28 - Followers: 1 - Created At: Tue Jun 09 22:22:50 +0000 2009 | | Raw: RW1haWw6IHJ1YmVuLmdhcnphMjhAeWFob28uY29tIC0gTmFtZTogUnViZW4gR2FyemEgSnIuIC0gU2NyZWVuTmFtZTogcnViZW5nYXJ6YTI4IC0gRm9sbG93ZXJzOiAxIC0gQ3JlYXRlZCBBdDogVHVlIEp1biAwOSAyMjoyMjo1MCArMDAwMCAyMDA5 | | Item: twitter.rar/Hits (3).txt [Part 913 of 2188] | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Line: ruben.garza28@yahoo.com:B.friend28! | | Raw: cnViZW4uZ2FyemEyOEB5YWhvby5jb206Qi5mcmllbmQyOCE= | | Item: 241kk.rar/241kk_7.csv [Part 233 of 257] | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Line: Ruben.garza28@yahoo.com:B.friend123 | | Raw: UnViZW4uZ2FyemEyOEB5YWhvby5jb206Qi5mcmllbmQxMjM= | | Item: 10 000 000 USA (2).txt [Part 31 of 78] | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Line: ruben.garza28@yahoo.com:b.friend | | Raw: cnViZW4uZ2FyemEyOEB5YWhvby5jb206Yi5mcmllbmQ= | | Item: CompilationOfManyBreaches/data/r/u.txt [Part 5 of 88] | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Line: (no line data available) | | Item: Adult Friend Finder 2016.sql [Part 1524 of 7575] | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Line: Ruben.garza28@yahoo.com:b.friend | | Raw: UnViZW4uZ2FyemEyOEB5YWhvby5jb206Yi5mcmllbmQ= | | Item: 10 000 000 USA DUMP (7).txt [Part 64 of 78] | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Email: rosie.garza@att.net | | Name: Rosie Garza | | Address: 426 E 50th St, Odessa, TX 79762 | | Phone: 432-362-4420 | | Source: freelotto.com | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Email: rosie.garza@att.net | | Name: Rosie Garza | | Address: 1011 E. Hill St., Alice, TX 78332 | | Phone: 361-664-9600 | | Birthdate: 12/4/1961 | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Email: rosie.garza@att.net | | User ID: 1433644546 | | Data: Judicial Watch Valid Email Database | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Email: rosie.garza@att.net | | User ID: 1433644546 | | Data: Conservative Republican Voting List | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Email: rosie.garza@att.net | | Name: Armando Garza | | Address: 1011 E Hill Ave, Alice, TX 78332 | | Phone: 13616649600 | | Source: USA_Customers_04.2021 | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Address History for Ruben Garza | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Current Address | 7614 Bon Soir | Corpus Christi | TX | 78414 | 8/2024 | | Previous Address | 4810 Alma St | Corpus Christi | TX | 78411 | 12/2018 | | Previous Address | 5410 Curtis Clark Dr | Corpus Christi | TX | 78411 | 10/2018 | | Previous Address | 7205 Gingerberry Dr | Corpus Christi | TX | 78414 | 8/2018 | | Previous Address | 7205 Gingerberry Dr | Corpus Christi | TX | 78414 | 8/2018 | | Previous Address | 6947 Everhart Rd | Corpus Christi | TX | 78413 | 12/2016 | | Previous Address | 5901 Weber Rd Apt E12 | Corpus Christi | TX | 78413 | 12/2013 | | Previous Address | 4922 Mokry Dr | Corpus Christi | TX | 78415 | 10/2011 | | Previous Address | 2518 Allencrest Dr | Corpus Christi | TX | 78415 | 2/2001 | | Previous Address | 2518 Allencrest Dr | Corpus Christi | TX | 78415 | 2/2001 | | Previous Address | 2514 Allencrest Dr | Corpus Christi | TX | 78415 | 1/2001 | | Previous Address | 2303 Ruth St | Corpus Christi | TX | 78405 | 6/1999 | | Previous Address | 1419 Laredo St | Corpus Christi | TX | 78401 | 4/1999 | | Previous Address | 1058 Mcclendon St | Corpus Christi | TX | 78404 | 1/1999 | | Previous Address | 2210 Buford St | Corpus Christi | TX | 78405 | 8/1997 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Offenses and Legal Dispositions for Ruben Garza | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----+------------+-----------+------------------------------+------------------+--------------+---------+-------+----------+------------------------------+-------------+-----+---------+-----------------------+---------------+-----------+-----------------------+-------------------+-------------------+---------------------+--------+---------+ | # | First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Offense | Offense Code | Jurisdiction | City | State | Zip Code | Address | Date of Birth | Age | Sex | Race | Source | Source State | Disposition | Disposition Date | Fines | Sentence Date | Case Type | +----+------------+-----------+------------------------------+------------------+--------------+--------------+--------+-------+----------+----------------------------+----------------+-----+-----+----------+-----------------------+---------------+--------------+------------------+-------+----------------+-----------------------------------+ | 1 | Ruben | - | Garza | THEFT $500 TO $1500 | CC1 885268 | TX | Seguin | TX | 78155 | 719 Jefferson, Seguin TX 78155 | October 1979 | 45 | Male | White | TX Bexar County Courts | TX | PG CT-GUILTY | 01/06/2010 | 200 | - | - | | 2 | Ruben | - | Garza | THEFT SERVICE $20 TO $500 | CC1 263811 | TX | Seguin | TX | 78155 | 719 Jefferson, Seguin TX 78155 | October 1979 | 45 | Male | White | TX Bexar County Courts | TX | NOLO CT-GUILTY | 01/06/2010 | 400 | - | - | | 3 | Ruben | - | Garza | FAIL ID-FUG-INT GIVE FALSE INF | CC1 278067 | TX | Seguin | TX | 78155 | 719 Jefferson, Seguin TX 78155 | October 1979 | 45 | Male | White | TX Bexar