 ┃ >  ...                                                     ~:bash - JewConsole (V.66.6)                                                 -  ❏  x ┃

@deadbwy:~$ cat rocket.txt                                                    \+                         +/                                 ^!^
                                                                               |                         |          ^!^      
                         _                                                     x                         x                 
                      __) \__                                                  |                         |                 
                      \/_  , \                               ._                x                         x                 ^!^
                       \    )|                              / c                |                         |                 
                   \  _|_ _/\_\                          __/ _|___             x                         x                 
                  _)\/    _\                            | ' / _.-/             |                         |        ^!^                ^!^
                   |/   _|_/\                       ___/_   _/                 x                         x                 
                    |    \   )                     / ,    _/                   |                         |                 
                     \   |  /                    _/ (    |                     x                         x                 
                      \  ' /                  _./__,|   /                      |                         |                ^!^
                      /  ) )                 (),/   |  /                       x                         x                 
                     /  / ,                  | /    ) /                        |                         |                          ^!^
                     | /\ |                  \|    / )                        / \                       / \                
                     |/  \|                       |  /                    ┏x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x┓            
                     /    |           //,,        | /                     ┃                                   ┃        ^!^                      ^!^   
           //,,     /(    )\         ,7 _/        /(                      x   Circle I    -   Introduction    x            
          ,7 _/    /,/   '-.\_       >_/(,       /_.-                     ┃                                   ┃            ^!^
          >_/(,  .--------"-----.  __  \ \  .--------'-----.              x   Circle II   -   HOA             x                           ^!^
        __  \ \  |________|_____|-\/\\/ ,'\ |________|_____|              ┃                                   ┃            
      -\/\\/ ,'\  _|______\____\    |'_/// \ _|______\____\               x   Circle III  -   Personal Info   x                  ^!^
         |'_/// \/________\____\         \, /________\____\               ┃                                   ┃            
              \, |  ____  |    |_________/__|________|____|               x   Circle IV   -   Emails          x            
              /  | |___ | |    |__________________|  |    |               ┃                                   ┃                                ^!^
             / _/|/____/| |    |__________________\  |    |               x   Circle V    -   Socials         x           ^!^ 
            (_(  |)_____) |    |__________________(  -    |               ┃                                   ┃            
              \\ |        |    |          )\|        |    |               x   Circle VI   -   IP              x            
               )\|        |    |         /_||        |    |               ┃                                   ┃                        ^!^
              /_||        -    |            |        |    |               x   Circle VII  -   Father          x            
                 |        |    |            |        |    |               ┃                                   ┃            ^!^                 
                 |        |    |            |        |    |               x   Circle VIII -   Mother            x            
                 |        |    |            |        |    |               ┃                                   ┃                          ^!^
                 |        |    |            |        |                    x   Circle IX   -   Misc            x            
                 |        |    |            |        |                    ┃                                   ┃ 
                 |        |    |            |        |                    x   Circle IIX   -  Credits         x 
                 |        |    |                                          ┃                                   ┃           
                 |        |                                               ┗x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x┛        
┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle I - Introduction ┃

Hello, there.
Tsk tsk tsk, another Dahoodian bites the dust! Welcome, everyone, to the long awaited demise of Joey, otherwise known by his
infamous alias, atkrocket. Joey, from a young age, was neglected by his family. His father passed away from cancer, and his mother failed to provide that unconditional
love that is neccessary for a mans growth, as well as devlopment. Due to the neglegence hes been facing his entire life, he resorted to take out his anger with the world on E-Girls that were
unlucky enough to come accross his path. His creepy behaviour towards these individuals are the reason were gathered here today, for yet another pedophilic Dahoodian
recieves their own spot in the land of Doxed Rejects.

After being fail doxed by incel Dahoodians, I've looked into them and scraped info that had relevance, or was somehow accurate and still up to date. Various information
crucial for a well developed dox was found simply by OSINT, however that does not discredit the previous fail doxes on Rocket, so I will be putting links to them at the bottom
of this paste.

