`7MM"""Yb.     .g8""8q.`YMM'   `MP' `7MM"""Yp, `7MMF'`7MN.   `7MF'
  MM    `Yb. .dP'    `YM.VMb.  ,P     MM    Yb   MM    MMN.    M  
  MM     `Mb dM'      `MM `MM.M'      MM    dP   MM    M YMb   M  
  MM      MM MM        MM   MMb       MM"""bg.   MM    M  `MN. M  
  MM     ,MP MM.      ,MP ,M'`Mb.     MM    `Y   MM    M   `MM.M  
  MM    ,dP' `Mb.    ,dP',P   `MM.    MM    ,9   MM    M     YMM  
.JMMmmmdP'     `"bmmd"'.MM:.  .:MMa..JMMmmmd9  .JMML..JML.    YM  

|                                                                     |
|                    "Im bestww"                                      |
|              - Riverlin (The biggest try hard faggot)               |
|                                                                     |

┼ 0x01 ~ Introduction.                                                ┼
Welcome to the dox bin paste of Riverlin also known as Mary the biggest faggot lord life has to offer. This toxic e-girl is constantly starting drama within
multiple discord servers. This won't be a long dox since I don't wanna give this bitch any attention but she's a total conceded faggot. This girl is the nastiest skank bitch I've ever met. Do not trust her. She is a fugly slut.

Riverlin is being charged with these offenses:
+Being a faggot
+ Toxic Bitch

┼ 0x02 ~ Personal Information.....                                    ┼
Full Name: Mary jane
DOB: 4/20/1999
Age: 20
Mother: Stacy Jane
Father: Greg Hernandez 
Roblox: Bestww1999
Hulu: maryjane1999@gmail.com
┼ 0x03 ~ IP Information                                               ┼
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