County Courts | TX | DSMD-GLTY DIFF CHG | 03/17/2009 | - | - | - | | 4 | Ruben | - | Garza | THEFT $20-$500 - CHECK | CC9 968536 | TX | Converse | TX | 78109 | 8940 FM 78, Converse TX 78109 | July 1979 | 45 | Male | White | TX Bexar County Courts | TX | PG CT-GUILTY | 04/17/2008 | - | - | - | | 5 | Ruben | - | Garza | BURG HABIT | 05936799GARZARUBENJR79091601268109 | TX | - | TX | - | - | September 1979 | 45 | Male | Hispanic | TX Dept of Corrections | TX | Sentenced | 10/12/2004 | - | - | - | | 6 | Ruben | - | Garza | POSS MARIJUANA | 05936799GARZARUBENJR79091601268109 | TX | - | TX | - | - | September 1979 | 45 | Male | Hispanic | TX Dept of Corrections | TX | Sentenced | 10/12/2004 | - | - | - | | 7 | Ruben | - | Garza | Criminal/Traffic | 0593679901268109 | TX | Hebbronville | TX | 78361 | 706 West Amada, Hebbronville TX 78361 | September 1979 | 45 | Male | White | TX Dept of Corrections (Parole) | TX | Sentenced | 10/12/2004 | - | - | | | 8 | Ruben | Adam | Garza | THEFT PROP >=$20 <$500 BY CHECK | 07758590 | TX | - | TX | - | - | July 1979 | 45 | Male | White | TX Dept of Corrections (Probation) | TX | Sentenced | 11/16/2006 | - | - | M | | 9 | Ruben | - | Garza | DEL MARIJ >5LBS<=50LBS | 07301364 | TX | - | TX | - | - | August 1979 | 45 | Male | White | TX Dept of Corrections (Probation) | TX | Sentenced | 07/14/2005 | - | - | F | | 10 | Ruben | - | Garza | POSS CS PG 1 <1G | 06996574 | TX | - | YY | - | - | October 1979 | 45 | Male | White | TX Dept of Corrections (Probation) | TX | Sentenced | 03/17/2003 | - | - | F | +----+------------+-----------+------------------------------+------------------+--------------+--------------+--------+-------+----------+----------------------------+----------------+-----+-----+----------+-----------------------+---------------+--------------+------------------+-------+----------------+-----------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Warrant and Offense Information for Ruben Garza | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----+------------+-----------+----------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+--------------+----------+---------+----------+---------------------------+----------------+-----+-----+---------+--------------------------+-----------------------+ | # | First Name | Last Name | Offense | Offense Code | Jurisdiction | City | State | Zip Code | Address | Date of Birth | Age | Sex | Race | Source | Source State | +----+------------+-----------+----------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------+--------------+----------+----------+---------------------------+----------------+-----+-----+---------+--------------------------+---------------------------------+ | 1 | Ruben | Garza | ASSLT BY CONTACT | -1478607217 | TX | - | TX | - | - | - | - | - | - | TX Amarillo City Warrant | TX | | 2 | Ruben | Garza | NO DRIVERS LICENSE | 7500945MC | TX | - | TX | - | March 1982 | 42 | Male | Hispanic | TX Austin Police Warrants | TX | | 3 | Ruben | Garza | SOLID WASTE - ILLEGAL DUMPING | 7575455MC | TX | - | TX | - | September 1958 | 66 | Male | Hispanic | TX Austin Police Warrants | TX | | 4 | Ruben | Garza | RAN RED LIGHT | 7500944MC | TX | - | TX | - | March 1982 | 42 | Male | Hispanic | TX Austin Police Warrants | TX | | 5 | Ruben | Garza | No Safety Seat-Unrestrained Child Under 5 | 7138366MC | TX | - | TX | - | October 1975 | 49 | Male | Hispanic | TX Austin Police Warrants | TX | | 6 | Ruben | Garza | FAILURE TO APPEAR | 608-03346FTA | TX | San Elizario | TX | 79849 | 490 Borrego St, San Elizario | - | - | - | - | TX El Paso Warrant | TX | | 7 | Ruben | Garza | NO DRIVER'S LICENSE TRC 521.021 | 608-18628 | TX | San Elizario | TX | 79849 | 490 Borrego St, San Elizario | - | - | - | - | TX El Paso Warrant | TX | | 8 | Ruben | Garza | FAIL TO MAINTAIN FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TRC 601.191b | 608-03347 | TX | San Elizario | TX | 79849 | 490 Borrego St, San Elizario | - | - | - | - | TX El Paso Warrant | TX | | 9 | Ruben | Garza | NO DRIVER'S LICENSE TRC 521.001 | 608-03346 | TX | San Elizario | TX | 79849 | 490 Borrego St, San Elizario | - | - | - | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ | Bankruptcies, Liens & Judgments | | for Ruben Garza | +---------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ | Ruben Garza | | Full Address: 305 N Kentucky St, Amarillo, TX 79106| | Filing Date: 10/22/2004 | | Bankruptcy Type: Chapter 7 | | Court: N/A | +---------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ | Ruben Garza | | Full Address: 5410 Curtis Clark Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78411 | | Filing Date: 12/03/2003 | | Bankruptcy Type: Chapter 13 | | Court: TX - Corpus Christi - Southern | | Suit Case Number: 0321787 | | Discharge Date: 04/27/2009 | +---------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ | Ruben Garza | | Full Address: 1724 N Dooley St, Grapevine, TX 76051| | Filing Date: 05/18/2010 | | Bankruptcy Type: Chapter 7 | | Court: TX - Ft. Worth - Northern | | Suit Case Number: 1043316 | +---------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ | Ruben Garza | | Full Address: 1724 N Dooley St, Grapevine, TX 76051| | Filing Date: 05/18/2010 | | Bankruptcy Type: Chapter 7 | | Court: TX - Ft. Worth - Northern | | Suit Case Number: 1043316 | | Discharge Date: N/A | +---------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ | Ruben Garza | | Full Address: 3209 South G Lane, McAllen, TX 78503| | Filing Date: 02/27/2004 | | Bankruptcy Type: Chapter 13 | | Court: TX - McAllen | | Suit Case Number: 0470154 | | Discharge Date: 12/27/2007 | +---------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ | Ruben Garza | | Full Address: 321 E Avenue D, Robstown, TX 78380 | | Filing Date: 04/01/2004 | | Bankruptcy Type: Chapter 7 | | Court: N/A | | Discharge Date: 04/01/2004 | +---------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ | Ruben Garza | | Full Address: 222 Cooper St, San Antonio, TX 78210| | Filing Date: 05/01/2004 | | Bankruptcy Type: Chapter 7 | | Court: N/A | | Discharge Date: 05/01/2004 | +---------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ | Ruben Garza | | Full Address: 629 Westfall Ave, San Antonio, TX 78210 | | Filing Date: 11/22/2004 | | Bankruptcy Type: Chapter 7 | | Court: N/A | +---------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ | Ruben Garza | | Full Address: 246 Addax Dr, San Antonio, TX 78213 | | Filing Date: 09/18/2007 | | Bankruptcy Type: Chapter 13 | | Court: N/A | | Suit Case Number: 2007-52441-LMC | +---------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ | Ruben Garza | | Full Address: 3746 Weir Ave, San Antonio, TX 78226| | Filing Date: 07/21/2006 | | Bankruptcy Type: Chapter 13 | | Court: TX - San Antonio - Western | | Suit Case Number: 0651320 | | Discharge Date: 07/06/2012 | +---------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ | Ruben Garza | | Full Address: 3763 Weir Ave, San Antonio, TX 78226| | Filing Date: 07/21/2006 | | Bankruptcy Type: Chapter 13 | | Court: N/A | | Suit Case Number: 2006-51320-RBK | +---------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ | Ruben Garza | | Full Address: 7 Stager Hls, San Antonio, TX 78238 | | Filing Date: 08/03/2005 | | Bankruptcy Type: Chapter 13 | | Court: N/A | +---------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ | Ruben Garza | | Full Address: 214 Buttercup St, San Marcos, TX 78666 | | Filing Date: 10/14/2005 | | Bankruptcy Type: Chapter 7 | | Court: N/A | | Suit Case Number: 05-18352-FRM | | Discharge Date: 05/02/2006 | +---------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ | Ruben Garza | | Full Address: 5410 Curtis Clark Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78411 | | Filing Date: 12/03/2003 | | Bankruptcy Type: Chapter 13 | | Court: TX - Corpus Christi - Southern | | Suit Case Number: 0321787 | | Discharge Date: 04/27/2009 | +---------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ | Ruben R. Garza | | Full Address: 3146 Crest Colony Ln, Corpus Christi, TX 78415 | | Filing Date: 09/12/2006 | | Bankruptcy Type: Chapter 13 | | Court: N/A | | Suit Case Number: 2006-20568 | +---------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ | Ruben Garza | | Full Address: 908 12th St, Corpus Christi, TX 78404 | | Filing Date: N/A | | Liens: Tax Lien | | Amount Owed: $1,300.00, $2,500.00, $10,000.00 | +---------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ | Ruben Garza | | Full Address: 908 12th St, Corpus Christi, TX 78404 | | Filing Date: N/A | | Liens: Tax Lien | | Amount Owed: $5,000.00 | +---------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Property Information | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | FIPS Code: 48355 | | County: Nueces | | Unformatted APN: 3964-0060-0160 | | Formatted APN: 396400600160 | | Account Number: R200110056 | | CBSA Name: Corpus Christi, TX Metro Area | | CBSA Code: 18580 | | MSA Name: Corpus Christi, TX | | MSA Code: 18580 | | Minor Civil Division Code: 90850 | | Neighborhood Code: ES1177 | | Census Tract: 005416 | | Census Block Group: 1 | | Census Block: 1003 | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Property Address | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Address: 7614 Bon Soir | | City: Corpus Christi | | State: TX | | Zip Code: 78414-6187 | | Carrier Route: C069 | | Latitude: 27.662974 | | Longitude: -97.396291 | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Property Owner(s) | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Owner Name: Ruben Andrew Garza | | Owner Address: 7614 Bon Soir, Corpus Christi, TX 78414-6187 | | Owner Occupied: Yes | | Second Owner: Ruben Garza | | Melissa Identity Key1: 11326222439 | | Melissa Identity Key2: 10362302414 | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Property Value (2024 Assessment) | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Assessed Value (Total): $459,803 | | Assessed Value (Improvements): $418,810 | | Assessed Value (Land): $40,993 | | Market Value (Total): $459,803 | | Market Value (Improvements): $418,810 | | Market Value (Land): $40,993 | | Tax Billed (2023): $6,633.54 | | Tax Exemption: Homeowner Exemption | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sales History | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Assessor Last Sale Date: 09/10/2018 | | Assessor Last Sale Amount: $0 | | Last Ownership Transfer Date: 09/11/2018 | | Last Ownership Transfer Document Number: 2018039676 | | Deed Last Sale