Joey continues to groom minors, wizzing discord servers as a form of entertainment, and flexes court orders, forrrrrr whatever reason.
He also made the oh so grave mistake of claiming I was "harmless" and quote on quote, "I'm a vet, best rmb that." Well, unfortunately for you Joey, being a "vet" will not save you from getting your own special
place in the Doxbin paste community. 

For those of you reading, remember that your actions online do infact have consequences, and here at doxbin, we stand by that.


Sorry for the semi short, rather mediocre dox, many paid / closed services I own have been taken down or ran out of time (will update A.S.A.P!!)

┃ DBWY ┃                                          Update Logs                                                           ┃     >.< ^_^ OwO         ┃

           › Update #00 // Doxed Released - 7/21/2024

           › Update #01 // Financial Information has been added to the "Misc" section - 7/21/2024

           › Update #02 // Minor Reformatting - 7/22/2024

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle II - HOA ┃

                                                                 x- Hall of Autism -x
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/sx6ub5.mov  -  Joey looking good for the camera
                                                                                                     ^!^                          ^!^
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/cnjtpu.png  -  Joey with his Discord Camera on
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/3arzgh.png  -  Uh oh.                                                                        ^!^
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/dhob6s.png  -  "n im a vet best rmb thjat"                                    ^!^ 
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/2w4g9y.webp  -  Joey as a kid                                         ^!^           
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/1sk71c.webp  -  Sliced up wrists (NSFW kinda)                                                     ^!^ 
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/0eh53r.webp  -  Court order he flexes                                                   ^!^ 

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle III - Personal Info ┃

  ➤ Legal Name         : Joey Sebastian Johnson                                              _._._._       _._._._       _._._._
                                                                                            | ___ |_._._._| ___ |_._._._| ___ |
  ➤ Age                : 16                                                                 | |_| |  ___  | |_| |  ___  | |_| |      Welcome To:
                                                                                            |_III_|  |_|  |_III_|  |_|  |_III_|    Pedo 'Partments
  ➤ DOB                : 02/14/2007                                                         | ___ |__III__| ___ |__III__| ___ |  Home of Joey Johnson
                                                                                            | |_| |  ___  | |_| |  ___  | |_| |
  ➤ Current Address    : 1425 Jefferson St SE, Hutchinson, MN 55350                         |_III_|  |_|  |_III_|  |_|  |_III_|
                                                                                            | ___ |__III__| ___ |__III__| ___ | _)o(_
  ➤ Race               : White                                                              | |_| |  ___  | |_| |  ___  | |_| | /(|)\
                                                                                            |_III_|  |_|  |_III_|  |_|  |_III_|   H
  ➤ Gender             : Male                                                               | ___ |__III__|_____|__III__| ___ |   H
                                                                                            | |_| |"""""""||~|~||"""""""| |_| |   H
  ➤ Occupation         : Pedophile                                                          |_III_|@@@@@@@||_|_||@@@@@@@|_III_|^~^H '
                                                                                      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@     @/=====\@     @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  ➤ IRLs               : https://files.catbox.moe/gsry25.webp

  ➤ Phone Number       : (952) 300-1035
                         » Cnam: JOE JOHNSON
                         » Provider: Verizon Wireless              
                         » Creation: 2011-03-25 05:18:00
                         » Rate Centre: TWINCITIES
                         » SMS Gateway Address: "9523001035@vtext.com"
                         » MMS Gateway Address: "9523001035@vzwpix.com

┃ DXSC ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle IV - Emails ┃

  ➤ joestinkerbell@gmail.com                                                                        *                 *                            *
    └─│Links                                                                        *                       *               *
      |-|GAID : 112092697947692741345                                                           ^!^                              ^!^
      |                             └─│Last Seen : 2024-06-21 14:38:16 (UTC)
      |-|Recovery : (•••) •••-••35 | (952) 300-1035                                                                             *             *                
      |-|Activision                                                                                                *                *
      |-|Discord                                                                                   *                                   *
      |-|Spotify                                                                                               *     *                     *
      |-|Pinterest                                                              *                                   *                                                                           
                                                                                             *               *                  *

