The reason this dox is being posted is due to pedophilia. The person who I will be talking about goes 
by the name of "Arthur Trusov" also known as "WhoToTrus" on ROBLOX. In 2020, sent dirty and disturbing messages to a 
15 year old by the name of John. John turned 16 and explained how they have never had any type
of relationship. Then Arthur proceeds to talk to a 14 year old about do people like it better when men shave or some weird shit.
He was around the age of 19-20 when he did all of this stuff. He came from a beatdown ass home in Jacksonville Florida. When he was around 18,
he convinced his parents to move to Tennessee where he would attend a university. He's a gay furry faggot who also likes to talk about
cocaine and orgies with 13 year olds in the Discord chat.

Full name - Arthur Trusov
Age - around 22-23 now
Address - 3031 Butterfield Ave, Murfreesboro, TN
Roblox - "WhoToTrus"
Discord - trus#0001
FaceBook - arthur.trusov
Person Linkedin - arthurtrusov
"Company" Linkedin - trusov-llc
Artstation - arthurtrusov
Twitter - 3Dtrus
Abandoned YouTube Channel -
His Own Personal Website -