Date: 09/11/2018 | | Deed Last Sale Price: $0 | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Property Details | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Year Built: 2003 | | Area (Building): 2,429 sq. ft. | | Lot Area: 0.1980 acres (8,625 sq. ft.) | | Lot Depth: 108.0 ft | | Lot Width: 80.0 ft | | Parking Garage: Attached, 677 sq. ft. | | Foundation: Mat/Raft Foundation (Slab) | | Bedrooms: 4 | | Porch Area: 38 sq. ft. | | Patio Area: 254 sq. ft. | | Fireplace: Yes | | Exterior: Brick Veneer | | Roof: Composition Shingle | | HVAC Heating: Central | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Estimated Property Value | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Estimated Value: $413,000 | | Estimated Min Value: $363,440 | | Estimated Max Value: $462,560 | | Confidence Score: 88 | | Valuation Date: 11/15/2024 | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Legal Description | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Subdivision: Kings Crossing Unit 16 | | Block: 60 | | Lot Number: 16 | | Unit: 16 | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Business Ownership Information | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Business Name: Ruben Garza LLC | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Filing Number: 0803692225 | | Status: Active | | Corporation Type: Limited Liability Company (LLC) | | Perpetual Flag: Perpetual | | Creation Date: July 21, 2020 | | Expiration Date: N/A | | Inactive Date: N/A | | Formation Date: N/A | | Tax ID: 32075132509 | | Foreign Formation Date: N/A | | Nonprofit Subtype ID: 000 | | BOC Flag: 01 | | BOC Date: July 21, 2020 | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Business Address | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Address: 160 CR 2722 | | City: Lometa | | State: TX | | ZIP Code: 76853 | | ZIP Extension: 2754 | | Country: USA | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Charter Names | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name ID: 000001 | | Name: Ruben Garza LLC | | Name Status: Active | | Name Type: Corporation Name | | Creation Date: July 23, 2020 | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Charter Officer Information | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Officer Name: Ruben Garza | | Officer Title: Member/Manager | | Address: 160 CR 2722, Lometa, TX 76853 | | Country: USA | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Officer Name: Ruben Garza | | Officer Title: Director | | Address: 160 CR 2722, Lometa, TX 76853 | | Country: USA | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Registered Agent Information | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Agent Name: Ruben Garza | | Address: 1311 Kokpelli Dr, Edinburg, TX 78541 | | Country: USA | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Filing History | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Document Number: 011037026900 | | Filing Type: Public Information Report (PIR) | | Filing Date: September 12, 2021 | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Document Number: 009845067600 | | Filing Type: Certificate of Formation | | Filing Date: August 7, 2021 | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Audit Log | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Audit Date: December 17, 2021 | | Action: Field was added | | Comment: Officers updated after receipt of CPA XML file. PIR | | was electronically signed on 5/21/2021. | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Audit Date: May 27, 2021 | | Action: Edited | | Comment: PIR Tax ID update after receipt of flat file from | | Comptroller office. | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Audit Date: July 23, 2020 | | Action: Filed | | Comment: New Filing addition - Filing# 803692225 Doc# 984506760003 | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Audit Date: July 31, 2020 | | Action: Edited | | Comment: PIR Tax ID update after receipt of flat file from | | Comptroller office. | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | 2009 Mercedes-Benz S-Class S550 | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | **Model Year**: 2009 | | **Make**: Mercedes-Benz | | **Model**: S-Class | | **Trim Level**: S550 | | **Manufactured in**: Germany | | **Production Sequence Number**: 248261 | | **Body Style**: Sedan, 4-Door | | **Engine Type**: 5.5L V8 DOHC 32V | | **Transmission**: 7-Speed Automatic (7A) | | **Driveline**: RWD | | **Fuel Tank Capacity**: 23.80 gallons | | **Fuel Economy**: | | - City: 14 mpg | | - Highway: 21 mpg | +----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Brakes & Suspension | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | **Anti-Brake System**: 4-Wheel ABS | | **Steering Type**: Rack and Pinion (R&P) | | **Front Brake Type**: Disc | | **Rear Brake Type**: Disc | | **Turning Diameter**: 40.00 in. | | **Front Suspension**: Independent | | **Rear Suspension**: Independent | | **Front Spring Type**: Coil | | **Rear Spring Type**: Coil | +----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Dimensions | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | **Curb Weight**: 4,465 lbs | | **Length**: 205.00 in. | | **Width**: 73.70 in. | | **Height**: 58.00 