NOTE: my OSINT.INDUSTRIES ran out and I didn't put partial emails in this dox, will put together full ones and add time to my OSINT.INDUSTRIES so i can update this part of the dox

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle V - Socials ┃

  ➤ Discord                                                                                        
    └─│rkef (1121180206753918978)                                                         /)_(\                            /)_(\
      |-| Half Token: MTEyMTE4MDIwNjc1MzkxODk3OA==                                 ______( X X )______              ______( X X )______
                                                                                  /_/_/_/\` ' `/\_\_\_\            /_/_/_/\` ' `/\_\_\_\
  ➤ Old Discord                                                                           )'_'(                            )'_'(
    └─│puyv (1054558498643509358)                                                    ____.""_"".____                  ____.""_"".____
      |-| Half Token: MTA1NDU1ODQ5ODY0MzUwOTM1OA==                                  |___|___|___|___|                |___|___|___|___|
                                                                                      |___|___|___|                    |___|___|___| 
  ➤ Old Discord                                                                         |-      |                        |-      |
    └─│taxfees(1007554719637581865)                                                     |       |                        |       |
      -| Half Token: MTAwNzU1NDcxOTYzNzU4MTg2NQ==                                      _|_______|_                      _|_______|_
                                                                                      |___|___|___|                    |___|___|___| 
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ Roblox                                                                              |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://www.roblox.com/users/1115644409/profile                                  |       |                        |       |
      |https://www.roblox.com/users/496948940/profile                                   |       |                        |       |
      |https://www.roblox.com/users/2750569800/profile                                  | `     |                        | `     |
      |https://www.roblox.com/users/1213143923/profile                                  | `     |                        | `     |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ Instagram                                                                           |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://www.instagram.com/atkrocket/                                             |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ YouTube                                                                             |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2jaf8LjX-gswoyXKHtaFOQ                         |       |                        |       |
                                                                                     ___|_______|___                  ___|_______|___

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle VI - IP     ┃

    1  »           Geographic Information                    Network Information
    ‾    ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾          │‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                   │‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
         Status: Online        │─ Country: United States of America      │─ Internet Protocol: IPv4 
         VPN: False            │─ State: MN                              │─ ISP: Mediacom Communications Corp 
         Proxies: False        │─ City: Hutchinson                       │- AS Number: 30036 
         Hosting: False        └─ Postal: 55350                          └─ Hostname: 173-22-157-64.client.mchsi.com

  » Databreaches:
    │──│ IMESH_COM_51M_MUSIC_2013
       └──│ Username: cr0244213    
          │ Email: chelsea_dawn08@hotmail.com
          │ Lastip:
          │ Hash: 8d1b90e90d2e050a44a4ed39bbe7314643806194 - Failed to crack

