
Name: Robert A Mhetu
Age:20 14th of September 2003
Account: Nummber&SortCode: 77-12-26 25290460
Number: +44 07414 968751
Discord: robpersico
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/n1_r1_m1/
SnapChat: r1dizzle 
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1vLgRSjKQO8P9xKceEusO0
Email: robertmhetujr@gmail.com
PayPal: https://paypal.me/RaskillaMC?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB
Picture: https://i.postimg.cc/6Qh628Yh/image.png   https://postimg.cc/SXrVLW1C
Context: got caught on a discord server talking to a multiple minors naked while high and drunk then
starts screaming at his mum for catching his ass talking to little kids proceeds to be transphobic and a low life drug dealer .  

DICK PICK HE SENT TO A MINOR https://postimg.cc/xq08FLxq