in. | | **Wheelbase**: 124.60 in. | | **Ground Clearance**: 5.80 in. | | **Track (Front/Rear)**: 63.20 in. | | **Passenger Volume**: 109.40 cu. ft. | | **Cargo Volume**: 16.30 cu. ft. | +----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Interior & Seating | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | **Standard Seating**: 5 | | **Interior Trim Options**: | | - Black Leather | | - Corteccia Nappa Leather | | - Gray/Dark Gray Leather | | - Porcelain Nappa Leather | | - Sand Nappa Leather | | - Savanna/Cashmere Leather | | **Leather Upholstery**: Standard | | **Front Headroom**: 37.80 in. | | **Rear Headroom**: 38.50 in. | | **Front Legroom**: 41.90 in. | | **Rear Legroom**: 42.30 in. | | **Front Shoulder Room**: 59.10 in. | | **Rear Shoulder Room**: 58.70 in. | +----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Exterior Color Options | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | - Andorite Gray Metallic | | - Arctic White | | - Barolo Red Metallic | | - Black | | - Capri Blue Metallic | | - Designo Graphite Metallic | | - Designo Mocha Black Metallic | | - Designo Mystic White Metallic | | - Flint Grey Metallic | | - Iridium Silver Metallic | | - Jade Green Metallic | | - Majestic Black Metallic | | - Pewter Metallic | +----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Safety & Security | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | **Airbags**: | | - Driver Front Airbag: Standard | | - Passenger Front Airbag: Standard | | - Front Side Airbags: Standard | | - Side Head Curtain Airbags: Standard | | - Second Row Side Airbags: Standard | | **Anti-Theft System**: Standard | | **Vehicle Stability Control**: Standard | | **Traction Control**: Standard | | **4WD/AWD**: Not on file | | **Child Safety Door Locks**: Not on file | +----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Comfort & Convenience Features | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | **Air Conditioning**: Standard | | **Separate Driver/Front Passenger Climate Controls**: Standard | | **Cruise Control**: Optional | | **Tachometer**: Standard | | **Tilt Steering Wheel**: Standard | | **Tilt Steering Column**: Standard | | **Leather Steering Wheel**: Standard | | **Steering Wheel Mounted Controls**: Standard | | **Adjustable Foot Pedals**: Not on file | | **Genuine Wood Trim**: Standard | | **Tire Pressure Monitor**: Standard | | **Trip Computer**: Standard | | **AM/FM Radio**: Standard | | **CD Player**: Standard | | **CD Changer**: Standard | | **DVD Player**: Standard | | **Navigation Aid**: Standard | +----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Seating Features | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | **Driver Multi-Adjustable Power Seat**: Standard | | **Front Cooled Seats**: Standard | | **Front Heated Seats**: Standard | | **Front Power Lumbar Support**: Standard | | **Front Power Memory Seats**: Standard | | **Passenger Multi-Adjustable Power Seat**: Standard | | **Second Row Heated Seats**: Optional | | **Second Row Multi-Adjustable Power Seats**: Optional | +----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Exterior Features | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | **Power Sunroof**: Standard | | **Automatic Headlights**: Standard | | **Daytime Running Lights**: Standard | | **Fog Lights**: Standard | | **High Intensity Discharge (HID) Headlights**: Standard | | **Power Trunk Lid**: Standard | | **Alloy Wheels**: Standard | | **Chrome Wheels**: Optional | | **Rain Sensing Wipers**: Standard | | **Rear Window Defogger**: Standard | | **Electrochromic Rearview Mirror**: Standard | +----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Pricing & Warranty | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | **MSRP**: $89,350 USD | | **Dealer Invoice**: $83,096 USD | | **Destination Charge**: $875 USD | +----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Warranty | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | **Basic Warranty**: 48 months / 50,000 miles | | **Powertrain Warranty**: 48 months / 50,000 miles | | **Rust Warranty**: 48 months / 50,000 miles | +----------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2003 Kia Sorento LX 2WD | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Model Year**: 2003 | | **Make**: Kia | | **Model**: Sorento | | **Trim Level**: LX 2WD | | **Manufactured in**: South Korea | | **Production Sequence Number**: 066386 | | **Body Style**: Sport Utility, 4-Door | | **Engine Type**: 3.5L V6 DOHC 16V | | **Transmission**: 4-Speed Automatic (4A) | | **Driveline**: FWD | | **Fuel Tank Capacity**: 21.10 gallons | | **Fuel Economy**: | | - City: 15 mpg | | - Highway: 20 mpg | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Brakes & Suspension | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Anti-Brake System**: Non-ABS, 4-Wheel ABS | | **Steering Type**: Rack and Pinion (R&P) | | **Front Brake Type**: Disc | | **Rear Brake Type**: Disc | | **Turning Diameter**: 36.40 in. | | **Front Suspension**: Independent | | **Rear Suspension**: Independent | | **Front Spring Type**: Coil | | **Rear Spring Type**: Coil | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dimensions | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Curb Weight**: 