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle VII - Father┃

  ➤ Legal Name         : Van Allen Johnson                                              ^!^                                   ^!^
  ➤ Age                : Deceased                                                    ^!^                        ^!^
                                                                                             ^!^                                           ^!^
  ➤ DOB                : 09/**/1961
  ➤ Current Address    : 1425 Jefferson St SE, Hutchinson MN 55350
                                                                                ^!^                                               ^!^
  ➤ Race               : White
                                                                                           ^!^                 ^!^
  ➤ Gender             : Male
  ➤ Occupation         : Entrepeneur                                                     ^!^                  ^!^
  ➤ Phone Number       : (515) 520-0664
                           |Country  :  United States                            ^!^                                ^!^
                           |Carrier  :  Verizon Wireless
                           |Type     :  Wireless                                                             ^!^
                           |-|Whatsapp                                                                                 ^!^
                           |-|Microsoft                                                        ^!^                                                                                                                                                 ^!^
                           |         └─│Info
                           |           |Email Hint   : f***@*******                            ^!^             ^!^
                           |           |Phone Hint   : +15155200664
                           |         └─│Info
                           |           |Email Hint   : i***@*******                                     ^!^             ^!^
                           |           |Phone Hint   : +15155200664
                           |-| Linkedln
                                      └─│https://www.linkedin.com/in/van-johnson-948ba938      ^!^             ^!^                            
  ➤ Emails              : imrealbuzy@yahoo.com                                                                                       ^!^ 
                            └─│Links                                                            ^!^ 
                              |-| Dropbox
                              |-| Myspace
                              |-| Pinterest
                              |-| Canva
                              |                                                            ^!^                         ^!^ 
                              └─│ Databreaches
                                |-| MYSPACE_COM_357M_SOCIAL_2008
                                | └─│ Username: 76476952
                                |   │ Email: imrealbuzy@yahoo.com                                      ^!^                            ^!^ 
                                |   │ Hash: 0CE62DEAF55E1950DDC33B5D483BA7A74DB5F223 - blonde22
                                |-| CANVA_COM_133M_DESIGN_052019                                                    ^!^ 
                                | └─│ Username: imrealbuzy                                     ^!^ 
                                |   │ Email: imrealbuzy@yahoo.com
                                |   │ Name: Tammy Lambrecht Johnson                                                              ^!^ 
                                |   │ ID: 70262289                                                        ^!^ 
                                |   │ Created: 2018-05-07 15:38:03
                                |   │ Language: EN
                                |                                                                  ^!^               ^!^               ^!^ 
                                |-| VERIFICATIONS_IO_789M_MARKETING_022019
                                | └─│ email: imrealbuzy@yahoo.com
                                |   │ email: IMREALBUZY@YAHOO.COM                                                           ^!^ 
                                |-| BREACHCOMP_COMBOLIST_1400M_2020                                      ^!^ 
                                | └─│ Email: imrealbuzy@yahoo.com                                                                         ^!^ 
                                |   │ Password: blonde22                                         ^!^ 
                                |-| ANTIPUBLIC_COMBOLIST_557M_2016
                                | └─│ Email: imrealbuzy@yahoo.com                                                    ^!^ 
                                |   │ Password: blonde22
                                |-| COLLECTION1_COMBOLIST_1212M_2019                                     ^!^                         ^!^ 
                                | └─│ Email: imrealbuzy@yahoo.com
                                |   │ Password: 22ednolb
                                |   │ Password: blonde2
                                |   │ Password: blonde22
                                |   │ Password: imrealbuz                                    ^!^                     ^!^                     ^!^  
                                |   │ Password: imrealbuzy
                                |-| ANTIPUBLIC_COMBOLIST_1865M_2018
                                | └─│ Email: imrealbuzy@yahoo.com                                     ^!^                       ^!^ 
                                |   │ Password: 22ednolb
                                |   │ Password: blonde2
                                |   │ Password: blonde22                                     ^!^                 ^!^                     ^!^ 
                                |   │ Password: imrealbuz
                                |   │ Password: imrealbuzy                                  
                                                                                                      ^!^                  ^!^ 
                        : imrealbuzy@aol.com
                            └─│ Databreaches
                              |-| VERIFICATIONS_IO_789M_MARKETING_022019                      ^!^            ^!^                         ^!^          
                              | └─│ Email: imrealbuzy@aol.com               
                              |   │ Lastip:            
                              |   │ Name: Van Johnson                                                 ^!^                 ^!^          
                              |   │ Phone: 402-415-8899
                              |   │ City: Waterloo                                          ^!^                                         ^!^ 
                              |   │ State: NE
                              |   │ Zip: 68069                                                                 ^!^            
                              |   │ Url: auburn-in.com                           
                              |   │ Email: IMREALBUZY@AOL.COM                                      ^!^                         ^!^ 
                              |-| JCPENNEY_COM_2M_FASHION_092006 
                              | └─│ Email: IMREALBUZY@AOL.COM                               ^!^               ^!^                           ^!^ 
                              |   │ Name: TAMMY JOHNSON
                              |   │ Address: HUXLEY     

