Rosanna is an online criminal who has posted revenge porn, doxxed minors, skinned a cat, and sent death and rape threats. This is simply a retaliation. >Name: Rosanna Valerie Poole (Original name unknown. Claims that they’re going to detransition.) >Date of Birth: March 13th, 2003. (Confirmed by Rose and her twitter account.) >Addresses: 230 High Avenue, Byesville, Ohio 43723. Lives here with her aunt since 2017 to current. 2025 Ryan Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45219 [2014 - 2017] Lived here with her grandma until she died. >Phone number: +1 (513) 319-8947 Carrier: AT&T >SSN: 296-06-4428 ( Valid: Yes Issuance Location: Ohio Estimated Age: 19-21 >Local police department: Phone number: +1 (740) 685-2121 Website: https://byesvilleoh. gov/welcome/police/ >Current Twitter Account: @CultOfTrolling I will update this in the future. CREDIT TO rose_exposed FOR LIKE ALL OF THE INFO LOL -Mortis