4,057 lbs | | **Length**: 179.80 in. | | **Width**: 73.30 in. | | **Height**: 68.10 in. | | **Wheelbase**: 106.70 in. | | **Ground Clearance**: 8.20 in. | | **Track (Front/Rear)**: 62.20 in. | | **Passenger Volume**: 107.00 cu. ft. | | **Cargo Volume**: 31.40 cu. ft. | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Interior & Seating | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Standard Seating**: 5 | | **Interior Trim Options**: | | - Beige Cloth Interior | | - Gray Cloth Interior | | **Front Headroom**: 39.70 in. | | **Rear Headroom**: 39.50 in. | | **Front Legroom**: 42.60 in. | | **Rear Legroom**: 36.10 in. | | **Front Shoulder Room**: 58.90 in. | | **Rear Shoulder Room**: 58.40 in. | | **Front Hip Room**: 55.30 in. | | **Rear Hip Room**: 58.00 in. | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Exterior Color Options | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | - Aqua Blue Metallic | | - Clear White | | - Diamond Silver Metallic | | - Ebony Black | | - Gold Beige | | - Grayish Purple Metallic | | - Indigo Blue Metallic | | - Ivy Green Metallic | | - Ruby Red | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Performance & Towing | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Standard Towing Capacity**: 3,500 lbs | | **Maximum Towing Capacity**: 3,500 lbs | | **Standard Payload Capacity**: 1,202 lbs | | **Maximum Payload Capacity**: 1,202 lbs | | **Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)**: 5,423 lbs | | **Maximum GVWR**: 5,423 lbs | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Warranty | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Basic Warranty**: 60 months / 60,000 miles | | **Powertrain Warranty**: 120 months / 100,000 miles | | **Rust Warranty**: 60 months / 100,000 miles | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Pricing & Dealer Information | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **MSRP**: $19,995 USD | | **Dealer Invoice**: $18,895 USD | | **Destination Charge**: Not on file | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Safety & Security | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Airbags**: | | - Driver Front Airbag: Standard | | - Passenger Front Airbag: Standard | | - Side Curtain Airbags: Standard (Front and Rear) | | **Child Safety Door Locks**: Standard | | **Vehicle Anti-Theft System**: Not on file | | **ABS Brakes**: Optional | | **Electronic Parking Aid**: Not on file | | **First Aid Kit**: Standard | | **Keyless Entry**: Not on file | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Comfort & Convenience | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Air Conditioning**: Standard | | **Cruise Control**: Standard | | **Tachometer**: Standard | | **Tilt Steering Wheel**: Standard | | **Tilt Steering Column**: Standard | | **Steering Wheel Mounted Controls**: Standard | | **Power Windows**: Standard | | **Power Door Locks**: Standard | | **Full-Size Spare Tire**: Standard | | **Rear Window Defogger**: Standard | | **Power Adjustable Exterior Mirrors**: Standard | | **Heated Exterior Mirrors**: Standard | | **Rain Sensing Wipers**: Not on file | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Seating & Features | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Second Row Folding Seat**: Standard | | **Cargo Area Cover**: Standard | | **Cargo Area Tiedowns**: Standard | | **Cargo Net**: Optional | | **Load-Bearing Exterior Rack**: Optional | | **Leather Seat Upholstery**: Not on file | | **Power Seats**: Not on file | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Exterior Features | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Front Air Dam**: Standard | | **Skid Plate**: Standard | | **Splash Guards**: Optional | | **Steel Wheels**: Standard | | **Alloy Wheels**: Optional | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2002 Ford Explorer XLS 2WD | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Model Year**: 2002 | | **Make**: Ford | | **Model**: Explorer | | **Trim Level**: XLS 2WD | | **Manufactured in**: UNITED STATES | | **Production Sequence Number**: D66333 | | **Body Style**: SPORT UTILITY 4-DR | | **Engine Type**: 4.0L V6 SOHC 12V FFV | | **Transmission**: 5-Speed Automatic (5A) | | **Driveline**: RWD | | **Fuel Tank Capacity**: 22.50 gallons | | **Fuel Economy**: | | - City: 17 miles/gallon | | - Highway: 21 miles/gallon | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Brakes & Suspension | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Anti-Brake System**: 4-Wheel ABS | | **Steering Type**: R&P | | **Front Brake Type**: Disc | | **Rear Brake Type**: Disc | | **Turning Diameter**: 36.80 in. | | **Front Suspension**: Independent | | **Rear Suspension**: Independent | | **Front Spring Type**: Coil | | **Rear Spring Type**: Coil | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dimensions | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Curb Weight**: 4,163 lbs | | **Overall Length**: 189.50 in. | | **Overall Width**: 72.10 in. | | **Overall Height**: 71.40 in. | | **Wheelbase**: 113.70 in. | | **Ground Clearance**: 8.50 in. | | **Track (Front/Rear)**: 60.90 in. / 61.20 in. | | **Cargo Length**: 38.70 in. | | **Width at Wheelwell**: 45.30 in. | | **Width at Wall**: 48.30 