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle VIII - Mother┃

  ➤ Legal Name         : Tammy Lambrecht Johnson                                           ^!^                                   ^!^
  ➤ Age                : 62                                                    ^!^                        ^!^
                                                                                             ^!^                                           ^!^
  ➤ DOB                : 02/**/1962
  ➤ Current Address    : 1425 Jefferson St SE, Hutchinson MN 55350
                                                                                ^!^                                               ^!^
  ➤ Race               : White
                                                                                           ^!^                 ^!^
  ➤ Gender             : Female
  ➤ Occupation         : Entrepeneur                                                     ^!^                  ^!^
                                                                                    ^!^                                         ^!^
  ➤ Phone Number       : (515) 520-0664
                           |Country  :  United States                            ^!^                                ^!^
                           |Carrier  :  Verizon Wireless
                           |Type     :  Wireless                                                             ^!^
                           |-|Whatsapp                                                                                 ^!^
                           |-|Microsoft                                                        ^!^                                                                                                                                                  ^!^
                           |                                                 ^!^
                           |         └─│Info
                           |           |Email Hint   : f***@*******                            ^!^             ^!^                ^!^
                           |           |Phone Hint   : +15155200664
                           |-|Facebook                                               ^!^
                           |         └─│Info
                           |           |Email Hint   : i***@*******                                     ^!^             ^!^
                           |           |Phone Hint   : +15155200664

                      : (402) 359-2706
                           |Country  :  United States                            ^!^                                ^!^
                           |Carrier  :  Qwest Corporation
                           |Type     :  Landline                                                    ^!^

  ➤ Emails              : tammy.johonson@concentric.net 

  ➤ Past Addresses      : Po Box 124 Valley NE 68064 (August 1992)
                          210 Dahlia St Mahtomedi MN 55115 (January 2019)
                          4534 Elk Cir St Bonifacius MN 55375 (January 2008)
                          4534 Elk Cir Minnetrista MN 55375 (January 2008 - Home Phone: (515) 520-0664)
                          4534 Elk Cir Saint Bonifacius MN 55375 (Febuary 2009 - Home Phone: (515) 520-0664)
                          506 Parkwood Cir Huxley IA 50124 (March 2005 - Home Phone: (515) 520-0664))
                          900 Timberlane Huxley IA 50124 (March 2005) 
                          3607 N 267th Plz Waterloo NE 68069 (September 1998) 
                          312 W Waring St Valley NE 68064 (September 1992)
                          Po Box 124 Leshara NE 68064 (August 1992)

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle IX - Misc   ┃
                        └─│Title: Operations Manager
                          |Level: Manager-Level
                          |Industry: Religious Insitutions
                          |Department: Operations
                          |City: Minneapolis
                          |State: MN
                          |Address: 4319 Steiner ST Saint Bonifacius MN 55375
                          |Business Email: van.johnson@syngenta.com
                          |Corporate Number: (952)446-9090

 ➤ Due to both of the parents having a shit ton of information connected to them, I only included their main info - extra emails, numbers, etc will be below 

   : Dad's Emails: vanjohnson744@yahoo.com

   : Dad's Numbers: (515) 597-2182
                    (515) 520-0196
                    (952) 353-4847
                    (402) 359-2706
                    (952) 446-9090
                    (402) 415-8899
                    (402) 432-2014
                    (952) 283-1312
                    (704) 462-2671
                    (704) 325-3975
                    (828) 757-3155

   : Mom's Numbers: (515) 520-0196
                    (952) 353-4847
                    (515) 597-2182
                    (952) 446-9090
                    (952) 283-1312
   : Misc E-Mails: imrealbuzy@verizon.net

  ➤ Billing info - I obtained a record from one of the many times Joey's Discord Account was token logged, also found a PDF from Google Dorking
     :  Card Number: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-4728
     :  Card Type: Discover Bank
     :  Name: Tammy Johnson
     :  Expiration Date: 3/28

     TRANSACTION HISTORY                                                                 Amount
     :  11/02 11/05 24445007307200089 HOBBY LOBBY #383 ROCK HILL SC                      183.85
     :  11/02 11/05 24445007307100118 DOLLAR GENERAL #7413 GREAT FALLS SC                66.69
     :  11/07 11/08 24445007312000446 USPS PO 4535400055 GREAT FALLS SC                  98.00
     :  11/15 11/16 24692167319100267 Amazon FreeTime Unld 866-216-1072 WA               3.23
        Purchase ID: 4RBGQX2C50YDYJ9CF
        TOTAL XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-4728                                                       $351.77

     :  Card Number: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-1188
     :  Card Type: Visa
     :  Name: Tammy Johnson
     :  Expiration Date: 4/26

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle IIX - Credits┃

                                                                                                  [ Credits ]
                             __o__                                                   ┏x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x┓
                            /\ | /\  ,__,             \                                                                                       ^!^
                           /__\|/__\o/o /             /                 ,             Majority of Paste - deadbwy
           __(\          ,   , |    `7 /              \_               /)             >> https://doxbin.net/user/deadbwy       ^!^
       _.-'   \\        _)\_/) |    __||___,     <----)_)---<<        //              
    ,-'  _.---'\\      (/ (6\> |___// /_ /_\ ,_,_,   / )\            //               Special Thanks :                                    ^!^
  ,'_.--'       \\    /`  _ /\>/._\/\/__/\ | =/= /  / /  \_         //                
                 \\  / ,_//\  \>' , / ,/ / ) `0 /  / /,__, \       //                x-----------------------------------x          ^!^
                  \\ \_('o  | )> _)\_/) |\/  __\\_/ /o/o /-       //                  Zeth - Moral Support
              ,   ,\\  `7 / /   (/ (0\>  , _/,/ /_'/ \j /      o<\>>o                 Uw - https://doxbin.net/upload/RocketNoFear
             _)\_/) \\,__\\_\' /`  _ /\>_)\_/)|_|_/ __//___,____/_\                   D0A - https://doxbin.net/upload/AutisticRetardSebastianJoeyJohnsonAzer
            (/ (9\>  \\_) | / / ,_//\  (/ (6\> )_/_// /_ /__\_/_/                    ┗x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x┛                  ^!^
           /`  _ /\> /\\\/_/ '\_('  | /`  _ /\>/._\/\/__/                            -x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x-
          / ,_//\  \>' \_)/  \_|  _/// ,_//\  \>    _)_/                               -x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x-
          \_('  |  )>  x / _/ / _/  \\_('\||  )>   x)_::\       ______,                  -x x x x x x x x x x x x x x-
                /  \>_//( (  / /--.,/     +/  \>__//  o /----.,/(  )\\))                   -x x x x x x x x x x x x-             ^!^
                \'  \| ) \| / /    / '     \'  \|  )___/ \     \/  \\\\\            ^!^      -x x x x x x x x x x-
                /    +-/</\/ /    /  \_|   /    +-/o/----+      |                              -x x x x x x x x-         ^!^                 ^!^
               / '     \ _/,/  _ / _/ / _// '     \_\,  ___     /                                -x x x x x x-
              /  \_|  _// ( __,/( (  / / /  \_|  _/\_|-" /,    /              ^!^                  -x x x x-
             / _/ / _/  ^-' |  | \| / / / _/ / _/   )\|  |   _/                                      -x x-         ^!^           ^!^
            ( (  / /    /_/  \_ \_\/ / ( (  / /    /_/ \_ \_(__     ^!^                                x
             \| / /           / /_/,/   \| / /           / /  /
              \/ /           / // (      \/ /           / / _/                        ^!^                                ^!^                ^!^
             _/,/          _/_/,^-'     _/,/          _/_/,/
            / (           /_/ (        / (           /_/ (                                           ^!^
            ^-'             ^-'        ^-'             ^-'

Thanks whoever the fuck made this format
Telegram @deadbwy