in. | | **Depth**: 33.70 in. | | **Passenger Volume**: Not on file | | **Cargo Volume**: 46.60 cu. ft. | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Interior & Seating | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Standard Seating**: 5 | | **Interior Trim Options**: | | - Graphite Cloth Interior | | - Medium Parchment Cloth Interior | | **Front Headroom**: 39.90 in. | | **Rear Headroom**: 38.90 in. | | **Front Legroom**: 42.40 in. | | **Rear Legroom**: 37.20 in. | | **Front Shoulder Room**: 59.10 in. | | **Rear Shoulder Room**: 58.90 in. | | **Front Hip Room**: 55.00 in. | | **Rear Hip Room**: 54.30 in. | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Exterior Color Options | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | - Aspen Green Metallic | | - Black | | - Estate Green Metallic | | - Harvest Gold Metallic | | - Mineral Gray Metallic | | - Oxford White | | - Silver Birch Metallic | | - Toreador Red Metallic | | - True Blue Metallic | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Performance & Towing | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Standard Towing Capacity**: 2,300 lbs | | **Maximum Towing Capacity**: 3,500 lbs | | **Standard Payload Capacity**: 1,037 lbs | | **Maximum Payload Capacity**: 1,517 lbs | | **Standard GVWR**: 5,200 lbs | | **Maximum GVWR**: 5,680 lbs | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Warranty | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Basic Warranty**: 36 months / 36,000 miles | | **Powertrain Warranty**: 36 months / 36,000 miles | | **Rust Warranty**: 60 months / Unlimited miles | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Pricing & Dealer Information | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **MSRP**: $24,585 USD | | **Dealer Invoice**: $22,451 USD | | **Destination Charge**: Not on file | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Safety & Security | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Airbags**: | | - Driver Airbag: Standard | | - Passenger Airbag: Standard | | - Side Head Curtain Airbag: Optional | | **Child Safety Door Locks**: Standard | | **Vehicle Anti-Theft**: Standard | | **ABS Brakes**: Standard | | **Limited Slip Differential**: Standard | | **Keyless Entry**: Standard | | **Electronic Parking Aid**: Optional | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Comfort & Convenience | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Air Conditioning**: Standard | | **Cruise Control**: Standard | | **Tachometer**: Standard | | **Tilt Steering**: Standard | | **Tilt Steering Column**: Standard | | **Steering Wheel Mounted Controls**: Standard | | **Power Windows**: Standard | | **Power Door Locks**: Standard | | **Full-Size Spare Tire**: Standard | | **Rear Window Defogger**: Standard | | **Power Adjustable Exterior Mirrors**: Standard | | **Deep Tinted Glass**: Standard | | **Interval Wipers**: Standard | | **Rear Wiper**: Standard | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Seating & Features | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Second Row Folding Seat**: Standard | | **Cargo Area Tiedowns**: Standard | | **Cargo Net**: Optional | | **Leather Seat Upholstery**: Not on file | | **Power Seats**: Not on file | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Exterior Features | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Front Air Dam**: Standard | | **Skid Plate**: Optional | | **Steel Wheels**: Standard | | **Alloy Wheels**: Optional | | **Full Size Spare Tire**: Standard | | **Power Windows**: Standard | | **Power Adjustable Exterior Mirror**: Standard | | **Rain Sensing Wipers**: Not on file | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Death Record** | | **Record #1** | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Full Name**: Ruben Adam Garza | | **State**: Texas (TX) | | **Date of Birth**: July 1979 | | **Date of Death**: August 17, 2011 | | **Age at Death**: 45 | | **Gender**: Male | | **County**: Bexar | | **City**: Converse | | **Address**: 8940 FM 78, Converse, TX 78109 | | **Zip Code**: 78109 | | **Status**: 12/9/2016 | | **Data Source**: Not on file | +------------------------------------------------------------+ --- +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **License Information for Ruben Garza** | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **License #1** | | - **License Number**: 493509 | | - **NPN**: 11482404 | | - **Name**: Garza, Ruben Martinez | | - **License Type**: Adjuster - Active | | - **Effective Date**: 07/01/2022 | | - **Expiration Date**: 06/30/2024 | | - **Residency**: No | | - **Lines**: Property & Casualty (including WC & Crop) (01/01/2012) | | - **DBA**: RUBENGARZA | | - **City/State/Zip**: San Angelo, TX 76903 | | - **Phone**: 325-374-8204 | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **License #2** | | - **License Number**: 493509 | | - **NPN**: 11482404 | | - **Name**: Garza, Ruben Martinez | | - **License Type**: Adjuster - Active | | - **Effective Date**: 07/01/2022 | | - **Expiration Date**: 06/30/2024 | | - **Residency**: No | | - **Lines**: Property & Casualty (including WC & Crop) (01/01/2012) | | - **DBA**: RUBENGARZA | | - **City/State/Zip**: San Angelo, TX 76903 | | - **Phone**: 325-374-8204 | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **License #3** | | - **License Number**: 215834 | | - **NPN**: 2427217 | | - **Name**: Garza, Ruben | | - **License Type**: Insurance Producer - Agent Request | | - **Effective Date**: 02/01/2007 | | - **Expiration Date**: 05/19/2008 | | - **Residency**: No | | - **Lines**: No lines assigned | | - **City/State/Zip**: San Antonio, TX 78288 | | - **Phone**: 800-531-8111 | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **License #4** | | - **License Number**: 100128576 | | - **NPN**: 11482404 | | - **Name**: Garza, Ruben Martinez | | - **License Type**: Independent Adjuster - Active | | - **Effective Date**: 07/01/2022 | | - **Expiration Date**: 06/30/2024 | | - **Residency**: No | | - **Lines**: Property (02/09/2016) | | - **City/State/Zip**: San Angelo, TX 76903 | | - **Phone**: 325-374-8204 | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **License #5** | | - **License Number**: 49102 | | - **NPN**: 2427217 | | - **Name**: Garza, Ruben | | - **License Type**: Insurance Producer - Inactive | | - **Effective Date**: 01/14/2007 | | - **Expiration Date**: 01/14/2009 | | - **Residency**: No | | - **Lines**: No lines assigned | | - **City/State/Zip**: San Antonio, TX 78288 | | - **Phone**: 800-531-8111 | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **License #6** | | - **License Number**: 11482404 | | - **NPN**: 11482404 | | - **Name**: Garza, Ruben Martinez | | - **License Type**: Adjuster - Active | | - **Effective Date**: 07/01/2022 | | - **Expiration Date**: 06/30/2024 | | - **Residency**: No | | - **Lines**: Casualty (01/10/2017); Property (01/10/2017) | | - **City/State/Zip**: San Angelo, TX 76903 | | - **Phone**: 325-374-8204 | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **License #7** | | - **License Number**: 2427217 | | - **NPN**: 2427217 | | - **Name**: Garza, Ruben NMN | | - **License Type**: Agent - Inactive | | - **Effective Date**: 01/15/2008 | | - **Expiration Date**: 01/14/2009 | | - **Residency**: No | | - **Lines**: No lines assigned | | - **City/State/Zip**: San Antonio, TX 78288 | | - **Phone**: 800-531-8100 | | - **Home State**: Arkansas | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **License #8** | | - **License Number**: 1378800 | | - **NPN**: 1251292 | | - **Name**: Garza, Ruben Javier | | - **License Type**: Adjuster - Inactive | | - **Effective Date**: 03/01/2019 | | - **Expiration Date**: 02/28/2021 | | - **Residency**: No | | - **Lines**: No lines assigned | | - **City/State/Zip**: Richardson, TX 22031 | | - **Phone**: 855-341-8184 | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | **License #9** | | - **License Number**: 1104808 | | - **NPN**: 11482404 | | - **Name**: Garza, Ruben Martinez | | - **License Type**: CAT Adjuster 2011: For Catastrophic Emergency Only | | - **Effective Date**: 09/02/2011 | | - **Residency**: No | | - **Lines**: No lines assigned | | - **City/State/Zip**: San Angelo, TX | | - **Phone**: 325-374-8204 | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Job History for Ruben Garza** | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Company Name**: DRS Technologies | | - **Title**: Senior Electronic Technician | | - **Location**: N/A | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Company Name**: WiQuest Communications | | - **Title**: Lab Manager / Senior Electronic Technician | | - **Location**: N/A | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Company Name**: Freescale Semiconductor | | - **Title**: Lab Manager / Engineering Technician | | - **Location**: N/A | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Company Name**: Motorola Semiconductor | | - **Title**: Lab Manager / Engineering Technician | | - **Location**: N/A | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Political Contributions by Ruben A. Garza** | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Contributor**: Ruben Garza - Self Employed | | - **Location**: McAllen, TX | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Contributor**: Ruben A. Garza - USWA International | | - **Location**: Rotan, TX | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Contributor**: Ruben A. Garza - USWA International | | - **Location**: Rotan, TX | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Contributor**: Ruben A. Garza - USWA International | | - **Location**: Rotan, TX | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Contributor**: Ruben A. Garza - USWA International | | - **Location**: Rotan, TX | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Contributor**: Ruben A. Garza - USWA International | | - **Location**: Rotan, TX | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Contributor**: Ruben A. Garza - USWA International | | - **Location**: Rotan, TX | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Contributor**: Ruben A. Garza - USWA International | | - **Location**: Rotan, TX | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Contributor**: Ruben A. Garza - USWA International | | - **Location**: Rotan, TX | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Contributor**: Ruben A. Garza - USWA International | | - **Location**: Rotan, TX | +---------------------------------------------------------------+